Lords of Xulima - Available on GOG

Had the same reaction for a few seconds, and then I realized that I paid for a physical copy. I don't really see a problem if people who get the same content in a digital form pay less.

There was a tier with the guide in digital form, I just checked. Still - that's not my biggest gripe. I just think that there should be unique rewards for backers; as I said, InXile is doing it about right.
Exclusive Content which is only for backers and also have an affect on the game is always a minefield and I personally don't like the idea to have special features exclusive.
While being in that group which has access might be fine and you might consider it not being a big deal, you feel left out if your are not in this group and people think "well, these guys have it much easier with that feature" or "they have access to much more of the story" or "this is pay to win".
So I prefer to not see this kind of exclusive in game stuff on kickstarter. The Talisman of Golot in LoX is fine and available for a fair price for everyone - but even there people call it pay2win and unfair. Better to avoid it completely and limit rewards to "prestige" stuff (like name in game or so) or physical goodies.
Jun 2, 2012
I like the game, but it's too long for my taste. I can't tell how long I've played so far since most of my playtime was offline on my last trip, but I played for weeks and weeks, and by the end of the trip I think I may reached about halfway through, and it's already sort of abandoned (my attention span drops significantly after like 80 hours).
Sep 23, 2008
I'm sorry, I don't get it yet: I only play DRM-free games and prefer boxed games. Do I have to buy Lords of Xulima from GOG or are there DRM-free boxed versions out now?
Apr 7, 2019
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