Knights of the Chalice - reaches v1.10


October 18, 2006
Knights of the Chalice - Updated to v 1.10, includes Font Fix

Heroic Fantasy Games continues their prompt post-release support for Knights of the Chalice with an update to version 1.10. This one includes improvements to the font:
Version 1.10: This will not affect your saved games. Reminder: you will find the download link in the email you received after purchasing the game. This upgrade will not damage your saved games.

  1. Added the new text font.
  2. Attempting to pick up items that are not in range from the party will prompt the party to move towards them (and pick once they are in range).
  3. When targeting a touch attack spell or ranged touch attack spell, the chance to hit will be displayed.
  4. When mousing over an enemy who can be reached with a five foot step, and you have more than one attack available, the game will not suggest a charge but a five foot step + full attack. (Sometimes charge is possible even against enemies five foot away, but it’s not as good as taking a full attack).
  5. fixed a display-position problem with the character information box.
  6. fixed the mix-up with greater acid protection and greater shock protection.
  7. fixed the minor bug with the hill giant king.
  8. When cleaving or great-cleaving, the game will say “cleaving” instead of “attack #/#” at the top.
  9. fixed problems with “attack #/#” display by rewriting the code that calculate the number of attacks and displays it.
  10. Auto end of turn will end turn after a successful grapple attempt and after conducting grapple attacks.
  11. Auto end of turn will take account of the fact that you can’t take a five foot step in darkness, when blinded and hampered in any way.
  12. The game’s window will be positioned in the screen’s center.
  13. Using the ALT key, you can more easily review items found on the floor after a fight. (I tried several systems with the ALT key and I like this one best).
  14. In the feats and abilities screen, martial and armor proficiencies will be grouped together if you have all of them.
  15. Selecting the “shoot” option will not scroll back to the acting character.
  16. When targeting a spell, details of the targeted creature will appear in the bottom-right corner.

Things I want to add next: Some more interface and AI improvements
Thanks once again to our friendly neighborhood forum rat, skavenhorde.

More information.
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Oct 18, 2006
There was a double post for this newsbit and this specific one got deleted. Oh well... the info is all in the post anyway :)
Aug 30, 2006
That's right folks. The font is smoooottthhhh and silky. So grab yourself another demo or buy a copy right away. This game is just that good. Heavy on the combat, not a horrible story, but still not bad. It's an adventure I would of probably read out of a dungeon magazine.
Feb 3, 2007
Sorry about that, my bad. I've been keeping a close eye on this one. Plus, I just like it when Magerette calls me a friendly neighborhood forum rat :D
Feb 3, 2007
The features mentioned in this fix list alone sound more interesting than a complete description of all features of some current mainstream games...:)
Dec 26, 2007
I've been looking at this game, but it mostly looks like a D&D combat simulation. I'm not a huge fan of D&D's overly-complicated ruleset, so I've been leery of buying it. I downloaded the demo, but it isn't really grabbing me. Learning 50 pages of data, so that I can be accomplished at a game, seems a bit much :)
Oct 18, 2006
If you know D&D then you know this game. There are a few changes to D20, but for the most part it's pretty similar.

In any case it's easy to learn. Seriously click on anything and it tell you about it and within that you can click on concepts you don't understand and it'll explain those as well.

Pretty easy to pick up if you've played TOEE or even NWN.
Feb 3, 2007
I've been looking at this game, but it mostly looks like a D&D combat simulation. I'm not a huge fan of D&D's overly-complicated ruleset, so I've been leery of buying it. I downloaded the demo, but it isn't really grabbing me. Learning 50 pages of data, so that I can be accomplished at a game, seems a bit much :)

To think that, to me, learning a new system is half the fun of an RPG :)
Sep 23, 2008
D&D rules system kinda goes overboard though. When you have to read a whole player's handbook and dungeon master's guide just to play a game, that's a little bit much :) Even then, the game gets it wrong. I was watching mindless zombies being smart enough to flank, use 5-foot steps, avoid a mage's web spell, etc. Sorry, Zombies are mindless. Good AI though. I still might get the game, I'm just hoping for more than a D&D combat simulator.
Oct 18, 2006
D&D rules system kinda goes overboard though. When you have to read a whole player's handbook and dungeon master's guide just to play a game, that's a little bit much :) Even then, the game gets it wrong. I was watching mindless zombies being smart enough to flank, use 5-foot steps, avoid a mage's web spell, etc. Sorry, Zombies are mindless. Good AI though. I still might get the game, I'm just hoping for more than a D&D combat simulator.

