Skyrim PC luddite opting for xbox version ..

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


November 30, 2006
Not sure why I am posting this other than perhaps looking for some sort of absolution. I am an old-school diehard pc gamer but one who has also had consoles on the side as the games used to be of a different order until recently when it seems every game is released on all platforms.

I have a gaming machine easily capable of running Skyrim but I think I am going to get the 360 version. Rationally, I know that the pc version will look and perform much better. However, I purchased both Fallout 3 and New Vegas on pc originally and then never got more than a quarter through until I got the subpar xbox version, and then blew through all content and dlcs in short order. I know this likely has something to do with the big screen tv and the seating. I know I can customize the pc to use the controller which I have in the past and could go through trouble of hooking up the pc to the tv, but seems like a lot of trouble.

Once again, not sure why I am posting this other than I know this site is frequented many other longer-in-the tooth gamers and maybe wanted to see if my experience (i.e. personally frightening and guilt-inducing deviation from the pc) has been at all shared.
Nov 30, 2006
I know this likely has something to do with the big screen tv and the seating. I know I can customize the pc to use the controller which I have in the past and could go through trouble of hooking up the pc to the tv, but seems like a lot of trouble.

Sorry can't offer any absolution, I'm not even Catholic... ;)

But basically once you hook up a PC to your big screen you'll be wondering what you'd been doing all these years. Go for it. You can even get super long HDMI cables if you'd prefer to leave the PC in another room (same with USB, etc).
Jun 19, 2011
First off, if you are really thinking of jumping ship and going to consoles you couldn't have picked a worse game to do it with. I could maybe sympathize with your plight if you were talking about batman arkham city which still hasn't been released for pc yet and is very consolized already.

I think skyrim will be a very good game, but once mods start pouring out it will be a great game and that is why it's a must buy for pc. Also if you really are a hardcore pc gamer then you would know every game bought for console over the pc is another nail in the coffin for pc gaming.

I consider myself a hardcore pc gamer. I have a ps3 for movies and madden that is it. It would never even cross my mind to purchase something for a console if it's on pc. as far as bigger screen and a couch those are just cop outs you can get a bigger screen for your pc if you want. Also if your computer and tv are at all modern all you have to do is plug hdmi from you computer to your tv and start playing. The days of overscan and crap are long gone. Ive used lcd tv's for my monitor for years now with no problems. I have a 46" tv for a monitor and a 73" tv in my living room, both have 7.1 surround sound and I feel no need to run my pc on the bigger screen. 46" at 2 feet away is just as good as 73" at 10' imo.

Unfortunately it's not as easy as just choosing to play a game on console over pc. Dev's are looking for every reason to cast the pc aside as resent changes in the industry have shown. Every console sale over pc is one more reason. If you really are a hardcore pc gamer as you say you are then what system to buy for would be a no brainer.
Of course it's perfectly fine to play on console, but as the others have already mentioned you can have the best of both worlds.
PCs can be hooked up to more than one monitor. It's no problem at all to connect it via HDMI to a big TV, given you have a reasonably good graphics card (say, everything bought in the last 3 years).
Plugging in the original XBox 360 gamepad is also trivial. This thing was designed to work on PC too.

And you don't even have to bother to make the interface console-ey because Bethesda does it for you. ;)

So it is possible to enjoy the comfort of playing on your couch while still getting the better graphics and access to mods. And since you've bought a couple of games twice it might even be the cost efficient solution.
Aug 30, 2006
But basically once you hook up a PC to your big screen you'll be wondering what you'd been doing all these years.

I've tried that and didn't really care for it. I don't feel as immersed sitting that far away from the screen, and using a gamepad breaks the immersion even further for me.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
It really depends on the game though. I strongly prefer my monitor and keyboard+mouse for games that use a first-person view. For games like Zelda or Uncharted, a big screen is great.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Good point. A big screen doesn't fill up your peripheral vision unless you are fairly close.

Well just get a bigger screen then :D

Wireless KB and mouse are a must, as is a gamepad. I switch back and forth depending on game.

