Metal Gear Solid 5


The Smoker
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
April 12, 2009
To preorder or not?
Did anyone play the previous MGS? Is it worth a shot?

Initial reviews seem enthusiastic although there is some shady stuff over it's multiplayer mode:
•IGN – 10
•Gamespot – 10 (pending online services)
•Metal Gear Informer – 10
•Examiner – 5/5
•Daily Dot – 5/5
•EGM – 9.5
•GameTrailers – 9.5
•GameInformer – 9.25
•Destructoid – 9
•Press Start – 9
Apr 12, 2009
Depends. The more Kojima advances in his MGS series, the less the games are MGS.
Converging more and more toward Splinter Cell, sooner or later, the difference between the two will be skins.

Players who enjoyed the earlier works might no longer find what they enjoy.

For storytoddlers, it is no question, Kojima tells a story. A sure buy.
Mar 29, 2011
Wait… You saying MGS is storydriven game, and is not some pathetic nostory sandbox grinder?
Why noone told me that before?
Why I didn't buy any of those then… :(
Apr 12, 2009
It is never too late to cope with past misunderstandings.
Mar 29, 2011
I've never played MGS before, but I've been thinking of picking it up, on Pc.
What's the story like in these games? I don't understand a damn thing in (almost) any of games coming from Japan, unless I've been drinking. Heavily.
Still recovering from the plot of FF8.
Jun 5, 2015
I played metal gear solid many years ago on the playstation. I don't remember many specifics I think I was building a bomb or stopping a bomb or something with a bomb. I do remember enjoying it though.

I did recently watch my son play some of the first MGS5. It seemed mission based. The first mission was an extraction. Try to sneak in if your detected fight your way out. In the second he was a gunner on a helicopter, shoot everything till it's dead. They were tied together by a cutscene but I didn't pay much attention.

Looked like a standard stealth/cover shooter to me but that's a very small sample size of watching someone else play.
I've never played them much, but from memory - they're saturated with cutscenes in typical asian fashion (don't get me started on 15 minutes of ridiculously bad writing that you have to suffer in any asian RPG before you can get to control your character for 2 minutes, until the next terrible dialogue sequence pauses the game). I hate having half my game made up of cutscenes, so I never really got into these.

Maybe this new one is different? Sounds like I need to try it out.
Looked like a standard stealth/cover shooter to me but that's a very small sample size of watching someone else play.

I have nothing against stealth or shooter unless I need to download 50 Gigs of data for mere 10 hours of play (Wolfenstein).

But I'm still not convinced although it got a few 10/10.
What actual design is inside it? Proper PC savegames or "no storage space so we enforce checkpoints" idiocy? Does anyone know?
Apr 12, 2009
I don't understand a damn thing in (almost) any of games coming from Japan, unless I've been drinking. Heavily.
Better to avoid the series in that case, the amount of alcohol required to get the picture would mean the graveyard.

The storyline has been written in continuity since the first episode and the author does not shy from requiring knowledge of the previous episodes. The story operates on multiple levels, conveys philosophical messages, mixes real world events to the fiction, the covert operations scene is the general background which means a muddled delivery of information etc
Mar 29, 2011
I bought it. On key resellers.
Reason? It has checkpoints = console/phoneport. Not paying the full price.
Otherwise would go directly buy on Steam.

Anyway, I'm not buying prequels. Why would I?
Will watch this for the story recap (it's in chronological order):

One thing… There is some fuss over some microtransactions in the game… I'm not sure what's that about and don't have time to research/read.
Maybe Konami joined EA/Ubi, maybe didn't. Dunno. All I know I won't be buying any of it if exist.
Apr 12, 2009
Only watched the first minute. If the video sticks to what it is said to deliver, it only means maiming. The story is not meant to be a rigid text book, but to be opened on personal interpretations on several layers. Without taking the information first hand, it is no longer possible to get an idea by yourself. And getting an idea by oneself is an essential value of the MGS storyline.
Mar 29, 2011
Maiming or what's called elsewhere - canon?

And not caring really... Sorry, but I'm not really interested into values of storylines from playstation games.
MGS4 IIRC was never even released on PC so I'll take whatever youtube video available.
Apr 12, 2009
It is more Kojima's series, published by Konami and released on various platforms (starting with Nintendo)

The PC can emulate everything.
Mar 29, 2011
Maiming or what's called elsewhere - canon?

The MG series canon story is a story told in an ambiguous way to leave many questions open.
At this point, unless Kojima goes through rewriting the entire series, there are no definitive answers to certain questions because that is the way it was intended.

The canon version is that.
Mar 29, 2011
The problem is, or was, Baccano!ing the series. Jump future, jump past, jump here, jump there.
Now Baccano! is the only work out there that did it right and left no confusion. If MGS left something confusing… I wouldn't dare to call it 10/10 game.

All I could learn from several sites is that each game plays around a different clone of some guy who went evil or something for unknown reason and MGS5 is supposed to answer what made the guy to switch sides, and whatever those sides are.

Don't forget - if you didn't buy GZ, you may still "unlock" whatever bonus Konami is trying to persuade you into buying something you don't want as it's not Phantom Pain but whatever else:

And more on the matter, maybe I should have waited with buying PP.
Seems that K+M porting was not done well in GZ and the word is that PP will use the same controls as in GZ:

From more googling I've found out you can surprise and hold arm around the neck (and move them!) of a hostile by holding leftclick, then you hold Q on the keyboard to spawn interrogation options and then you use your nose to press arrow keys for each interrogation option. Closed the page so cannot find the link now.

holding leftmouse+Q+arrow keys? What kind of stupid bullshit is that?
Did anyone here play GZ? Can someone confirm this?
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Apr 12, 2009
Ehe...a friend gave me his Nvidia code, so I will be downloading this...tommorow? What goes best with japanese stealth conspiracy games...Scotch? Whiskey?
Tried watching some story recap....why on earth is that blonde dude running around naked?
Jun 5, 2015
Dunno but I just downloaded it, set ingame what needs to be set (everything max, GTX 760, I mean… it should cover it, right?) and then rechecked what nVidia experience says.


That (green option) belongs in 10/10 game settings?
Oh yeah… Upon starting the game is logging in on some server. Bloody hidden second DRM garbage, I've seen reports people cannot log in, luckily it worked on my side.
You cannot skip the bloody intro movie immediately when it starts. And you won't see subtitles in it by default as those are disabled.
10/10 my arse.

Just as an experiment, I tried to change W on keyboard into some other key and it's possible. Let's hope the port is not garbage and that I won't have to press arrow keys with my nose while holding mouse and Q.

I have to admit, apart from eyepoking L and R tooltips although no joystick garbage is plugged into my PC, the prologue is superb. Plays out kinda like ME2 prologue where you have to escape the certain facility avoiding/nailing hostiles but more than that I refuse to spoil. Except…
Genre (of the prologue)? In ME2 it was a sci fi shooter. In MGS5, I was genuinely surprised, as it's:
survival horror!
If you don't believe me, ask around.

While you're all on Mad Max… Carracing... Nostory... Dunno...
I'll go onward with the episode 1. Can't wait to see what happens.
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Apr 12, 2009
I find aiming to be much more pleasant using mouse+kb.

I'm guessing I would as well. I've never liked having to aim with analog sticks. What about everything else though?

I haven't played Phantom Pain or GZ yet, but I recall the earlier games in the series clearly feeling like they were designed around using a gamepad. They're also the type of games where I appreciate the analog controls for movement.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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