Kingdom Come - Reviews

Are people really arguing that there were black people in rural Bohemia? You can make the case that there were a few black people in the cities but rural Bohemia? For what purpose would black people go there?
Jul 22, 2012
Eh, there's barely any difference, "alt right" vs. SJW. Both are lazy intelectually, ad hominems, hyperboles and very selective viewpoint, identity politics.

I've read of "controversy" from Vavra and there is nothing really scandalous about it, seems more an "old school" dude, who prefers any politics left out the games.

Yep, the further you go to one side, the less nuance you are going to get. Which is why I am trying to find a group of classical liberals to talk to.
Jul 22, 2012
I think we're drifting towards a society where everything we think/do has to be sanitized so as not to offend…someone. I used to chuckle at the Saudi regime with their "Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice". That will never happen here, I thought. And yet that mindset seems to be taking hold on the left too. How long before we have some committee to police games to make sure they don't offend someone? Like the film boards in some countries (like mine)? It seems we are experiencing increased thought policing, not less as we "evolve"…
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
Well, our lords and masters (PiS) are right now involved in a farcical high rope act: they've passed a new law which become popular with our nationalists and anti-semites (PiS gained almost 10% in the opinion polls) but mightily pissed off Israelis. So now they try to figure out how to placate Israelis without loosing support of nationalists and anti-semites. If it wasn't my country I would laugh myself silly…
Jan 10, 2008
I am enjoying the game and it is drawing me in, though I am not very far in at all.

Whether I switch to ultra high or very high, I had occasional and massive FPS drops at random times. This happened only in the very beginning though and I haven't had it in some time. Hope it keeps up but I also hear they are working on the optimization.

Also experienced quite a few crashes and after being forced to replay a certain part for three times, I downloaded the unlimited save mode. I really do not appreciate the save system since frequently I just game for 10 - 20 minutes before deciding on reading or looking at something. Running the game in the background also doesn't work since all the buttons become deactivated.

I like the style of the game and I enjoy the setting. The main character is likeable and relatable. Don't care a bit about the SJW nonsense; stopped following that insanity or any news really months ago.
May 7, 2008
As I see it people place labels on others to make things simple for them. There is me and those who agree with me and there are the other ones. I don't like lefties/SJWs/Alt-Right/Conservatives/Trumpies or whatever, so let me just put that label on them. It doesn't matter if the person placed under that label actually fits into that (usually) narrow view, but it is a negative label, so it serves the purpose. It looks like the only thing that people want to achieve with it, is to try and kill any form of discussion by using an 'acceptable' way of name-calling and putting the other person down.

I think that using labels achieves the opposite of what forums are for. As long as it is within the defined rules for that forum, different views should be possible without resorting to labels.
Aug 30, 2006
What is important is trying to understand the viewpoint of others and also to tolerate viewpoints you yourself might dislike. Those who call names usually are too emotionally involved or intolerant to actually discuss things.
I find it amusing , as others do here, that a reviewer attacked a historical game for not including a group of people that were virtually non-existent in that place at that time.
I also do not believe as some here do that including more women/minorities/homosexuals in games is necessarily a political statement. It occurs to me that the audience for computer games has expanded massively over the last decade, and people tend to want to play someone they can relate to in a computer game, so its a commercially sound tactic to offer a growing non-european, non-male audiences an option to play something other than a white male, especially in an appropriate setting, like a sci-fi or post-apocalyptic setting.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
A few things to add…
1. No kids in the game (and no reviewer went crazy on that)
2. No female bandits and villains (and no reviewer went crazy on that)
3. Whichever reviewer told you there are no homosexuals in the game, didn't play it as there are

Not sure about what minorities…

Anyway, there should be an option to rate reviewers themselves somewhere.
Apr 12, 2009
Are people really arguing that there were black people in rural Bohemia? You can make the case that there were a few black people in the cities but rural Bohemia? For what purpose would black people go there?

People used to commonly speak 20th century English/ French/German in rural Bohemia.

Source: a historically accurate vid product.

A few things to add…
1. No kids in the game (and no reviewer went crazy on that)
There were no kids in Bohemia. Source: a historically accurate vid product.

Anyway, there should be an option to rate reviewers themselves somewhere.
And players. Players, more than anyone else.
Mar 29, 2011
There were no kids in Bohemia. Source: a historically accurate vid product.
From the same source it's obvious people didn't poop at all. How's that even possible don't ask me.

And players. Players, more than anyone else.
Players already have rating in form of silly achievements.
Any RPG that calls itself decent has an achievement or more that speaks about sidequests completition.

Reviewers however can easily lie that they completed a game and know what they're talking about or are writing whatever based only on retarded twitch streams.
Apr 12, 2009
Now if achievements are a rating system, the gaming world is saved.

Achievements, especially in the crowdfunded scene, are a means to dilute content and extent time spent on time sinkers.
Mar 29, 2011
Just one achievement: Completionist.
How many reviewers have it? None. Or one? Or two?
Do I have it? I do.
Do you have it? Dunno and don't really care unless you're making a review.

Keep in mind while I did enjoy the game and praised some of it's parts, I'm not Bethesdian fan who lives in an illusion the game isn't buggy as hell. KCD is bug-o-rama just like Skyrim.
Developers promised to patch everything though, so there.
Apr 12, 2009
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