"Let's Play in 4K" - Planescape: Torment - EE


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Hey. :)

As you may know, I am doing a "Let's Play in 4K" for PS:T:EE. Episode 1 is up now, so feel free to check it out. I'm playing the entire LP with the Steam Controller, my own personal configuration that I am going to upload shortly (the version uploaded now is old, I've made several changes since then.) The control configuration will be part of my Fluent Controls series you can find on Steam (currently have configurations for Neverwinter Nights and Ember uploaded.) The game will also be shown in 4K and the videos will be a cool 45 minutes long (short and sweet. Well, short by my standards. :) )

So, here is Episode 1 and the start of the journey of the Nameless One and Morte the friendly talking skull. :) NOTE - This is a "blind" run, so please, no spoilers of any kind. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy!

Nice video, Fluent! :thumbsup:
Nov 15, 2013

Berk like in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/berk ?

EDIT: I can throw in some PT-BR slangs too. You better arrange some Latino friends over there. Actually, some Brazilian friends would be better :p
Nov 15, 2013
Hah, dang. "Berk" is a term used in Planescape. I guess it does have a negative connotation, so "cunt" is likely what it means in that universe, too. My bad. :D Hope I didn't offend. :p

I'm not sure what an affectionate term would be in the PS:T universe as I haven't seen one said yet. Everyone calls the Nameless One "cutter". Maybe that is more Cockney Rhyming Slang. :)
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No offense taken :)

I finished PS:Torment once, when it was released (meaning: aeons ago). I didn't recall the term "berk" was used in the game.
Nov 15, 2013
Cool. Did you play the English version? Might be a good time to revisit it since the Enhanced Edition is coming out soon. It's a nice change of pace from other RPGs. :)
BERK - Originally from the rhyming slang 'Berkeley Hunt', for 'cunt', although not generally considered as offensive as that. What did you do that for, you stupid berk?

Still used occasionally where I'm from, usually to describe someone as a "silly berk". Usage is dying out though I think.

On topic... Doesn't this come out on the 11th? How you playing it?
Apr 9, 2015
Yes, it comes out on the 11th. Beamdog sent me a copy when we were chatting in email about the game. I had to wait until the 3rd to post the Let's Play videos, so from here on out it will be one per day. :)

If anyone wants a chance to win a copy and get the game on the 11th for free, check out the FREE STUFF!!! forum on my Steam group as I'm hosting a giveaway right now. :)
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