Obama lies, baby Jesus cries QQ

Michael Ellis

Original Sin Donor
January 6, 2011
"In his energy speech at the University of Miami in late February, the President oh-so-patiently explained that Republicans are silly for thinking that "drill, baby, drill" is anything but a bumper sticker because, even if he were to approve a bunch of leases right away and allow energy companies to get crackin', it can take up to five, even ten years for these projects to really get off the ground and actually increase the oil supply. But, in the exact same speech, he said that domestic oil production has reached new heights under his administration. …Does he think he can have it both ways?

The increased domestic oil production we're currently enjoying is due to the initiative of private businesses and the policies of "the previous administration" — seems like incread oil production is one of the few things Obama isn't willing to pin on the Bush administration, even if that's where the credit is actually due."

"Increased oil and gas production in the U.S. is a great development, but this is a result of increased production on private lands in North Dakota, Texas, and Alaska. On federal lands and offshore, the story is much grimmer. Production on federal lands and offshore could have yielded more output, increasing supply and therefore putting downward pressure on oil prices. Poor administrative decisions—such as refusing to open areas to exploration and production, cancelling or delaying lease sales, and the offshore drilling moratorium and subsequent “permitorium”—significantly reduced oil production, destroying jobs and reducing economic activity in the process.

If there is an economic interest to produce this oil, Washington should allow companies to do so. In North Dakota, oil production is booming and unemployment is low. There should be more stories like this."
Jan 6, 2011
Yet Oil is limited. For eternity. At least in this form.

It will run out one day. All they achive right now is pushing the Year Of THe Drought a little bit further into the future.

What they should do it trying to imitate the oil production process, to get artificial oil.

'Nuff said.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Yes, with all this new domestic production we are seeing the highest prices in history. The joke is on us. Oil companies are getting historic riches at our expense and Republicans still want to preserve their subsidies and cry that we are not giving them drilling opportunities. :rolleyes: Corruption anyone?
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Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I'm just curious--is there any issue in the whole wide world that you don't blame on republicans?
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
And what does that have to do with my post?

EDIT Oh right. DTE has once again entered shameless strawman attack mode. What was that about intellectual integrity? Nevermind.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Oil companies are getting historic riches at our expense and Republicans still want to preserve their subsidies and cry that we are not giving them drilling opportunities. :rolleyes: Corruption anyone?
At least it's not just my posts you can't manage to read. Apparently you have trouble with your own. I bolded it to help you out a little bit. So then, I'm still curious--is there any issue in the whole wide world that you can't blame on republicans?
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
DTE, what exactly do you think I am "blaming" Republicans for, besides preserving oil company subsidies (which is True), and crying about not giving them drilling opportunities (which is also True)?

Weird you choose the word "blame" for something that is without a doubt they are doing. Having a hard time with reality lately?
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
It will run out one day. All they achive right now is pushing the Year Of THe Drought a little bit further into the future.
And makes it so it will be a bigger shock when it hits. Keeping the price down means putting off alternative fuels for even longer.

Then there's the whole global warming thing. Seems like Republicans are finally admitting that global warming is, in fact, happening but still talk about how it might not be because of the actions of humans.

P.S. Earthquakes are not the Republicans' fault. Well, at least not the big earthquakes....
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Yeah, I support slowly increasing energy prices in general because of the limited supply. Obviously the volatility we've seen is bad news, except for some lucky speculators and executives.

Yeah, I agree that nearly everything good that happened under Bush's tenure was more Clinton's fault, and so on and so forth. The American public isn't smart enough to put this sort of thing together coherently, unfortunately. I'll blame it on old & senile voters who just want their social security and medicare and burn everyone else.

Yeah, I hate what both the Republican & Democrat parties have become. Neither party cares at all about issues I find relevant:
1. Crush the whole involvement in marriage the government has.

2. Revoke the patriot act and any other provisions allowing surveillance or military action against American citizens. (I loathe Bush & Obama & FDR's actions along these lines.)

3. Be more pragmatic with our military. So the terrorists got one over on us. So what? Let's not get sidetracked from speaking softly and carrying a big stick. Two lost wars just to shoot some guy? "Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power." ~Benjamin Franklin
4. Rehaul food subsides by basing subsidy on crop nutrition quality & a crops relative healthfulness. Bring up the price of corn (and thus meat) while dropping the price of fruit and vegetables. If we are going to hand out money to farming corp. lets at least mark the cash for foods that won't cost us double later because they promote the creation of overfed land whales.

5. If I am going to subsidize someone else's healthcare, they had better not be smoking a pack a day / a drunkard or partier / a land whale. Put that in the national healthcare plan and I might support it.

6. Full state sponsored healthcare for children ages 1-17. If you aren't emancipated, than you ought to have more rights than the oldies. Take the money out of social security if you need to. Every generation of Americans has been selling out the following generations for quite some time now.

I could go on forever. Republicans and Democrats spend a lot of government money trying to fool you into working for them. Looks like it was well spent.
Feb 15, 2012
Very practical Staylost.

Alrik - over a long enough timeline, isn't oil also renewable?

Besides that, won't we have smarter ways to create energy soon?

I'm not making any points, just some questions and food for thought.
Sep 16, 2011
What is exactly expensive? Over here the cost of gasoline is 1.8 Euro a liter. If I am not mistaken that would make it 8.9 Dollar a gallon. The current cost in the US is 50% less or something like that?

This is relative to the cost of living in the US and The Netherlands, which is very hard to compare, but I think it is fair to state that the cost of living in The Netherlands is higher although not by 50%.
I know that taking one single item and comparing it between countries is flawed by definition, but you still get your fuel cheap.
Aug 30, 2006
About 63% at the moment. It consists of a fixed amount and VAT, so a higher price means (relatively) less taxes. The idea is that we tax the owners of cars for actually driving them. The more you use the roads and add pollution to the air, the more you pay. But I suppose it being a nice cash cow is interesting too :)
Aug 30, 2006
Y'all are also hamstrung by your environmentalists--you never built enough refineries.

That's actually a problem on our side of the pond as well. Due to crushing EPA regulations, it's functionally impossible to build new refinery capacity in the US. Domestic refineries are running at an average of ~105% of rated capacity. If OPEC tripled their production tomorrow, it would have very little effect on the availability of gasoline. One of those niggling details the none of the politicians of either stripe like to talk about.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I've also heard that many communities (i.e. private persons) don't want refineries in their neighborhoods because of the pollution. So you get the environmentalists not wanting to pollute the woods and the public not wanting to pollute their homes. I'd just prefer we get off fossil fuels as soon as possible.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I agree, let's go nuclear instead!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
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