Kingdom Come: Deliverance - The Art of Waiting


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Warhorse Studios has a new blog post for Kingdom Come: Deliverance about finding a publisher. Give it a look and check out the other blog posts on our site to read more about the struggle.

One of the publishers who had been to visit us had their greenlight meeting shortly after, but for some reason our game hadn’t made it to the agenda. The next one would be held in a month, and our takeaway from that turn of events was that further interaction would be unproductive. The other big publisher also postponed their decision about our game to their next greenlight meeting, so we counted them out, too.

The smaller publisher, however, started exhibiting increased activity. They wanted more info about our budget, a playable demo, and to do their own focus group testing. It looks promising.

If this does not work out, though, we have a problem. The only other option would be to try to persuade our investor to back the whole game by himself – not very likely – or to find a co-investor. We tried contacting a few people, but it didn’t look good. One investment banker from London told us in no uncertain terms that PC and consoles are dead, and if we’re not making a free-to-play MMO for iPad, we’ve got no chance. This is, of course, rubbish, but being right is little help to us.

So that’s where we stand. We believe in our game, but selling a novel concept to publishers is difficult. Welcome to the exciting world of game development!

The grand finale of this story will start next month. But before that, we have prepared a kind of Christmas present for all of you: the first official TEASER video, a new teaser website, and the official name for our new RPG – Kingdom Come: Deliverance!

More information.
Oct 1, 2010
So do they not have a publisher yet? Did they consider the crowd-funding route?
No they do you will find out who it is in January. These post follow their journey to get one. I'm assuming it's the smaller publisher mentioned in the end.
Last edited:
Oct 1, 2010
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