Mount & Blade - v0.890 Released


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
It's been...well, an awful long time since the last version. Taleworlds has released Mount&Blade v0.890 and, as usual, you'll have to work out yourself what it includes because Armagan doesn't keep patch notes:
Hi Folks,

After a very long wait, version 0.890 is finally ready. Actually, it would be nice if we could work on the new version a little bit more, but we didn't want to postpone the release any longer. We hope to release new versions more rapidly from now on.

You will realize that version 0.890 is radically different from older versions and that has a lot to do with the influence of Steve's Battle for Sicily Mod and his involvement with the game. Steve has brought in lots of fresh ideas to Mount&Blade and I am really excited that he will be working on the future development of the game. We haven't been able to fully implement Steve's ideas yet and the game's Strategical battle system does not yet match that of Battle for Sicily, but those those aspects will hopefully be improved in future versions.

Apart from Steve, all members of our team here, namely Cem, Ozgur, Mustafa and Ipek have worked with a great enthusiasm and creativity on the new version, and I want to thank them all for their hard work and passion.

And of course, the new version owes greatly to the Mount&Blade community, our dear administrators and moderators, and everyone who have contributed their suggestions, ideas and feedback. The community has been a great source of inspiration, motivation and support for us and Mount&Blade would be nowhere near what it is today without your help and contribution.

As usual, I didn't maintain a proper changelog for the new version. I apologize for that, but I am looking forward to you guys discovering the new features, since that's so much more fun for me than giving you the list.

Now without further ado:

The download link for the installer is as follows (103MB)

If you use a torrent downloader, you can also use the following torrent.

Many thanks to Janus who suggested using torrents for distribution and did the basic research)

The usual note: Savegames are not compatible between this version and any previous version. If you want to keep your character, load your character with the old version, and from character window->statistics, export your character. You can then create a character with the same name and use the import function to import him to the new game.

I wish everyone a great time with the new version!

You can now download the new version from It could be faster than downloading from our server:
You can check a handful of screens here and forumites are trying to collect the changes here.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Thanks for the heads up. I've been itching to play M&B again but was trying to hold out for this release.
Oct 18, 2006
I've lost my rego code for the game, it's been so long now since I've had it installed!!
Aug 31, 2006
I've lost my rego code for the game, it's been so long now since I've had it installed!!
There's a FAQ in the tech support forum that has instructions for recovering a lost code. I haven't read it so I don't know what is entailed, but I see forum regulars point people there a lot. It's a pretty frequent occurrence.

If you had M&B registered on your current system, the code should still be in the registry though. I hadn't played since .751 beta and I didn't need to enter mine.
Oct 18, 2006
Thanks, I'll check that out. My system has had at least 2 re-formats since last I played M&B!!
Aug 31, 2006
*Ragdolls for soldiers and horses upon death. (You can toggle it on / off in options)
*Generally smarter AI - great improvements
*Attitude meter in dialog window
*Strategy window in battle mode
*Wiki like pages on map
*New way of recruiting soldiers
*Factions system drastically fleshed out - Swadians, Vaegirs, Nords, Rhodoks, Khergits.
*Better map graphics
*Bigger map, higher movement speeds
*Generally faster mounted combat
*Quick battle option from the main menu
*Sieges (!!!!)
*Map shows the current year
*Fiefs (owned by player)
*Lots of new quests
*Rolf and Ymira - new heroes
*Parties are lead by heroes
*Lots of villages
*Bump map support
*LOD system (Level. Of. Detail. -- Improves performance drastically)
*Bigger in battle - battle maps
*More detailed lighting system
*Better skyboxes
*A few new items, armours, weapons and horses
*Lots of new scene items and generally beautifull scenes
*Faction and player heraldry
*Animated heraldry flags on the map
*Credits featuring the forumites as well
*Looting, pillaging and sieging in the campaign mode.
*Battle size goes up to 72
*Scouts giving info in several taverns
*Walking NPCS in towns
*Accesible dungeons
*Fleshed out tutorials (+New text display)
*Better commanding system
*No more dancing in battle (units that are ordered to Hold position, to Follow or Archer units.)
*Archery is improved, reticule problem fixed.
*First person mode is improved, camera moves along when you are killed or knocked unconsious etc. (Key is now R as well)
*Map features a compass - The sea is the north
*Kill count and other statistics seen from the wiki style page.
*No more padded cloth neccesary for Marnid.
*Defending units are reported to stay put and really defend in battle rather than march straight for your party.
*Map edge improved
*Dual-core support
*More menu backgrounds
*In battle maps are calculated more efficiently. Cliffs are rough and have a nice rocky texture for example.
*Water looks even better now.
*Shallow water on the map is passable.
*River pirates are stronger.
*Bigger parties over all.
*Renown system. ('fame'. Lots of renown will open doors for you)
*Morale system. (Morale affects speed on the map)
*Third, allied parties are reported to join and help you out in battle.
*Updated blood effects
*Better particle system
*Edit mode camera speed adjustable (tapping forward a few times increases speed)
Jun 13, 2007
Forgotten Realms
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