King's Bounty: Armored Princess Thread

I just realized that if you kill a quest character before being given the quest, you won't get the reward. I don't remember if KB:TL was the same way.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
In regards to upgradable magic items, is there any way of seeing how strong their keepers are before you try to suppress them? I thought I remember being able to in KB:TL.

I tried to upgrade a pair of +1 defense boots today, only to find them being guarded by 30 Royal thorns and over 100 Demonesses. Needless to say, my level 14 Paladin didn't last long.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
No, and I don't remember one in KB:TL. It depends on how high a level the item is going to go to after upgrade. Raising a level 1 to a level 2 isn't bad, but raising a level 3 to a level 4 will be much harder. If those are the boots I'm thinking about, they only have one upgrade and I think it goes up two levels instead of just one, which makes it harder. You get plus 2 defense and plus 1 attack with it, though.

I always do a save just to check it out first before I commit.
Oct 18, 2006
I always do a save just to check it out first before I commit.

Yeah, I can see that's pretty much a necessity when it comes to magic items. I thought it was kind of bogus for a level 1 item to have that kind of force guarding it.

It would be nice to have some kind of hint as to the keeper strength of any given item, rather than having to find out through trial and error.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I had a solution for that in KB:TL… I didn't upgrade and or fight any items :p kinda a silly I know..... but I just didn't see any need to....
Oct 25, 2006
I never upgrade until I have a killer force—then they're great and the fights are reasonable. No upgrades before level 15 at least is my logic—some you have to wait longer. Troops are just too expensive to waste on an upgrade that doesn't do all that much.
Oct 18, 2006
You have to fight a few of the objects if you want to get a "set". I was so happy when I got my princess set but wished I got to turn my clothes pink and wear cat's ears. I'll just have to LARP that.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
You have to fight a few of the objects if you want to get a "set". I was so happy when I got my princess set but wished I got to turn my clothes pink and wear cat's ears. I'll just have to LARP that.

I hardly got any sets. Okay I got the one for demons, the one for the undead and the one for bears & wolves but didn't really use any of those troops :(

I think the randomness should still allow you to pick up full sets of any of the items, there's enough variation from when and where you pick them up without leaving you simply unable to put together what you want in a lot of playthroughs.
Feb 2, 2007
You have an actual set? Man, so far in three builds past level ten and two past thirty I haven't seen one complete set in the game. I've come close to the princess gear with 2 out of 3 but missing the ears :( , then in another game---*3* ears, no dress or shoes. Sigh...
Oct 18, 2006
I'm only playing my first time, missing the dress in the princess set, although I think I can make the vampire set (didn't buy one part early on and now I have the other part).
As for leveling items, what I do is park myself by the starting castle, swap my troops for the 'infinite' troops in there (archers, swordsmen, peasants), so I don't care if they die (evil, I know).
Sep 23, 2008
Whoa…that's a lot of hours. I'm guessing you haven't played much else the past few weeks?

You'd be right. :) But I'm taking a break atm before I burn out and playing a little Titan Quest mixed with a Disciples2: Servants of the Dark replay, because there are people on this forum who excel at tempting me off into my other addictions. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
You have an actual set? Man, so far in three builds past level ten and two past thirty I haven't seen one complete set in the game. I've come close to the princess gear with 2 out of 3 but missing the ears :( , then in another game—-*3* ears, no dress or shoes. Sigh…

None that I could use . . . most frustrating really, especially when one picks up a few bits of a set and gets excited and works the character build / troop mix around picking up the rest.

I think there should be one or two places in the game where you can bespoke order set pieces for obscene amounts of money.
Feb 2, 2007
I think there should be one or two places in the game where you can bespoke order set pieces for obscene amounts of money.

Yes, or complete quests for them or something. That way you could theme them to a location and troop type, like pick up the Undead set on the Nameless isle, the Knight set in Verona, etc. You could make the quests and battles uber-harder for the completing items so it didn't get too cheesy.

But I guess they just don't want you to have that much fun. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
That way you could theme them to a location and troop type, like pick up the Undead set on the Nameless isle, the Knight set in Verona, etc.

That's actually a very good idea, and it brings up a different beef I have with this game. The unit placing (for purchases) is just downright silly sometimes, I wish they had made at least a small effort to make it seem more realistic. For instance, why does a common town shop in Verona have 100+ Royal Griffins, 1500+ Cave Spiders, and a horde of Priest for sale?!
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
That's actually a very good idea, and it brings up a different beef I have with this game. The unit placing (for purchases) is just downright silly sometimes, I wish they had made at least a small effort to make it seem more realistic. For instance, why does a common town shop in Verona have 100+ Royal Griffins, 1500+ Cave Spiders, and a horde of Priest for sale?!

Abstraction, my friend.
Sep 23, 2008
I finished my first game last night as a mage on normal. Some of those end bosses are just troop killers. I had very poor planning going into the last fight and only had 1/2 of 1 stack left when I beat him. I'm sure I could have done a lot better with a little foreknowledge of the fight but I still think it's crazy people are doing no-loss games.

I reviewed my score then I immediately started a warrior. :)
Mar 2, 2009
A curse on all yer houses!

My willpower is really cracking. I've got a 4 day weekend scheduled, which would make for a nice block of time with this game. Still no word on a boxed version. Download is starting to look better and better with every post you buggers make.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
You can always buy the boxed version later. I intend to. Maybe by then they'll be even more expansions and sequels and add-ons and stuff to sweeten the deal even further. :) I didn't like Steam the first time I tried it, but I'm finding it okay this time around.

Meanwhile I'm cursing a certain Tiger (who's probably off playing something else by now) for luring me back into Titan Quest. I've got about an hour left til I finish AP with my magerette, and I'm putting off the finish as long as possible, it seems. I do that sometimes with games I really like, it's like saving your dessert for a two am snack when you really want it. :)
Oct 18, 2006
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