Necropolis - Review Roundup


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Here is an overview of more reviews for Necropolis, which was released yesterday on Steam.

Polygon, 5.5

Maybe I should have expected all this frustration. After all, Necropolis mixes two styles of game that are known for being difficult, for scaring away the weak of heart. But I like both of those styles; I like games that challenge me, that defeat me time and again, forcing me to learn. Necropolis goes through all the motions, but it's missing the heart, and the smarts, of the hyper-difficult games it's trying to imitate.
PCGamer, 6.8

There’s probably some arcane method for skipping levels, or at least running them faster, but I haven’t found it yet. As exasperating as Necropolis’ secretiveness can be, I do like that it rekindles the pre-internet days of word-of-mouth game lore. I’m sure I’m missing many secrets that are soon to be written in guides and FAQs. If you play Necropolis, play it before it's been fully documented, with friends who want to discover it with you—and tell me what all the codices do if you can.
Destructoid, 7

Can you play Necropolis by yourself? Only if you're really dedicated to the idea of running the same series of floors over and over with the intention of making progress. Without company, the initial dungeons begin to blend together a bit, and restarting isn't so much a pain from a pure skill-based roguelike standpoint, but a crisis of variety.
Hardcore Gamer, 4.5/5

While roguelike and roguelike-inspired games such as these feel like a dime a dozen in recent times, Necropolis stands out simply by being the best that it can be, with a striking visual style, great sense of humor and an enjoyable co-op mode working together with immense, randomized, yet terrifically-designed levels and some great combat. Developers Harebrained Schemes have crafted a stellar entry into the genre, one that’s still tough as nails and yet has you coming back to it again and again. It’s a superb hack-and-slash game that’s fun all around and comes highly recommended. Indeed, Finn and Jake would be proud.
And two video reviews



More information.
Aug 30, 2006
I'm not about to take Polygon seriously on gameplay matters...

TotalBiscuit on the other hand is always interesting.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Some of those reviews seem a bit kind and gentle vs other "media" I've seen on this.

I'd already decided this is a wait for a (big) sale kind of game (before watching and agreeing with one of the buy/wait/avoid style vids) because IMO it's way overpriced for what it is. There are many excellent roguelikes around for far less money or even free and this one seems to lack depth, variety, and replay compared to the better ones.

looks like a 5.00 seasonal sale purchase, if i ever saw one

...sounds about right for this.
Apr 22, 2013
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