Henriquejr spotted a new patch for King Arthur: Knight's Tale:
More information.Content Update for Knight's Tale - Patch v0.0.4 | June 10
Knight's Tale's newest update is out now, containing numerous changes, new additions and more
Knights, patch v0.0.4 for King Arthur: Knight's Tale is now live! This update is focused on Act 1 of the story, and contains new side mission maps, new playable heroes, all the remaining buildings in Camelot, new character management systems (Loyalty, Traits, an extended Morality Chart), and many various new additions. Some systems and layouts got revamped and further polished, combat and gameplay got further balanced and a lot of bugs got fixed. This is our second and by far the biggest update since King Arthur: Knight's Tale went into Early Access.
Due to the massive amount of changes - like the alteration of the story campaign and many more - your previously saved progress won't be compatible with v0.0.4.