I'm not sure, I mean, it's a whole new world, who's to say those zombies in that world don't keep some brains? :)
Sep 23, 2008
Braaaaiiins ;)

Though i dont really like the new font either, its readable and all, but kinda ruins the oldschool feel somehow, i will buy the game now. (Would it be possible to make the font style switchable in the options? old/new?)
Also the demo, which i am through with, was very oldschool, in a fun way. It was as if i was playing "Pool of Radiance" again in the good (g)old times + many interface improvements of modern times.

Am keen on knowing what he means by "interface improvements".
Nov 7, 2006
I still might get the game, I'm just hoping for more than a D&D combat simulator.

Without a real DM that's all most RPGs really are. The best a computer RPG can hope for are some choice and consequence within the game and maybe have a great story to be told as well. Not many games have pulled that off.

This is one of the best "combat simulaters" I've seen where the opponents simulate real tactics using all of the available different options. It still freaks me out a little that the AI used one of my own tactics against me. Where I cast web then pepper the monsters with bow fire while my mage transforms into a spider and takes them out one by one.

But back to RPGs and combat simulaters. Even some of the best games out there like Planescape and Witcher are just really good stories with some C&C. Most of the game is just combat. Now those are games done by professional companies and this is just an indie. Hell even Eschalon boils down to a good story wrapped up in combat.

In any case it's not really the most moving of stories, but for an indies first try it's not too bad at all. Like I said this story could of easily been in a Dungeon Magazine adventure. It's not the most unique, but it's a good adventure.
Feb 3, 2007
Bought my copy a few days ago. The game's sweet!

and one of those changes I suggested myself so i feel extra special today =)
Jul 10, 2007
I might be being picky, Skavenhorde. I really like NWN and NWN2 way better than ToEE. ToEE was battle, after battle, after battle, with no real good reason for my characters to even be there. I don't really need a story. I like other non-combat things to be in my crpgs. Combat is a focal point in all crpgs, I just like other things to do between the battles and I haven't really seen that with this game. MM6 had a million fights too, but there was tons of other gameplay to keep the combat from getting so tedious.
Oct 18, 2006
I never played MM6. What were the other gameplay elements that made it interesting?
Feb 3, 2007
I never played MM6. What were the other gameplay elements that made it interesting?

Crafting, great magic and skills system, items and loot, involved quests, and rudimentary but colorful NPCs and dialogue are what come to my mind. Can't believe you haven't played this one, skav. If you've played 7, it's close, and I have a hard time picking between them as far as the actual gameplay, especially since they tweaked the character builds and included the Good and Evil paths in 7, but in many ways 6 feels fresher. The only thing I hate about it is that you can't move that one step backward per turn in combat and there's no Arcomage. That's two things--but still...;)
Oct 18, 2006
I'm not really sure why I skipped M&M 6 - 8. The mid to late 90's are a bit fuzzy ;)

I was more into Wizardry, Ultima and strategy style games. Might and Magic never really caught on with me for some reason. The last one I played (other than 9) was the World of Xeen. Something about it just seemed lame to me. Maybe all of the temporary statistic changes. I never really liked those items on that map that boosted your stats for a short period of time. Made it seem more arcade like for a RPG. Although for Heroes of M&M those places fit right in.

Now crafting and involved quests sound interesting. I never really associated M&M with any kind of depth. I'm definatly going to have to try this one out when I get it.
Feb 3, 2007
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