iTunes 12.2 a word of warning

Given the fairly massive library of music my family has in our iTunes library, I am actually enjoying the new Apple Music ... maybe even enough to dump Spotify (assuming Apple cleans up the music app through a couple of updates). We'll see. One cool thing? I had a CD from the 80s I imported that was 'matched' by iTunes by I could keep my original rips (the 'remaster' version I found inferior), and now an expanded version was released on Apple Music and so suddenly my 'album' seamlessly combines the original CD, remaster and bonus tracks without worry about source.

But my biggest gripe remains that for on-the-go music, we have seen constant degradation of the simple 'play my music' concept from the basic iPod. Driving this morning and trying to sample songs from a new album I just got to review was an annoying reminder of this.
Oct 18, 2006
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