Massive Chalice - Update #3, Design Chat


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Massive Chalice is back with update number three. This time it's a video talking about the design of the game.

Design Chat

We’ve got a special treat for you today: a lengthy video from 2 Player Productions documenting an early design conversation between Brad and MASSIVE CHALICE designer John Swisshelm. As you’ll see in the video, we’re pretty early on in the development of MASSIVE CHALICE—still in pre-production to be exact! This is a really exciting time for the project, as it’s all about defining what the game is and what features we’re going to strive to include.
We’re generating new ideas at a ridiculous pace, and now that we’re actively talking with the community about the game we’re getting even more awesome ideas. The great part about involving you guys at this early stage is that it’s much more likely for your voice to be heard. We’re putting all of the backers’ ideas together with ours into a big melting pot. In some cases, your ideas are even better than ours! This is a great time to chime in with your feedback on MASSIVE CHALICE. What’s the coolest game feature you can think of that’s inspired by the Epic Timeline? We want to know! :D!
As we approach the start of production in the coming months we’ll be whittling this list down into something that fits within the scope of our budget. The more money we raise, the more resources we can use for developing these great ideas. So please continue to help spread the word and help us make MASSIVE CHALICE the amazing game we all want it to be! And now, I present you with some of our current thoughts on the design!

Audio Stream

If you don’t have time to watch the chat then how about just listening to it?! We’ve also provided an mp3 version so you can listen on the go! You can grab that here!
Twitch XCOM: EU Stream

We had a blast answering MASSIVE CHALICE questions and interacting with the community during our XCOM: Enemy Unknown playthrough on yesterday! If you missed the event or just need more Brad in your life, you can still watch the playthrough here.
E3 is right around the corner and we’ve got more updates coming your way! Thank you so much for your continued support—be sure to join the conversation over at the MASSIVE CHALICE forums here!
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
these guys talk to much and show too little. sadly. It works for them -_-
Aug 7, 2008
these guys talk to much and show too little. sadly. It works for them -_-

There isn't anything to show, since they haven't started development yet. They just said: "Hey do you guys want something like Fire Emblem with a dash of XCom & FF Tactics?" ... "if so give us some cash and we'll get something together". We said: "Yeah, we need more games like that on PC! Go for it".
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
Conventional KS wisdom was to have something to show if you want your campaign to succeed. Like borcanu says though, having more in the "tell" rather than the "show" doesn't seem to be hurting these guys at all
Feb 3, 2011
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