Neverwinter Nights: EE - Review @ Mortismal Gaming

Nice to see a sort of review of this great game, but ouch. He should really prepare his videos and improve his speech instead of mass-producing them, the quality is quickly going downhill. :(

And he classifies NWN as an action RPG, with emphasis on "action", really? He was supposed to explain that later in his video but he apparently forgot, or I missed it.

I'm pretty sure the main reason the game is still around is the ability to make custom campaigns (what he calls the "multiplayer stuff"...) and the amount of 3rd-party content that was created thanks to this. Owlcat, are you watching this? ;)
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Nice to see a sort of review of this great game, but ouch. He should really prepare his videos and improve his speech instead of mass-producing them, the quality is quickly going downhill. :(

And he classifies NWN as an action RPG, with emphasis on "action", really? He was supposed to explain that later in his video but he apparently forgot, or I missed it.

I'm pretty sure the main reason the game is still around is the ability to make custom campaigns (what he calls the "multiplayer stuff"…) and the amount of 3rd-party content that was created thanks to this. Owlcat, are you watching this? ;)

I watched his 'review' of Temple of Elemental Evil the other day & it was almost pointless in the little he actually said about the game. He spent more time on the pre-game history of the module than he did on the rules implementation. He then spent quite a bit of time on what he thought was the original but awkward radial menus, classing it as a unique feature, and then, oh whoops, he's doing NWN next.

So I watched this NWN one earlier today & he somehow reviews all of NWN 1, including the OC, expansions, premium content, persistent worlds and module creation software into 12 minutes does he? Lol no. Of course he doesn't. it's as bland and pointless as the ToEE review.

It's the video version of "I just played [this game], it was good, I enjoyed it, but this and that was a bit annoying, but overall I'm glad I played it" stretched into 12 minutes with repetition and tautology.
Nov 1, 2014
Clueless review, as usual from this guy.

Doesn't know what the game is about, doesn't know what the Enhanced Edition does for it, and doesn't even bother to speak about every aspect of it that matters. It's as if he tried to explain worms as a lifeform and he said they are "fishing stuff", but nothing about their species, their habitat, how they reproduce or anything that actually defines the worms.

He just reads out loud some crap from the Wikipedia to sound like he knows splat about what he's saying and that's pretty much it.

Well, I hope nobody watched that video expecting an actual review about NWN:EE, and I definitely hope nobody takes this guy's word as anything but a superfluous wash over the only aspect of NWN that nobody who plays NWN:EE cares about - its single player campaign.
Nice to see a sort of review of this great game, but ouch. He should really prepare his videos and improve his speech instead of mass-producing them, the quality is quickly going downhill. :(

And he classifies NWN as an action RPG, with emphasis on "action", really? He was supposed to explain that later in his video but he apparently forgot, or I missed it.

I'm pretty sure the main reason the game is still around is the ability to make custom campaigns (what he calls the "multiplayer stuff"…) and the amount of 3rd-party content that was created thanks to this. Owlcat, are you watching this? ;)
Yeah without the mod scene I wouldn't still be playing either NWN games.

Not a single developer has come close except for Bethesda. As you said Owlcat should be taking notes. Larian did try a few years back but failed with the Original Sin games.

So other developers have tried but the community just dies out quickly.
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Oct 1, 2010
Yeah without the mod scene I wouldn't still be playing either NWN games.

Not a single developer has come close except for Bethesda. As you said Owlcat should be taking notes. Larian did try a few years back but failed with the Original Sin games.

So other developers have tried but the community just dies out quickly.

I remember it was the big thing with Doom and Quake, back then (with tools made by fans, not id), and Valve followed suit with an entire SDK for Half-Life. I thought creating custom campaigns wasn't interesting anyone anymore on recent games, but Solasta seems to benefit from it too.

