Lands of Lore (child of the Dark Messiah thread)

Well, STUDING as you put it, would seem to be part of the mating ritual!! :biggrin:
Aug 31, 2006
I finally made it to LoL 2. I survived both installation and the intro, and I clicked around in the first cave. Now we'll see how stable this game will run, I have heard stories of unsolvable questst due to XP...
Aug 31, 2006
Jaz, how much time did it took you to finish LOL1 ? I remember that it took me slightly less than forever when I first played it, mostly because of the damned puzzles (pre-www days).
Oct 18, 2006
"I survived both installation and the intro,"
Execellent. :)
That Intro took my breath away, most realistic castle and mote I have ever seen and the flyby at the time 1997, wow! ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Jaz, how much time did it took you to finish LOL1 ? I remember that it took me slightly less than forever when I first played it, mostly because of the damned puzzles (pre-www days).
This time around, it took me about a week... an hour a day or so. But that's mainly because it was my sixth time through, and I knew the solution to the puzzles.
My first time through took me at least two months - the mapless room alone cost me two weeks of my life. Now that i knew where the exit was, it was a matter of 20 minutes.

@Acleacious: I was blown away by the installation sequence back then. The FMVs were so good, but I was slightly disappointed by the game graphics.
Aug 31, 2006
So how goes the GoD run? ;)
I still get frustrated since I can't recall how to get in all those little areas, you can see through the peep holes under the Monestary, via secrets. :p
Next time I have a big enough order from amazon I think I will pick up the official guide, seem them for as little as $2 upto about $5.

It's funny if you look at guides on the net they tell you to rush through the big circular room to get out asap, when in reality it's a great spot to level up. :)

If you get half the windows opened to expose enough sunlight in the room you go up several levels, not to mention the supply of ghost to attack to raise your fighting skills, you can even do it after you get Firestorm (iir) I think only the Huline village not the Monestary closes.
Oct 18, 2006
Well, the game CTDd last night (early in the jungled of the Wild Ones). Now is the time to decide if it's Good or Evil Luther time...
Aug 31, 2006
Since they are out of business the games might be freeware or abandone ware, so you might be able to find that missing cd, not sure.

I agree that's about how I rate the games as well, plus LoL3 is pretty easy, getting the most powerful weapon in the game at about 25% completion from a certian castle resident. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
SQUEEEE! :biggrin:

Currently, my favorite is LoL 1, but my list of faves changes from time to time. No. 3 will never rank first, though... probably due to Copper. He's a kid. And a rather strange-looking kid at that. Give me a full-blooded Dracoid anytime... (Go, Ak'shel!)
Plus, having to kill two of my favorite LoL denizens (one by default, the other by choice) didn't help much, either, though I have to admit they deserved a rough treatment (but probably not more that that).
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Aug 31, 2006
Now it happened to me, too... could retrace my steps to five savegames before because I managed to get stuck in the Dracoid cemetary. Why did I not listen to the old LoL 2 saying that if you can't proceed in one location *without difficulties*, leave for another one?
Aug 31, 2006
Hehe, was it rolling the barrel down the hill and then sparking it to open the tunnels below?
That does get bugged sometimes and wont rolll out of the door.
Oct 18, 2006
Hehe, was it rolling the barrel down the hill and then sparking it to open the tunnels below?
That does get bugged sometimes and wont rolll out of the door.

No, it's not 'barrels of fun' time yet. I got stuck in the tunnels without a way of going back. That, and I turned into the darned monster every tother step. As I said, I didn't heed the 'if progressing feels unnnatural, leave' warning. I'm in the Drac Ruins now, which is where I'm supposed to be now (I hope). Let's see how things will progress next Sunday.
Aug 31, 2006
Weee, hey look I'm a mighty necro! :biggrin:

Well it's been 4 years now, here's hoping you got unstuck Jaz! ;)

Just wanted to chime in about the Holiday deal at GOG, with LoL 1 & 2 for $2.99 US. They are running great in Win7 64 bit, with the Dosbox packages. Too damn bad they didn't include LoL3 for completeness. Same publisher right, the evil ea?

Spoiler Tags aren't working for me, sorry 2 minor spoilers.

Also I need help, I can't remember the trick (why oh why does it always have to be -[snakes]- the Dark Halls!) on how to save Rixx. I can get the first dialog interrupt during the fight but not the second where we save him.

Damn this is frustrating ( :p ) you get the first dialog interrupt by (letting him walk all the way up the hall, then casting Blind (Prism level 1) a couple of times.) Just can't find any info on this anywhere. Anyone recall the method to save Rixx? Funny thing is apparently it's LORE for him (to live, he's in LoL 3).

I did see one report about Greg Zuniga (who played Rixx) actually being on Facebook but I don't have an account to try to ask him. Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny

Secondly a couple of designers still seem to be making games as well, so I might try to ask them. Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny
Oct 18, 2006
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