Obsidian Entertainment - Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny for free

Well, I tried Tyranny and the biggest issue is that you have to know EXACTLY what steps to take to join the rebels. There are decisions in the prologue that will exclude you from ever joining them. As soon as I realized I hadn't picked one of the 11 previous steps correctly, I uninstalled. Up until then the game was mildly entertaining. Way too many things you can do that totally lock areas that you might want to visit. Really stupid decision. Like I'm going to take time to replay the same boring areas over and over.

Some of us call that choice and consequences. ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Some of us call that choice and consequences. ;)

You couldn't have really expected an Elder Scrolls Fan to recognise this concept...
Feb 20, 2009
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I got them, even though I already own them. I'm not sure that I have the Tyranny DLC on Steam, so when I do finally get around to playing it, I guess I'll be playing the Epic version. No, I don't care that they're (supposedly) Satan. :p
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
I do like the spell system quite a bit. Though I could use more quick slots. Of course, I'm only at around 50 lore, so pretty much more room to grow if I go back to it. I'm still playing Dysmantled and Div-2 a bit too. Lots of free time when out on medical leave :(
Oct 18, 2006
That certainly doesn't make me interested in trying out Tyranny. It sounds like you'd have to cheat simply to know what's going on, or how to progress properly. Games that have built in gates are of little interest to me.
What? I didn't used any guide or forum reading to play the game 4 times, each quite different at least for 3.

That at end some aspect are still difficult to explain is another aspect. For me it even enhanced the game but this time through forum arguing on explanations. As fun than it was through morale arguing in forums for Dragonfall, past the plays or during replays.

Gates? Well, no RPG have two different main story, or please the quotes. And it's not last minutes end change that are examples of it. Wait, Tyranny ends have a lot of elements of change.

EDIT: For gates you need clarify, parts feeling like forced choices, yes and no. There's a context and you can't do anything you want. In practice you can refuse do many things, but if not matching previous choices and alliances you did, it will fork you inside a very restricted path with no allies but one character, and then not much choices because of that.
Oct 14, 2007
I do like the spell system quite a bit. Though I could use more quick slots. Of course, I'm only at around 50 lore, so pretty much more room to grow if I go back to it. I'm still playing Dysmantled and Div-2 a bit too. Lots of free time when out on medical leave :(
The spell system is amazing, and so much better than a cold system as in Morrowind.

The crafting system has the same design spirit and great too even if not at level of spell system, few math and lot of hand crafted design, this making it fun and... uncold.
Oct 14, 2007
I got them, even though I already own them. I'm not sure that I have the Tyranny DLC on Steam, so when I do finally get around to playing it, I guess I'll be playing the Epic version. No, I don't care that they're (supposedly) Satan. :p
You remind myself. . . some months ago.

Then I bought Hades on Epic because of some temporary "hate" against Steam and Gog is banned since Bioware destruction.

Hades was a lot of fun for me despite out of reach of my skills, and now I noticed two possible side effects:
- I remind Epic is satan and always copied and steal other dev, but I care much less at least for the shop aspect.
- I played a lot less on Steam, but a lot. It's like some addiction that started be broken.

Oct 14, 2007
Do you have an Epic account? Just log in and scroll down until you see "Free games" and click on them.
This last only one week for each. And if it seems long, it is very short when you don't play on the Shop, and it's even worse because all games I played from Epic was allowing be launch without the client and there's zero reason to launch the client.

I let skip some I'd like try and don't want buy.

Since 17 Dec it will be worse with one free game per day during 15 days, and you won't know the plan.
Oct 14, 2007
Having now tried both these games and paying approx $20 a shot each, I can thoroughly recommend people to beware even playing them for free.

I, personally, struggled to get any sense of enjoyment out of either and, given my time back again, would choose not to play these time-wasters even if they were free.

I know I probably sound a bit troll'ish here, but I'm really not trolling. I tried both games with the hope and desire to enjoy them and gave both of them a good long fair shot, but they're both so… sleep inducing.

I don't even know the reason why I don't like them. I played both for a good many hours and then just stopped, with the intention to play them again the next night, as you do, and then just never went back to them.

They both seriously lack the addiction factor that is so crucial for gaming, and I'm not talking about gambling mechanics. You know, that thing where you hurry up your dinner in between gaming sessions and forget to have a shower in the morning because you log straight onto the game. The whole forgetting how long you've been playing and then notice its getting dark outside kind of thing.

Just none of that at all.

I can see why some people like them I suppose, but my personal recommendation would be to not waste the time at all rather than fuss over the price.
Nov 1, 2014
The rebels are not the only "good" path. I played as the disfavoured and ended up usurping the leadership and then the overlord and still governing in a good enough way that I would consider it the right result for everyone involved. I.e. a strong leader ruling fairly over all my lands with an army ready to face the next challenge.
Oct 18, 2006
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