Larian has a good system with their "virtual board" MP, I've seen people playing it. I thought it was possible to create maps? I don't think it's possible to create SP campaigns though.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Back in the day I played through the first two and part of the third campaigns. It was okay-ish, but I wasn't fond of the lack of party control. By now it looks pretty fugly, even with the graphical enhancements in the EE, although the modding capability of the game is certainly nice.
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Mar 22, 2012
I have to agree with @rjshae;.....even the EE version of NWN is looking rather fugly nowadays. I gues we're all spoilt by modern-day stuff. Hmmmm... How about a remake of NWN using the Grim Dawn engine...:) Of course, not being a programer, I'm probably talking rubbish...:)
Nov 18, 2021
I've played a lot of NWN modules over the years (singleplayer campaigns only, never had any interest in MP). But I still haven't picked up the EE, I've got NWN Diamond on GoG. EE's on sale right now on both GoG and Steam.

I thought it might be nice to get it on Steam as it would probably make installing modules quicker, but it seems most user modules aren't on Workshop anyway so I'd still have to get most of them off of the vault and manually install anyway.

I'm not sure any of the premium modules appeal to me. I think I tried playing the free version of Tyrant and Daggerford years ago, but grew bored quickly because there they were so centered on combat, which is certainly not the highlight of NWN for me.

Only thing that's making me consider getting it right now is a serious bug on Bastard of Kosigan isn't an issue if you play it with EE. If true that might make it worth it right there.

Anyone have an argument for why I should pick EE up? Seems most of the selling points have to do w/ either MP or the toolset, but I don't play MP and am not planning on building anything with the toolset.
Apr 9, 2013
Anyone have an argument for why I should pick EE up? Seems most of the selling points have to do w/ either MP or the toolset, but I don't play MP and am not planning on building anything with the toolset.
Better graphics, updated tool-set, bug-fixes, and more premium mods.That's just some of the reasons why you should buy or upgrade to the enhanced edition of NWN.:)
Oct 1, 2010
I had a blast testing/working on this one a few years ago, it gave me a much bigger appreciation for the game than I had when it first released. I've not done as much as I thought I would with additional modules and such, some day I'll get back to that.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Neverwinter Nights: The Blades of Netheril - Doom of Icewind Dale Intro

This is the opening cinematic for the NWNEE module Doom of Icewind Dale - the opening chapter of the 7-part campaign The Blades of Netheril, which continues the story of the Hero of Neverwinter!
Doom of Icewind Dale will release June 2022.
Oct 1, 2010
It's a Patreon funded seven chapter campaign by a well known modder not Beamdog. So I'd probably would say no just another mod that continues the main campaign.
Oct 1, 2010
I used to think NWN1 graphics is ugly but it grew on me now. I have no problem with it but NWN2 graphics on the other hand......... I hate it.

What really shined in NWN1 is Hall of Fame modules - there are so many great ones! It's a shame that there has been no games with such great modding communities as Couch mentioned.
Sep 4, 2021
Some NWN mods were good for sure. I also loved Hordes of the Underdark back in the day although it was more combat focused than NWN OC. SoU wasn't much better than the OC - which was abysmal. The designers really lacked any creative spark at all.

NWN2 OC was a step up from NWN OC but still very average. MotB was the best piece of content released for either NWN1 or 2 in my opinion. It had a truely exceptional story with genuine C&C that really impacted both the story and ending. It's best to play an overpowered class like sorceror though so you can focus on the story and ignore the camera/engine issues that NWN2 has. George Ziets and Kevin Saunders were at their best.
Oct 18, 2006
They never had the time to make a proper OC after all the features they put into the game, especially the new 3D engine and the editor.

But I have to agree with MG when he says the campaigns were not so rich in companions, though it never bothered me much. Maybe they're best played in coop, but I've only tried 3rd-party campaigns in this mode (and it was tons of fun).

Like Purpleblob, I didn't like the graphics in NWN2, while NWN was perfectly fine. I actually liked it despite the shortcomings, it was very good back then and the atmosphere and special effects felt just right. With the EE they've even improved the graphics quality somewhat.

I think NWN2 mostly lacked good artists or at least didn't use the proper style.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Yeah the story behind Neverwinter Nights development is very interesting. The original campaign wasn't even planned, and had to be rushed before the games release.

Anyway I love NWN2 myself and the various mods for that game as well. The graphics didn't bother me that much, but I hated the MMO cool-down mechanic for combat.
Oct 1, 2010
When the story and combat mechanics are fairly solid, the graphics aren't that important to me. Both of the Neverwinter Nights games have draws, and using the classic locations from the novels and game series really pushed it even further for me.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
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