Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - New Class and Companion


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
In Kickstarter update #29 for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous a new class and companion are introduced:

Spirits Within: Introducing a New Class and Companion

Time for some more romantic news! Thanks to your dedication and furious support, we've finally unlocked the last social goal! That means ALL of the additional bonuses and features from the chart have successfully granted their place in the game, including the most-awaited royal romance option with queen Galfrey herself. We were fascinated to see our fellow pathfinders' commitment to reach that goal. Congratulations!

We cannot wait to tell you more about each and every social goal, but it's not time just yet. There is still much time before the release, so we will surely reveal some more details in our future updates.

And today we are going to present to you a new playable class and also tell you a little bit about one of your future companions...

The world of Golarion is full of different supernatural beings, be it ghosts, gods, or magical beasts. Among those beings are spirits--embodiments of various aspects of the world: trees, waves, wind, life itself, death, and many, many others. While spirits are imperceptible to most people, there are some who can hear them, speak to them, and use their power.

People who can do this are called shamans, masters of the spirit world. A person becomes a full-fledged shaman after bonding with one of the spirits and forging a special permanent connection with it. This bond takes the form of a spirit animal, the living embodiment of the chosen spirit. Through it, the shaman not only becomes a divine spellcaster, with the ability to use the forces of nature similar to that of a druid, but also gains the power to channel their bonded spirit's power into supernatural phenomena.

A shaman who has bonded with a bone spirit can kill enemies with a bone-shattering touch, or even temporarily become incorporeal, shedding their physical form. A wind shaman gains control over lightning, making it strike enemies, and can even become a huge wind elemental, unleashing their power as a tornado. Or, if you like a more personal approach, you can be a battle shaman, bolstering your allies with your rallying cries, making your weapon a bane to enemies, and even turning yourself into an avatar of war with supernatural battle prowess.

That's not the only thing shamans get through their spirits: they also gain access to hexes similar to those of a witch, such as cursing an enemy with only a glance, making an ally lucky beyond measure, or growing powerful claws. While some of the hexes are available to any shaman, some of them are unique to the shaman's bonded spirit.

Bonding with one spirit is impressive, of course, but that's not what makes shamans masters of the spirit world--they also have the ability to commune with any wandering spirit they encounter and harness their powers. Shamans can find a suitable spirit anywhere, any time, and by using this ability wisely they can magically gain the means to overcome any hurdle on the spot. More than that, shamans can ask spirits around them to grant them temporary hexes, known as wandering hexes.

Obviously, there are other kinds of shamans on Golarion. Spirit wardens, defenders of the living, gain powers to resist and destroy the undead. The witch doctor is a specialist in dealing with wounds and curses, banishing both with ease. Unsworn shamans don't bond with spirits--they rely entirely on their ability to form temporary bonds with several spirits at once, which may be less powerful, but plentiful. Possessed shamans actually let their spirit dwell in their body along with the shaman's own soul, giving the spirit some power over the body. This grants the shaman certain skills known only to the spirit. And, finally, spirit hunters use their close connection to the spirit world through a single spirit to enhance their weapons in a never-ending war against evil and malign spirits. In Wrath of the Righteous, you will have an opportunity to become acquainted with one of such spirit hunters, Camellia.


You will meet Camellia in the raging flames of Kenabres. She is a noble, able to maintain her stiff upper lip amidst the chaos that has engulfed the city in the wake of the demon invasion. A talented shaman, she seems eager to lend you her aid and fight under your command, but she won't tell you much about herself, deflecting your questions with a polite yet fleeting smile. Even her alignment stays hidden, thanks to a special amulet the girl refuses to take off. If you're willing to put in some effort, Camellia could open up to you, becoming your friend or even a lover.

Until then, a girl must keep her secrets.

To arms, crusaders! The spirits are on our side!

