Last Epoch - Roadmap


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Couchpotato spotted the roadmap for Last Epoch:

Last Epoch Roadmap

Hello, Travelers,

We are thrilled to give you an early look at what's coming for Last Epoch over the next few cycles!

As always, the team here at Eleventh Hour Games is dedicated to making the ARPG of our dreams, and we all know that's a process that takes time, determination, and commitment. As of this writing, we have brought on excellent new people, continue looking for more, and are developing new and exciting content faster than ever. Our roadmap continues to showcase that we have long-term plans for Last Epoch and its content, and we are excited to showcase it here today.

Here's the thing about roadmaps, though: we are striving to be one of the best and most community-centered game studios in the industry, and oftentimes the best-laid plans of Groles and Gods need to change. While this could be for a variety of reasons; the primary one is you, the community. As each new cycle is released, we plan to collaborate with the community to let you know what's being worked on, listen to your feedback and suggestions for those plans, and continuously monitor how we can improve.

Each of the items listed on the roadmap are just a few examples of key features we plan to introduce for that cycle and do not represent the only things being worked on. Rest assured; the team is working harder and developing faster than before while also expanding with many new team members to bring you the game you deserve and produce a whole host of other features we have planned beyond those listed on the roadmap!

As we move toward each new patch, we also plan to update our roadmap to keep you informed of our plans and any changes that may have been made based on feedback we hear from the community!

We plan to update the roadmap just after Update 1.2 and again after Update 1.4.

Pinnacle Content - Realm Release Timing Poll

Lastly, development for 1.1 is coming along nicely, and we're excited to show you all of the great content, balances, bug fixes, and end-game pinnacle boss content coming along with it. Over the last few months, the community has started discussing Cycles and how content is made available to both Legacy and new Cycle characters. Our current plan for the 1.X series of patches is to bring all content to Offline, Cycle, and Legacy realms; but we also believe in allowing Cycle characters a small bit of time to attempt new pinnacle content before extremely well-geared and optimized Offline and Legacy characters have a chance to showcase just how fast they can conquer it.

For a refresher, existing Cycle characters will be moved to Legacy at the beginning of a new Cycle. Creating new Cycle characters will give everyone an even playing field with an economy reset and the need to re-roll a new separate character. Cycle is also where people may compete on that Cycle's leaderboards.

With that said, we would love to hear from you about our currently proposed plans. Please take just a few minutes (it is 4 questions) and help us continue to grow with our community.

Link to Poll

Thank you for your amazing support thus far fellow Travelers, and we look forward to seeing you once again in the world of Eterra.

Last Epoch Official Teaser Trailer | Harbingers of Ruin

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Looks like good updates. Unfortunate that the story isn't finished yet. The game is good, but repetition without a staisfying story finish gets stale for me.
Feb 15, 2009
Good to know. I had it on my wishlist but I thought it was finished by now.
No, it just sort of ends while being pointed towards so called monoliths (repetitive quests with unlockable story quests that show alternative time lines). I haven't been able to get through all of the monoliths due to it getting too repetitive.

If the roadmap is accurate it will likely be several months before new story content is released. Don't know if it finishes then, or if more chapters are expected after that.

I'd wait for a sale unless you are super keen. It is fun and was worth the money to me thus far, but it's been a bit rough around the edges.
Feb 15, 2009
It's a "gamer" ARPG, the story is there as a filler and not really what the game is about, hence why they released it without the story being fully written. They couldn't care less about the story beyond giving context for the action.

I can see why someone who plays for the story finds it lacking, but that type of player is not even their target audience, so there's no surprise there.
Apr 26, 2023
Earth's Surface
Most ARPG's like Diablo always had some type of story and an ending.

I frankly don't know when it became the standard and accepted otherwise. 🤷‍♂️
Oct 1, 2010
Well, not so much of a standard I'd say, but games in general only need to be fun to play, and if you allow the players to progress through different stages of power, push further into the endgame and feel good about it, even better. A lot of games humans invented and played before videogames were a thing din't have story, narrative or end goal, it's just fun to play and feels good when you win. NEver saw anyone asking "what's the story behind this chees game" before they felt they needed more motivation to play next. :p
Apr 26, 2023
Earth's Surface
Then I must be playing these games wrong then as power leveling never appealed to me. I just killed the enemies on screen, took quests. leveled up, and bought equipment.

Ultimately the story lead you to a boss battle that ended the game. I have also played a few that had a decent story and showed how your actions affected the world.

Grim Dawn has a decent enough story and it's getting another expansion.
Oct 1, 2010
You're not playing wrong at all, it's just a different type of appeal. I don't like sports games for example, but EAFC / FIFA is one of the most profit-making games every year, so I guess other people like them even though I can't understand why. :D
Apr 26, 2023
Earth's Surface
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