Phoenix Point - Review Roundup


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Some reviews for Phoenix Point.

IndieGameWebsite - 8/10

While Phoenix Point has flaws, technical hiccups, needs a bit of polish and some of its systems feel dated, there are some genuinely exciting mechanics and world-building to this experience. The monster evolution system isn't as revolutionary as you might want/be expecting but it's executed to a point where it does force you to change your playstyle and gives a nice sense of thematic presence.

Overall, if you like Julian Gollop-designed experiences, experimental strategy games and gun-infused crabs, Phoenix Point is a must.

[Reviewed on PC]
Noobfeed - No Score

Phoenix Point can be quite a handful initially and takes a while to settle into its usual pace. It's no stranger to great ideas, like free aiming and the mutation system, but it's also home to soulless randomly generated levels and repetitive, tedious, or impossibly difficult battles, particularly towards the latter portion of the mid-game and beyond, that sometimes feel like middle fingers to the work you put into leveling up your units. I can definitely see people soldiering through all the challenges just like I can see people giving it up after the third encounter with armored grenade launcher-wielding crabs that disable most of your weapons in the first two turns or those blasted Sirens that mind control units willy-nilly unless you focus fire on their heads. But, as long as you're willing to weather some fairly harsh storms, deal with lackluster onboarding and presentation and, in the worst cases, restart a campaign or two, Phoenix Point's great aspects do eventually shine through.
OnlySP - 4/5

Phoenix Point, therefore, is tough to score. Multiple small things detract from the experience, and, fundamentally, the game does little new in terms of either mechanics or story. Nevertheless, boldness and competence should be recognised. The evolving enemies keep the player on their toes and the sheer mental effort required in balancing the demands and relationships of the factions makes doing so entrancing. Phoenix Point may not be as good as XCOM, and it may not be as narratively intriguing as Phantom Doctrine, but it still feels like a benchmark that similar games will be gauged against for years to come.
Thanks Farflame!

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Streaming contributed to expose reviewers with uncertain gaming background.
Mar 29, 2011
Well all I know is I'll wait for more patches and content.

Anyway here is the latest accolades trailer.

Oct 1, 2010
This game will be playable by 2021 with all the mods and Total Conversion Fan Patched Fixes and MegaMODs, so you can download 981 packages from NexusMODs and Enjoy Incompatibility CTD Hell.
Mar 21, 2013
It reads as if the patching process is going to change significantly the end product.
It might be that the process, while bettering the product, will not change it meaningfully.

Playing it right now delivers an experience of a product being worked on, being bettered somewhat. The end product experience will not deliver that.
Mar 29, 2011
I got the game to support alternatives to xcom.
After playing for about 10 hours with a restart, I feel like it has a really good combat system but lacks a sense of progression.

I feel like the xcom by firaxis really shows progress in terms of weapons and or armour quite well but maybe I'm just not far enough into it yet.

Other than that it feels like it needs some more polish.
I'll stop playing for now and restart in a few months probably.

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Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Streamers reported the same about weapons. They did not feel that empowered.
Mar 29, 2011
Some of the reviews I've read/watched claim the first 1/3rd of the game kind of drags, but then gets significantly better if you stick with it. Perhaps the 5 DLCs will add some early game content to keep interest moving.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
Yea… The DLC schemes prevent me to even think about it regardless of some bugs warnings.
Apr 12, 2009
Some of the reviews I've read/watched claim the first 1/3rd of the game kind of drags, but then gets significantly better if you stick with it. Perhaps the 5 DLCs will add some early game content to keep interest moving.

Usually, vid products frontload.

One explanation: a playthrough is lengthy, the lack of content in the late part of this vid product speeds up the resolution. Somehow relieving players from their burden. Getting significantly better.
Mar 29, 2011
Streamers reported the same about weapons. They did not feel that empowered.

My biggest gripe is actually the opposite. Some skills are so blatantly OP you have to refrain from using them if you want some kind of challenge. Finished my first game yesterday, and while I have enjoyed the game for roughly 40-50 hours or so, I won't pick it up again until some serious balancing have been done. I'll also wait for the DLC's since more content would be nice, you've seen it all pretty quickly as it stands now.

I would rate the game a 6 in its current state, fun but with some glaring balance issues and too many bugs. I have hope it will improve though because the groundwork for an excellent game is certainly there.
Last edited:
Dec 20, 2010
I'm not touching this until all the 5 DLC are out, but I'm definitely looking forward to the finished version.
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