Gothic 3 Lack of women

Women game characters/npc's in gothic-3 could always be improved upon but i think the love scene in G2 was un-neccessary - in the wrong gaming direction.

I totally agree. If I remember correctly it was that little detail that gave G2 a mature rating in North America. Not a big deal, but did give me the hassle of showing my ID just to buy the game! I haven't been carded for alcohol in years, and I get carded to buy a stupid PC game?? I just think that whole location/event in the game was unecessary and seemed strained. Uh,.. no pun intended :blush:
Oct 20, 2006
Midwest, USA
Yeah, if G2 was gonna get an M rating, why not throw in some more blood and guts at least, gosh! :)
Nov 1, 2006
Tacoma, WA
If you want more blood you can always modify the .ini file. It's pretty easy, but I didn't like the results much.
Oct 20, 2006
Midwest, USA
Another G3 women aspect.

@Jabber' - They will be wanting a photo-fit ID and fingerprints next! - :rolleyes:
In theory, the nameless hero could be a female character, why not? many other games have the choice at the install point. Of course to fit in with this "equal-rights" approach would highlight another big problem, namely the whole dialogue/speech pack would need female voice-overs, a big costly item from a developers viewpoint as the gothic series is heavily dialogue dependant, all for the sake of probably a minority (no disrespect to women!) of female players, so we will always have the dominant male hero - if for no other reason than cost.
But, do female gothic gamers like playing as a cool-guy? :D
Oct 18, 2006
North-West England
Women game characters/npc's in gothic-3 could always be improved upon but i think the love scene in G2 was un-neccessary - in the wrong gaming direction.

I thought it was tastefully done - not gratuitous like in so many other games.
Oct 18, 2006
Once spoted two in the desert...animation is quite dull...some belly dance would have been perfect. And sneak into the hall of leader of Assasins...guess what? Lions as pet? Where is his harem? I guess PB wants to be PC this time around.
Oct 25, 2006
main female characters are annoying uninteresting and just retarded.
Yeah, like Cate Archer, or playing female in VtM:Bloodlines, or Kult: Heretic Kingdoms, or ... oh, wait, I forgot who we're dealing with here ...
Oct 18, 2006
OK, agreed - enough sniping back and forth.

I hate games that force you to play as female characters. Especially since most of us are male that play games

Actually, the ratio of men to women is starting to equalize - however, in the sorts of games we generally discuss here (RPG) it is largely male dominated, that is true.

My point is that some developers actually do a decent job of writing female leads - but most end up coming off very immature ... so in that regard I agree with you.
Oct 18, 2006
Actually there are more female gamers than male.

I've not got into G3 enough to get a feel for the atmosphere, but there does seem to be a little something lacking compared to previous games - maybe it's the women, but it feels like there's almost space for things to be there but they didn't quite get done.
Oct 18, 2006
Actually there are more female gamers than male.

True, but those stats are wildly skewed by 'casual' gamers ... women playing solitaire and Bejeweled and so on. You really need to look within genres to see what is going on - and how much of an untapped market there still is. Unfortunately, I look at a game like Mage Knight Apocalypse, with scantily clad women everywhere, or Dark Messiah with Xana & Leanna, as examples of immature games made by immature males - and the type of games that drive away women from the genre.
Oct 18, 2006
just thought of a problem with women in gothic 3 wouldn't they would be dogmeat either way when a town gets liberated either they fight you and defend their husband or they rebel and get killed by orcs instantly. i realize it doesn't show it but we can assume the women have taken the children and are hiding in imaginary caves or huts that can't be seen or gotten to...maybe they sailed to the southern isles. the only women left behind were made slaves or rebels since the orcs are in charge and being warriors who barely respect male humans i don't see them having any for human females. though i agree there should have been at least a few rangers/rebels that were female. as it is though they allow us not to have make a morality choice to kill a female - something that existed in the other gothic games as well - unless of course your wiped out the thieves guild in gothic 2
Oct 26, 2006
Speaking of Bloodlines the composer, Rik Schaffer, and sound/voice director for that great game was the voice director for this great game
Oct 26, 2006
Excellent - I love the music / sound / dialogue of Bloodlines ...
Oct 18, 2006
Funny your mentioning of not wanting to play women before ... in RPG's I have three preset characters - male Paladin and male & female Sorceror. In FPS you almost never have a choice. But in Jedi Academy you can play as either - my general choice would be male Jedi, but the male voice was so annoying and Jennifer Hale did such a great job with the female Jedi that I end up playing female whenever I replay it now ...
Oct 18, 2006
that's one of the main reasons i often wind up playing a female character, more often than not they are just voice acted better. i could bring up a well voiced and scripted male and female game a la "deus ex 2" but i am assuredly one of the few here who has postive emotions toward the game
Oct 26, 2006
can't say i like anything star wars, but i did finally played both knights of the old republic early this year and was most delighted. 2 well done rpgs even for non stars wars fans like me and i will probably buy neverwinter nights 2 sometime next year solely based on the fact obsidian made it - was really impressed by their first effort and can't wait to see what they can do with an original game
Oct 26, 2006
In FPS you almost never have a choice.
Back in the days you had the choice of playing either male or female more often... having FPS games completely dubbed ruined that I think, developers shied from having two sets of voices/different dialogs for male and female characters. Mortal Coil, as buggy and amateurish the game may have been, had two male and two female protagonists (you might have called it tactical shooter - you were able to put someone in command of your team and order the others to do certain tasks). RotT had three male and two female protagonistst to choose from; Quake two had male and female models, and the default character in the first - single-player- Unreal was female (though you could pick other characters if you felt like it - male and female).
While I prefer playing females in 1st person CRPGs and shooters (if given the choice), it's exactly the other way around with my other favorite genre, beat'em ups - I prefer seeing half-naked males punch each other in the face (while hubby always plays girls, but this seems to be a general rule with fighting games).

I haven't played Gothic 3, yet I thought the lack of women in the first game perfectly in order; in Gothic 2, however, I thought it was a pity that there was just one female playing a bigger role, and that only marginally (Cassia). Since G3 is taking place on the mainland and still has no women, it looks as if PB missed a chance.

And I - though I like Star Wars, but was wary of the concept of a SW CRPG - also loved both KotOR games. Had to be said!
Aug 31, 2006
Sad but true, I got the Gothic Art book from Germany. Near the back there is a pic of PB crew...All males! They need hire some babes in there to spice things up I think.
Oct 25, 2006
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