Lies of P - DLC in second Half of 2024

I really liked Lies of P but "later this year" will put it at a year or more since I played it and for me that's just too long. I'll need to relearn the gameplay mechanics and probably brush up on the story at that point.

I think the sweet spot for DLC is 3-4 months. The longer it takes after that the less likely I am to return to the game.

I've been playing too many games on release lately I need to go back to my year or 2 wait by then usually all the DLC is out. I'm glad I waited for my full run of Elden Ring and just finished it recently, so I'll be ready for the DLC in june.
Oct 5, 2021
I think the sweet spot for DLC is 3-4 months. The longer it takes after that the less likely I am to return to the game.
3-4 months would be nice, but it's entirely unrealistic unless you're talking about very small DLC.

I couldn't get into Lies of P. I didn't like the difficulty spike from regular mobs to the bosses. It seemed much more pronounced than other soulslikes.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I end up skipping a lot of DLC for games I like because it's not appealing for me to go back to a game I already finished and maybe spent 50+ hours on. This includes virtually all Bioware DLC ever made; I've finished all three games in the Mass Effect trilogy, but the only DLC I've played is for the first game in a replay I started years after the first time I played it.

Elden Ring will be an exception because I tend to get the urge to revisit From's games anyway, DLC or no. They scratch an itch that no other games do. With that DLC coming out next month, that will be perfect motivation for me to pick that game up again.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
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