Another game to be slightly delayed: King Arthur: Knight's Tale is pushed back to March 29.
More information.Release Date Update - A Message From The Team
in order to apply final touches and be able to provide a great launch experience, we have decided to move the release date of Knight's Tale from February 15 to March 29, 2022. The new date will make for a stronger release and a really polished version of King Arthur: Knight's Tale.
We are currently working on the last bits of the campaign and the endgame, however, there's still work to be done before we can take you to the farthest reaches of Avalon to confront the Once and Future King - and whatever may come beyond that. The wait won't be much longer and we'll make sure to have a lot of new information for you in the meantime.
As the pandemic situation is still very uncertain, we are putting health and security first, however, working from home does come with slight delays. We're confident that Knight's Tale will be ready by the end of March, and your journey in Avalon can finally begin.
We're delighted to announce that we're organizing a PvP community event, for those who supported us on Kickstarter's higher tiers, as well as streamers and members of our community. More details on that later, but make sure to sharpen your blades until then!
At the same time, we are also getting ready to show more of the campaign later this month!
Thank you for your continued support, and as always...
Avalon awaits!