PC games fall 08

It was a suprise to me too. I was planning to get an xbox360 this fall but now Im having second thoughts. Most of the xbox games I want are released to PC anyways.

In anycase if I ever do buy it I will get its games from ebay. As new the console games cost way too much after been used to cheap PC prices.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Maybe the "PC Games are dying" thingy is said mostly by companies who are profiting from console sales.

A similar thing has been reported by the German magazine " c't " about a so-called "soon happening breakdown of the internet". This is - as the report reveals - said out loud mostly by companies which are selling internet appliances - such as routers, cables, switches and so on.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Can't wait for the Storm of Zehir. I really love NWN series (especially Mask of the Betrayer) and old cRPGs like IWD or BG, so I think this expansion will be great.

Also I think I am going to buy Starcraft II and GTA IV. And I'll buy Empire: Total War for sure, but it's beginning of 2009 ;)
Jun 16, 2008
Most of the xbox games I want are released to PC anyways.

Exactly, this is why I will eventually get a Playstation 3 when the price goes down enough, but I'll never buy an Xbox.

I'll admit I'm pissed about the announcement that there will not be a PC version of Gears of War 2 though.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Most if not all of the PS3 games I want are on xbox/PC. The next playstation I buy will be ps4 - they say it will be a smaller price-reduced model and launch is in 2-3 years - they want to get it out before the next xbox.

This way I get pretty much full coverage. I have ps2 for ps1 and ps2 games, xbox360 for xbox and xbox360 games, ps4 for ps3 and ps4 games, etc.

I dont know about GoW2 but they said the same about many other xbox games which where then laters launched as pc title too.

I picked up xbox360 elite today for 288€ - it was on a special sale. I also bought all games I wanted ~ a total of som 11 games for ~180€ . They were all on special sales / used (i.e odyssey for 20€) and there was one limited edition too - perfect dark zero (14€):

# Metal case
# Bonus disc with featurettes
# Comic book
# Collectable holograph card

I thought what the hell i need to buy the thing for the next final fantasy anyways so why not pick it up. Now all I need is my new 52" sony full hd if they ever bother to ship few of them to Finland.
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Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Just got Brothers in Arms - Hells Highway. It's got to be one of the coolest WW2 games. I love the whole supression/flanking gameplay element. And the campaign also seems top notch up until now. I never really played any WW2 game that took such great care to build characters/people.
Jul 31, 2007
There are so many anticipated games coming out this fall (and even some surprises - at least for me - like Dead Space) that I have only one problem considering the PC scene. I don't know what to play first and where to find time for such gaming.... :)

Regarding alleged dying of PC scene I think It's not true, or at least it' very and inadequately exaggerated. PC market has too big potential to be wasted, to be left out, to let it die - despite of piracy. One must also not forget that progress of pc game industry is also in the interest of pc hardware industry (I believe, that's the main reason why for example NVIDIA so much cooperates with game developers). PC game industry and pc hardware industry are nowdays, as we would say in Czech language, "unified containers". Then not all parts of pc games market are still fully utilized, take, for example, a segment of web games like Dark Orbit and similar. And other segments are being uncovered as technology progresses.

And finally we cannot forget other inportant thing and that is true versatility of PC and possibility to adjust graphics and other game details to match pc system perfomance, I thing all in favour of PC in comparison with consoles.
Nov 2, 2008
Czech Republic
The older I become, the more the games I'd like to play are narrowed ... Which also saves money, by the way.

Sometimes I have the feeling as if I'm becoming more & more conservative regarding games and content.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I understand I have similar feeling and need, games have certainly changed (and not always in a positive manner) during last years since they established themselves as a part of mainstream entertainment.

But i think we must admit (or at least I must :) ) to ourselves that we are also becoming a bit bored of playing games after those years and we are not so excited about new releases as we were before... when we were also younger and maybe more passionate :) So, we have changed, too :).
Nov 2, 2008
Czech Republic
Yes, this sounds kind of right. I think I can say that I'm not that passionate about games anymore than I was years ago.

Nowadays, I just want to have rather fun - a challenging fun, if possible.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I'm more conscious of my backlog than I used to be. A decade ago, I would have gotten Spore in spite of the mixed reviews and probably picked up Dead Space even though I'm not an FPS fan. These days, I keep a list of what I've got unplayed or under-played (and it's a fairly extensive list) that I look at any time I get the urge to run out and buy a new shiny. I think it might be taking a bit of the fun out of things, though. I'm beating myself up to play games that, for whatever reason, haven't turned out as exciting as I thought when I plunked down my money. Fortunately, most of them weren't purchased full-price, but it's still a lot of wasted money if I don't play them. Not to mention that some of them are games that I know I "should" play and and "should" like--Gothic 1, Div Div, and Jagged Alliance 2 quickly come to mind.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
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