Kingdom Come - 5 Million Copies sold

I think this game has sold so well because it fits very well into the current "manliness" fashion, or "how to be a manly knight", so to say.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Henry starts as a dirty simple blacksmith apprentice - not as a shiny knight. Play the game before you make assumptions.
Oct 18, 2006
I think this game has sold so well because it fits very well into the current "manliness" fashion, or "how to be a manly knight", so to say.

Or perhaps just because it was a good game?...

It's not as if games that let you play a knight, a soldier, or any other "manly" figures were a rarity.

As for this being a fashion, it's pretty constant since several hundred years... but I guess some fashion can be persistants :p
Nov 4, 2007
Quebec city
I love this game. Played it fully several times.
Combat is tough until you learn how to riposte. Learn it as soon as possible. After the quest where you learn how to fight from Cpt. Bernard in Rattay, go back to him and ask him to train master techniques and he will teach you how to riposte.
For archery there is an option in the config file to enable bow crosshair, which makes it a lot easier.
Oct 18, 2006
The highest difficulty setting has a lot of really annoying things, like no fast travel and not showing your location on the map, and the default save system fits in well with them. The kind of person who likes to ride 20+ times between the same towns would have no problem spending 5 minutes to brew a bunch of potions just so they can save their game! It just feels like cheating if you opt for the hardest difficult and then mod it to make it easier - but I guess it is very subjective. I think Warhorse did make a big mistake making such a frustrating save system on the difficulty level that most people would play on.

The regular difficulty is far more accessible apart from the save system. I did try the hardest setting but I just found it less fun.

I wish the difficulty was a little more customizable. There are some things I like about Hardcore mode that I would use in normal mode if it allowed us to. For example, disabling the directional indicator in melee combat. I'd rather it wasn't there, but I'm not going to play in Hardcore mode just for that.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
They needed to throw in a "P.S. Yes we are still alive" at the end. KC:D came out four years ago! Cough up another game already!!
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
They needed to throw in a "P.S. Yes we are still alive" at the end. KC:D came out four years ago! Cough up another game already!!

Despite being four years old, their Steam page is still getting frequent updates. That's rare.

I wish they had more news concerning KCD2, however.
Nov 4, 2007
Quebec city
Despite being four years old, their Steam page is still getting frequent updates. That's rare.

I wish they had more news concerning KCD2, however.
Well based on some rumors and sleuthing of the internet they are working on a new game. They just haven't officially announced it but it sounds like Kingdom Come 2.

Link -

Remember Koch Media/Embracer Group is now their owner so they have the funding.
Oct 1, 2010
Weren't they planning a trilogy originally, to fully finalize Henry's arc? I seem to vaguely remember them saying that when they decided to limit the scope of the game - I guess that means it was supposed to be bigger at first?

Anyway, was playing this but lost steam due to RL. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to it soonish.

Well based on some rumors and sleuthing of the internet they are working on a new game. They just haven't officially announced it but it sounds like Kingdom Come 2.

Link -

If that's all the rumor there is, it could be anything.
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
I think this game has sold so well because it fits very well into the current "manliness" fashion, or "how to be a manly knight", so to say.

Current manliness fashion? I thought current fashion was that men are toxic by nature and in need of a cure...
Jul 12, 2009
Weren't they planning a trilogy originally, to fully finalize Henry's arc? I seem to vaguely remember them saying that when they decided to limit the scope of the game - I guess that means it was supposed to be bigger at first?

Anyway, was playing this but lost steam due to RL. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to it soonish.

Their original plan was to split the game into three parts, with new areas being unlocked like an expansion. But this was before they knew whether they'd find a publisher or how the Kickstarter would do.

I played part of the game awhile back and was rather enjoying it. I've found in recent years that first person games make me nauseous so I put it aside. I should probably experiment with different graphics settings to see if that helps.
Last edited:
Apr 9, 2013
Their original plan was to split the game into three parts, with new areas being unlocked like an expansion. But this was before they knew whether they'd find a publisher or how the Kickstarter would do.

I played part of the game awhile back and was rather enjoying it. I've found in recent years that first person games make me nauseous so I put it aside. I should probably experiment with different graphics settings to see if that helps.

I think that you should try to change the FOV until you feel you like it, also a stable frame rate helps.
Aug 17, 2008
I've found in recent years that first person games make me nauseous so I put it aside. I should probably experiment with different graphics settings to see if that helps.

I've seen a mod to remove head bobbing (here), since it's not an uncommon problem. Maybe that could help if that's not about FOV, at least for this game.

Something else the developers should include in the options.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Oct 1, 2010
Combat is tough. Both archery and melee but I would say archery is even more difficult.

M&B is fairly simplistic fun, not too far from Skyrim. KCD combats are much more challenging where you have to deal with quick attack, long attack, attack direction and combo. Add to this that you start as fairly weak. You are the son of a smith who got very little training as a kid so even fighting street thugs can be pretty challenging (not to mention those cuman soldiers you meet early in the game, but you aren't supposed to fight them!).

So yes, combat can be pretty challenging and even frustrating, when you begin. But if you persevere, spend some time with the trainer, it can get really fun and rewarding.
I loved archery it was great because the the controls didn't sux and i have noe problem playing without reticle did it all the time back in action quake. The fact that something is hard got nothing to do with the whole thing.

i'm was talking strictly controls and Kingdom Come is not hard at all at least to the part i played it admittedly it wasn't far due to melee combat controls be so janky and rigid, it was just too tiresome for me.
Nov 8, 2019
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