Original Sin - Source Hunter DLC Pack


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
I believe I mentioned this last week but just for those that missed it here we go. Larian Studios has released a new DLC pack called Source Hunter.

Here are the details.

This DLC pack contains Divinity Original Sin Design Documents, a Divinity Original Sin Art Pack, the Divinity Original Sin Soundtrack, an in-game item called The Golden Grail (which can turn items into gold) and an in-game item "Zandalor's Trunks", magical underwear that comments on whatever is going on.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Hmm, nothing but crickets in here. If this were EA, UBi or bioware we'd have 4 pages already, 2 of which would be from joxer.

I'm not anti-DLC so I don't have a problem with it. I won't be buying however, none of the content interests me.
The DLC contains stuff given to backers if you took the $50 tier and up (less or more, the Golden trail thing seems to be new).
Oct 13, 2007
Well I am antiDLC and I am Joxer and I don't care if it is EA, Ubi, Square Enix, 2K, Paradox or someone else.

I had so many hopes for this game and for Larian, there was no mention of DLC on the KS page anywhere so I pledged for two copies ($65 tier) to share THE FULL GAME with a friend.
Golden grail you say? Well now I feel scammed.

I'm very angry with Larian, will not buy this bullshit and because of this will not back their next KS project and if they plan to continue with schemes like this, they can forget me buying any of their future games.
Apr 12, 2009

The "DLC" is an upgrade for the Steam Early Access buyers. People who bought the Early Access can now upgrade to the Digital Collectors Edition sold on Steam without having to spend another $70 on the game. It's not a true DLC.
Oct 13, 2007
Sorry but when I see smoke, I bet there is something burning nearby.
Apr 12, 2009
According to a source at Larian's forums, there is another DLC as well that's going to be launched along with the main game on June 30th.

It's called the "Empty Fields" pack. Among other things, it includes an item called The Staff of NoMobRespawn, and you can use it to "seal" an area after you've cleared it so that enemies do not respawn. Apparently you can also unseal the areas later if you wish.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
This specific DLC was only offered after a very long gripe fest thread on their board from folks who purchased the non CE version and now want the CE version. I.e, it was offered because folks were complaining they were shafted but not being told about the CE version. While I hate day one DLC; this specific DLC does not contain extra areas removed from the game to be sold later.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
According to a source at Larian's forums, there is another DLC as well that's going to be launched along with the main game on June 30th.

It's called the "Empty Fields" pack. Among other things, it includes an item called The Staff of NoMobRespawn, and you can use it to "seal" an area after you've cleared it so that enemies do not respawn. Apparently you can also unseal the areas later if you wish.

So I'll have to pay extra for what's called in other games - no grinding mod. The only difference is that the mod here is not made by fans.
I'm now doubleangry.

If it's true I promise you I will not buy another Larian game. Ever.
Apr 12, 2009
Well I am antiDLC and I am Joxer and I don't care if it is EA, Ubi, Square Enix, 2K, Paradox or someone else.

I had so many hopes for this game and for Larian, there was no mention of DLC on the KS page anywhere so I pledged for two copies ($65 tier) to share THE FULL GAME with a friend.
Golden grail you say? Well now I feel scammed.

I'm very angry with Larian, will not buy this bullshit and because of this will not back their next KS project and if they plan to continue with schemes like this, they can forget me buying any of their future games.

I though that would get you going.;)

If you take that stance you may run out of games to play though as it seems DLC is here to stay and only getting more prevalent.
I though that would get you going.;)

If you take that stance you may run out of games to play though as it seems DLC is here to stay and only getting more prevalent.

Actually I won't run out of games to play. If you just concentrate on where the money I saved on not buying DLC crap will go, it turns out I will play many more different games.
Apr 12, 2009
The pants sound interesting. But I don't care a bit about maps, sound tracks, and other bells and whistles.

I'm usually on the side of just paying, but $10 is pretty steep for some virtual pants.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
It's not pants - those are just a side fun stuff that can't affect the game. And I believe everyone will get it, at least everyone from KS.

But an item that makes gold or something? And item that stops grind? 10 bucks each to change the game balance? Cmon.

Did it ever occured to them that some people, or if you want only one person, me, supported their KS project believing there will be no DLC as they never mentioned it on the project page? Oh yea, you can say I should have asked if there will be DLC before pledging. See… You can't ask questions on KS unless you're a backer.

They've lost one fan today. For their sakes, I hope they've got another fan instead, the one who wants to buy any crap DLC and who actually expects that a crowdsourced game does have DLC when it's mentioned nowhere.
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Apr 12, 2009
The pants sound interesting.

I was thinking the same thing. I'm wondering though if it's something you have to have equipped or will it make comments while just sitting in your inventory.

I got my copy of D:OS free from RPGWatch though, so I'm gonna plunk down $10 for this just to support the devs.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US

They lost you as a fan because they offer a bundle on early access available in the the Digital Collector Edition on Steam and in every kickstarter tier above $50?
Oct 13, 2007

They lost you as a fan because they offer a bundle on early access available in the the Digital Collector Edition on Steam and in every kickstarter tier above $50?

Actually i agree with Joxer on this, not that the DLC is a huge problem, but i would hold Larian to a higher standard than those money grubbing tactics.

I realize it's my own fault though, putting a company on a pedestal is just not a good course of action, but I seem to do it way to often.
Jul 26, 2013
This isn't DLC in the traditional sense... it's an upgrade made for whiners. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I probably should of mentioned in the original post the DLC is an option offered to players who missed the kickstarter. Swen mentioned this last week.
Busy busy busy times at Larian. We just put the Digital Collectors Edition on Steam as well as the Source Hunter DLC pack everybody has been asking us for. Check it out!
So I agree with what Drithius said above.;)
Oct 1, 2010
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