Kickstarter Games - Monsters and Undead


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
A new Kickstarter update from Black Geyser about monsters and the undead. Thanks Farflame!

The Dark Side: Monsters and Undead

In the beginning Yerengal knew only peace and harmony. A tranquility of blissful ignorance eroded over the years as the dark, malevolent gods came down and took physical form.

Often formed from unnatural unions between god and mortal, creatures of a vile, perverted nature were spawned. These monsters consumed the innocent and fed on fear...

Left behind when the gods returned to the heavens, these creatures multiplied and spread across all of Yerengal. Even today, they lurk and thrive in the shadows, where only foolish or brave men tread.

Restless Undead

Restless Undead were one of the first creations of the dark gods in Yerengal. Though many religious texts claim their origins were not deliberate creations, but rather, the unexpected aftermath of godly offense.

Like the name suggests, Restless Undead are mortal souls so wronged in life or so fixated on some aspect of their life, they've come back from the other side. Reanimated corpses or possessed objects, functioning on a purely primal level.

Though not all Restless Undead are hostile, many find the presence of the living offensive and are empowered by their destruction—either by the eating of their flesh, or the absorption of their life-energy. The Restless Undead are indeed extremely dangerous.

Animated Undead

Where the Restless Undead come back on their own, or are encouraged to return by some dark unnatural phenomenon, Animated Undead are brought back by direct and deliberate arcane command.

These beings are not bound by their previous life in any way and exist only to serve their master. As the dark arts of animating undead have grown extensively throughout the centuries, so have holy magics to oppose such creatures. The methods of countering Animated Undead are easier and more effective than countering Restless Undead.

For all intents and purposes, Animated Undead are weaker than their Restless Undead cousins. But make no mistake, dark mages and priests of Yerengal often summon these undead minions in mass, where they are more than formidable to even the most battle-hardened party.
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Also, don't miss the opportunity to pledge an extra $15, or over $100, to get both of the DLCs, each of which will be a 15-20 hour expansion. :nod: :celebrate: :flower:
Nov 8, 2014
Glad that people like this game with 21 days to go, min. amount almost financed. Devs seems to care a lot about this one! Plus its professionally executed, so we connoisseurs can have our satisfaction too.
Mar 21, 2013
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