Obama Jobs Plan - "Screw Future Generations"

Principles clearly have nothing to do with Republican obstruction. Time and time again, they will vote against and fillbuster for laws that they they have supported in the past, just to make Obama fail. It's pure political poo.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Without question that's a major problem, although I would cite that as evidence for why a whole generation actually believes the world owes them something that they don't have to earn.

Was it ever otherwise?
Oct 26, 2006
Was it ever otherwise?
Griping about "lazy kids these days" goes back centuries, but I really believe that it's objectively worse now and we're actively reinforcing the decay.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Some truth to that, but remember that democrats controlled both houses of congress for Obama's first 2 years.

Definently, so the democratic party was certanly part of Obama's problems. It does strike me as rather odd that it's possible that a party choose a candidate who gets voted in, only to go on to not support the things pepole voted for him to do.

Either the excuse doesn't hold up in this case, or the campaign promises were such a complete load of crap that not even his own party could support them (which says something about the people that fell for them, me thinks).

If everyone in congress is right wing it's hard to run a left wing agenda. Whether a left wing agenda is reasonable or not is irrelevant since right wing pepole simply don't want that and therefore don't vote for it.

Guantanamo is an excellent example. A majority want it to close, that's fairly clear considering how they voted in the presidential election. That it's possible to keep America at least close to as safe as now without sacrificingHabeas Corpus is also not that far a stretch. So regarding Guantanamo it's not exactly that closing is crazy. With that in mind, how do you explain that Democrats still don't want to close it?

Jul 11, 2007
It does strike me as rather odd that it's possible that a party choose a candidate who gets voted in, only to go on to not support the things pepole voted for him to do.

Yes, the Blue Dogs hurt the party by not supporting the President.
Apr 5, 2008
Was it ever otherwise?

The old phrase building future propably meant that they were building future for themselves and not for future generations. And I can clearly see that now when we "the new generation" are forced to pay the old generations pensions because the old gen played and lost all their pension savings in risk investments.

When I get old they propably give me a gun and offer to put my finger on the trigger if Im too weak to move my arm. There wont be anything else left by then.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
The old phrase building future propably meant that they were building future for themselves and not for future generations. And I can clearly see that now when we "the new generation" are forced to pay the old generations pensions because the old gen played and lost all their pension savings in risk investments.

There is even a novel out there where in an Utopia, all people are old, and live in relative luxury.

But that has a cost : Younger people also live there, exploited, as workers, and sometimes even as clones whose bodies are exploited for older bodies (of the higher social classes of older people) when there are some internal organs that don't work anymore.

In the summary about this book (which name I forgot) one of these clones flees, because he doesn't want to be a wandering arsenal of spare parts anymore.

We can see a similar thing hre already - and I fear it is found elsewhere, too : Older people demand the state to pay their pensions ... Younger people remain without this needed money, and what's worse : Without any jobs.

There are 2 points, however :

Heiring. Here, we have an "inheritance tax". This gives the state money, too. Unless the whole money is spent, that is.

The other point is the distorted age pyramid, which is distorted through WWII and the following decades.

It is currenly upside down.

Which means there are LOTS younger pople needed for caretaking professions.
But these pofessions have a very low reputation in the youth, an are *extremely* poorly paid. So - there will be a problem SOON. And the politicians just on't act towards it.

This is how the future is seen here for Germany, regarding the "age structure" : http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Datei:Bevpyr_2050.png&filetimestamp=20110731145523
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Griping about "lazy kids these days" goes back centuries, but I really believe that it's objectively worse now and we're actively reinforcing the decay.

Doubt it. It's rather that the landscape is completely different.

We have gone from a very local and consistent reality to a global and contradicting reality. From simply taking a traditional role in your small community, in finding yourself in a vast and extremely complex situation where you are constantly pumped with information from foreign places. We have also moved from collectivistic cultures into individualistic cultures that force the question "how do I survive" rather than answer the question "where do I fit in".

Old folks had it easier in many ways and the ideas about youth today is based on a very different world in which they grew up in.

I do not believe that the current situation works. I believe that the idea that you should be your job rather than you are a person in a population is a cultural delusion that may have to be revamped. Almost everything that matters in an individuals life today is artificial. To even begin to address the problems you have to begin to see through television, the systems that just recycle it's own false ideas, that money is an invented structure that replaces God etc.

What's real is the interaction between people, their need to fit in, the emotions, the big questions about existence, where to go, what to do. The Old Folks won't be able to answer these questions because they were taught not to ask, not to think.

We are 6 billion now. Where's the dream of tomorrow? There are no dreams. There are no future. There are nowhere left to go. It's 50 years since we took a dip in the cosmic ocean and visited space. For now it seems like the last great thing we did as a species.

We do not explore anymore. We worship false Gods (money) and seek quick fixes to fill our emptiness.
Oct 26, 2006
and seek quick fixes to fill our emptiness.

This is more true than it looks at first glance … There IS a thing like "pathologic societies" …
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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