Kingdom Come - Review

Yeah it's a good game but I'm sorry it's not a masterpiece. Now I played it three times and enjoyed it immensely, but that damn ending is unsatisfying every damn time.:shakefist:
Oct 1, 2010
Yeah it's a good game but I'm sorry it's not a masterpiece. Now I played it three times and enjoyed it immensely, but that damn ending is unsatisfying every damn time.:shakefist:
An almost masterpiece !
Jan 8, 2009
The Netherlands
Haven't gotten to the end yet (so no spoilers please), but IIRC the game was supposed to be a lot bigger initially, but was split into 3 parts (with KC: D being part 1).

From their KS FAQ:
Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Act I, as it is planned, is a full scale, stand-alone game. It has 30+ hours of gameplay, complete open world map, all quests and closed story line. Most (if not all) game mechanics described above will be included: horse riding, combat, castle sieges, there will be at least one large-scale battle. Acts II & III extend the story, add new environment in separate maps, new quests, gear and weapons. They will also add new quests to the map of Act I. It will be possible to travel between maps of all Acts, some quests will require you to visit all of them.

We definitely intend to make Acts II & III and release them as soon as possible. However, our funding and schedule does not reach past first Act. We will finalize our plans for the release of Acts II & III when we get closer to the release date of Act I.

However, I don't think there's any word to date yet about Act II, or whether it's in production at all, so I am kinda skeptical we'll ever see it.
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
I'm not surprised to see a review from WolfheartFPS, he did a few live streams and he was obviously enjoying the game a lot. :D

I've seen several comments stating that the current KCD actually includes acts 1 & 2, and the 3rd act was supposed to be a later release. But I haven't seen any answer from Warhorse Studios about that next version, only "we can't say anything", as if they couldn't simply explain the situation...

There have been rumours that they were working on it, but no solid reference. After all this time, I wouldn't count on it but who knows, maybe one day we'll have a nice surprise.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
A masterpiece, the trailer of which was so booOooring that I fell asleep. Hype level was in the low -1000s..
Mar 21, 2013
A masterpiece, the trailer of which was so booOooring that I fell asleep. Hype level was in the low -1000s..
I don't know about the trailer, but I couldn't get more than a few hours into the game itself. Just seemed like a dull slog.
Sep 26, 2007
worst Melee combat in any rpg ever made> the game made me feel like i had one hand or something... That camera lock whatever it was thing... Ruind that part of the game. Archery was good though.
Nov 8, 2019
I have a harder time with melee combat than with archery, though the way the bow moves is much exaggerated. Hopefully it gets more realistic after levelling up, maybe the MC is not very strong.

The melee combat has some good ideas, but the problem is the lack of proper explanation on how the user is supposed to control it at the beginning, and there is no real opportunity to test it until later in the game. Then there's the mouse sensitivity that clashes with lockpicking, I don't understand why they haven't provided two sensitivity settings.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
I'm not surprised to see a review from WolfheartFPS, he did a few live streams and he was obviously enjoying the game a lot. :D

I've seen several comments stating that the current KCD actually includes acts 1 & 2, and the 3rd act was supposed to be a later release. But I haven't seen any answer from Warhorse Studios about that next version, only "we can't say anything", as if they couldn't simply explain the situation...

There have been rumours that they were working on it, but no solid reference. After all this time, I wouldn't count on it but who knows, maybe one day we'll have a nice surprise.
Act 3&4 is supposed to be made into the sequel as Henry's story was far from finished. So in effect the game is not complete but like Star War episodes were more is needed to tell.

Might I add I hate cliffhanger endings in any type of media.

Anyway the original plan was to release all the acts but it changed due to monetary reasons. I know they are working on another game but no information is available.
Oct 1, 2010
I loved KC:D. I remember my first playthrough, I did get fed up before reaching the end of the game. Then a couple years later I started playing it from the beggining, all patched up and with all DLCs and played everything to the end. ANd I finished it without feeling saturated of the game.

The non-magic medieval world, with day/night cycles, NPC schedules (something not done since Ultima games), nice graphics for this type of game, being able to play the game with different styles of play... It's a real gem. The only thing I didn't like was the save system, but a mod solved it.

Highly recommended.
Jul 30, 2007
It's certainly a great game. I enjoyed it very much.

Personally, I thought archery was much more difficult than melee. The hack and slash gameplay is much more difficult to master that Mount & Blades but they provide plenty of ways to learn it.

I love the Eastern European settings, very refreshing and different for the usual France / Britain one.

And yes, the save game mod is a must, IMO.
Nov 4, 2007
Quebec city
I had a fair share of bunnies but couldn't get a deer, maybe it's just the type of arrows.

Those cutscenes keep driving me mad. There was an opportunity to loot cumans I just killed but no, another cutscene thought it was more appropriate to directly transport me miles away from there and put something else urgent to do.

They're nice, but I really wish it were a more open world, I hate games that are on rails.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
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