I still have a great gaming rig, that beats my HTPC and a high res monitor (1920x1080 is a TV imo) but for those of us getting older who already spend 8 hours a day in an office chair in front of a PC, kicking back on the fat couch in my home theater and gaming is my choice more and more these days.
Jun 19, 2011
Hey my 17 inch screen fills up my peripheral vision just fine (from a foot and a half)....

You have to fill up a whole wall with a projector to get the same effect comfortably.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Thx for all the input and/or encouragement. I've already rented it for the console, but tis true that is far past the time to work hooking the rig to a tv. Gonna feel it out and console, but was always planning to buy on pc eventually for the mods if for no other reason. However, don't generally mess with the mods til the game is out for awhile allowing the bigger and better mods to get up and running and the wheat sorted from the chaff.
Nov 30, 2006
who already spend 8 hours a day in an office chair in front of a PC, kicking back on the fat couch in my home theater and gaming is my choice more and more these days.

Bingo! I really started to dislike coming home from work and sitting down behind a desk AGAIN when I came home. Hooking up the PC to my TV is the only way I'll go. It's "only" a 36" LCD, so I will have to upgrade to at least 50" at one point.

Also, I sit fairly close, straight in front of the TV when I play games.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
I dont have console so playing on PC, im still die hard PC gamer myself. But this game again reminds me developers have give up on PC as true gaming platform im affraid. Skyrim is console port goovy controls bad UI and overly symplified game with hardest difficulty stil rather easy:(

Game world realy for DX9 game looks great and scream to be be explored but im shocked at progress this game have made with AI npcs/mobs. The animation of your character is better then Oblivion and i love the combat with magic. But many things annoying me and typical Elder Scrolls gameplay, looks and feel are left out. Luckly they did not idiotic super action based moves as so many games do these days thats one of few things thats been imporved the movement and combat.

I go for 8/10 for now becouse 8 hours gameplay is not enough to judge game, will see how it hold after week of intense playing.
Oct 30, 2011
I dont have console so playing on PC, im still die hard PC gamer myself. But this game again reminds me developers have give up on PC as true gaming platform im affraid. Skyrim is console port goovy controls bad UI and overly symplified game with hardest difficulty stil rather easy

Doesn't feel like a console port to me. It has gamepad support, but I think the keyboard and mouse is more comfortable. It makes heavy use of keyboard and the UI is fine for me.

Difficulty I can't really argue with, but I guess it will get harder later on.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
I could maybe sympathize with your plight if you were talking about batman arkham city which still hasn't been released for pc yet and is very consolized already.

The original Batman actual had a REALLY good PC version. Much better textures, much better effects, smooth performance and good KBM controls if you wanted them. Even if I had a PS3 or whatever I would wait for the PC version.

On topic: Play the game on what you like, but for a Bethesda game especially you would really be missing out. If your HDTV is relatively normal size your monitor is likely bigger anyway, due to how close you sit to it. I have moved my PC to my living room sometimes and the image is MUCH smaller there than on my monitor.

Couches are nice, but I bought a pretty nice computer chair too! It helps that I don't work on a computer at work though. If I did I would probably be a console gamer too.
Jan 28, 2011
I'm so confused what platform to buy it for myself. I could probably run on medium settings on my current pc, but the lure of playing the game on my couch and not have to be bothered by pc specs on a game that appears to be designed control wise for consoles is quite strong.

I'm not sure I need fantastic graphics and I've rarely bothered with mods in the past. I'm still attached to the idea of playing on the pc though, quite possibly for no logical reason.
Jan 28, 2010
I'm so confused what platform to buy it for myself. I could probably run on medium settings on my current pc, but the lure of playing the game on my couch and not have to be bothered by pc specs on a game that appears to be designed control wise for consoles is quite strong.

While the game was definitely designed for pads I would say it controls much better with KBM still. I am a "plug in a pad" kind of PC gamer if the game warrants it, plays better with it, but mouse control for sorting through loot and aiming spells is really much, much better than the pad.
Jan 28, 2011
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