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
A Noble Shaman seems a peculiar mix. Shaman are usually pictured as members of hunter-gatherer tribes. But I suppose that's part of the mystery...
Mar 22, 2012
I am not sure what shamanism means in the context of the Pathfinder setting, but from an anthropological perspective it tends to mean an individual form of spiritualism, with personal contact with the supernatural, typologies tend to place it under religion. Hunter gatherer tribes sounds about right. But that definition sounds flexible, in an urban setting it could simply mean someone who has personal experience with spirits without an organised system of belief. Their description of Camilla sounds interesting, I have cynical comments to make, but really my cynicism is rather predictable. I appreciate the idea and the required work... Of course all things to all people.
Mar 2, 2015
New Zealand
May 6, 2013
So after coercing Owlcat Games At Gunpoint that they must include turn-based mode, in the same kind way, I sincerely requested that they now have intense porn-scenes for all these female companions.
Mar 21, 2013
So after coercing Owlcat Games At Gunpoint that they must include turn-based mode, in the same kind way, I sincerely requested that they now have intense porn-scenes for all these female companions.

Or at least have lots of animated food metaphors. :p
Mar 22, 2012
The Reddit Q&A had this to say:
Post kickstarter will we be able to pay via paypal for the game and things like beta and alpha access?
"PayPal will be available on the backer portal after the KS campaign ends."

So I'll be waiting for that to happen... :)
Mar 22, 2012
They've gotten to the next stretch goal which is more animations

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Yeah, but no reveal of the next one yet? I'm considering adding 26$ to my pledge to get a second copy, but it's always more fun if there's an interesting stretch goal to reach as well. I don't really understand why they only put up one at a time, wouldn't several goals be a better way of increasing the number of pledges and pledge amounts, since more people stood see goals they want?
Dec 20, 2010
It's not better to list them all right away. Another game KS was pointed at yesterday and it all looked good - till the moment I saw the list of all goals with the last one being multiplayer nonsensical modes.

If I wasn't aware of that stretch goal I'd probably have backed that project. Ah well… Seems that honesty doesn't make profits.
On the other hand, while I moved away from it, mmo audience will back such project so no loss, right? That's most probably the logic of revealing that final stretch goal.
But there is another question: how many more multiplayer games mmo audience really needs?

Kingmaker2 did it IMO correctly. Anti dating sim people backed the game right away without knowing there will be a stretch goal for those. Dating sim people backed it when they saw the goal. If it was revealed right away… Less backers. :)
Imagine now if the next stretch goal is adding no timers option to the game. The total sum would double.
Apr 12, 2009
I'm considering adding 26$ to my pledge to get a second copy, but it's always more fun if there's an interesting stretch goal to reach as well.
Is there an overview of the tiers? Which is the lowest tier including a second copy?
May 6, 2013
Lowest tier where you get the game through digital download is $28. If you want an additional copy that's +$26, it's not under tiers but addons.
Apr 12, 2009
Joxer beat me to it. I'm currently at the 40$ tier (premium digital, I'm not interested in physical goods), but might add a second copy on top of that.
Dec 20, 2010
Almost time for the last minute rush. They're trending toward $1.87 million, so no records being set. But maybe we'll get a couple more stretch goals?
Mar 22, 2012
This new stretch goal is cool but I don't tend to replay games that are longer than 50 hours so having so many choices at character creation aren't really to my benefit.
I know some people love playing for days with character creation. I personally. Prefer developing my character in game.

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Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
This new stretch goal is cool but I don't tend to replay games that are longer than 50 hours so having so many choices at character creation aren't really to my benefit.
I know some people love playing for days with character creation. I personally. Prefer developing my character in game.

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

I love these kind of stretch goals. Normally I don't make more than one or perhaps a couple of characters, but being overwhelmed by character creation and having to spend hours agonizing about what to pick is my kind of fun.
Dec 20, 2010
having so many choices at character creation
It doesn't stop there. After starting a character, based on your ingame choices you can open a path to transorm into a mythical creature. Wanna play a lich? Or an angel? Or some of other possibly OP creatures? Well, you'll be able to.
Apr 12, 2009
I am with @TomRon; on this. I love spending hours, days sometimes, building that perfect character. To me character development is tops. I love tons of options so I can make my character as close to ideal as I can.

Then, when playing, I like lots of choices for skills, race, dialogue, quests, alignment ... etc to then build out the template I made at the start.

One reason I have enjoyed PK so much is the character building.

Of course that isn't the only way to build a character. For example, in a completely different way, I love FO4 and Skyrim for the character options. In this case lots of freedom to be whomever I want ... and while the basic stats are lame ... the perks combined with mods and an open world make for great RP freedom.
Jun 4, 2008
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