Lionheart:Legacy of the Crusader - Review @ Gamebanshee

Lionheart was quite possibly the most disappointing game to be released that year. Sure, Barcelona was fun, but afterwards it was just awful.

7.4 is yet another example of the inflated ratings by the media covering gaming. What's puzzling, however, is why they would be so generous given the retrospective nature of the review. Lionheart was a disaster imo. As big a disappointment as Age of Conan was in the MMORPG genre.
Jul 18, 2007
I never thought of Lionheart as a really bad game, just unfinished - at some point funding was cut and those people just released what they had. And it's not that bad - Half of the game (Barcelona) was quite fun. I admit, that the latter half of the game is quite the opposite, and nerve killing as well, but it's probably managable. I hadn't the nerves. Still, even from today's point of view, I would still say that the game looks pretty, and deliver better quality RPG gameplay (in it's better half) than most of the current releases. And I used to consider it quite the dissappointment, comparing what was promised, what I expected and what was delivered.
Jan 12, 2009
I will agree with you there: the graphics were quite nice. I much prefer fixed camera angles and the hand-painted backgrounds (like the IE games) as opposed to the movable camera and 3D.
Jul 18, 2007
I never thought of Lionheart as a really bad game, just unfinished

And that is why it is reasonable to think of it as so disappointing ... it started quite nicely and then just collapsed. Though I liked it into Montserrat ...
Oct 18, 2006
Oh, I agree - it was quite disappointed at the time I actually played it, because my expectations had skyrocketed at some point, and it turned out I actually got half a game. But from a current point of view, it might not be a bad game, as I said, given most of the crap that comes out under an RPG banner.
Jan 12, 2009
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