Paper Sorcerer - News Roundup


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Developer Ultra Runaway Games was kind eough to send more infomation over about their released RPG Paper Sorcerer. So lets get started as it will be long.

First up the game is now updated to version 1.9.

The game recently updated to v1.9

One of the main changes for this build is that the Shop and Equip menus preview the result of equipping an item better. Also, now the Item menu stays on the same item after you use it, which helps when using potions and the like. I've also added a new effect for the Bleeding status effect and made various balance tweaks.

I'd also like to point out that saves from the downloadable demo are transferable to the full game.

If you'd like more info about what has changed since the last version, you can find that on the Ultra Runaway Games forum.
Next we get some more press coverage.

Kotaku takes a quick look at the game.

<blockquote class="quote">Behold, the recently-released Paper Sorcerer, a Kickstarted indie RPG with a look all its own.[/quote] Rock, Paper, Shotgun has a article with a look at the demo:

<blockquote class="quote">This looks like a very interesting combination of old-school turn-based RPG, with a very interesting modern first-person aesthetic, fantastic use of blank space and unreal design.[/quote] They also did a new Impressions video.

<blockquote class="quote">There’s lots going on here for something so cheap, while still being a very stripped back RPG for modern standards. The concept is novel, the approach is intriguing, and the challenge enough to keep things interesting. I’d say this is
[/quote] Lastly the developer has released a few Avatars, and gives a link to the games demo.


I thought you guys might like Paper Sorcerer avatars!

Each album contains all the square images at the size listed.


Right click the image, "Save As" somewhere on your computer, and set your Avatar on Penny Arcade and elsewhere to spread the Paper Sorcerer love! On Penny Arcade, you can change it by clicking on your icon in the upper right -> Mouseover your avatar on the left -> Change picture -> Choose picture.

You can also download the whole avatar set as a zip file if you like, from the Ultra Runaway website.

If you haven't already tried the demo, you can download it or play it in your browser! Try the demo now
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
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