Risen Possible Spoilers: Stuck In Volcano Temple


October 8, 2009
Hi, I am stuck in the volcano temple after the inquistor opened the door we fight a bunch of lizards and then he tells me to head the north path to search for a way to open the big door, but after a few more fights and traps I end up in a room with a Watchman lizard and Lizard warrior and two altars. I have the one bust from the dead watchman lizard but where is the other?

Thanks in advance.
Oct 8, 2009
Honestly, I should remember this. I'll be passing the area again on Saturday, but I assume you're hoping for an answer before that. Usually when hunting down Busts, there's a switch somewhere, or something that needs telekenisis/levitation/transformation.

Just so I know that we're talking about the same area - among other things, there's a trap door there that leads down to two "big lizard dogs" (can't remember their names, B-something), right? When you get up, you first meet a Lizard Warrior + Lizardman in one room, and then Lizard Warrior + Watcher in the next?

The reason I don't remember the specific location is because I never had a problem finding it there, which means it's probably somewhere obvious like a sarcophagus.
Oct 18, 2006
There is also wall you can destroy. It looks like a bricked up door. As far as I remember there was never one like this before in the game.
Aug 16, 2007
Just so I know that we're talking about the same area - among other things, there's a trap door there that leads down to two "big lizard dogs" (can't remember their names, B-something), right? When you get up, you first meet a Lizard Warrior + Lizardman in one room, and then Lizard Warrior + Watcher in the next?

No trap door that I found just two fire pits and a spike trap, before the room with the watchman lizard and lizard warrior.
Oct 8, 2009
No trap door that I found just two fire pits and a spike trap, before the room with the watchman lizard and lizard warrior.

This is the room with the hidden door. Pull the lever. Then pass the first fire pit and turn right. There it should be located. Left click the wall to investigate.
Aug 16, 2007
I think people are a bit confused here, including the original poster. I just replayed that part, and here's how it goes:

You run down into the Volcano with the Inquisitor and all his men. The big door is locked. The Inquisitor will tell you to go north to look for a way to open the door. Progression:
1. You go north. Fight a few War Something (big insects with wings).
2. Climb up a small cave.
3. Turn into a small thingy and run through a tiny tunnel (transform spell).
4. Fight some ghouls.
5. Fight a Lizardman and a Lizard Warrior
6. Fall through a trap door where you fight 2x Bormak or whatever they're called. Small bull-like creatures.
7. Fight a Lizard Warrior + a Watchman.
8. In the same room, there's a big wheel. Turn the wheel. You are now done in the north part of the tunnel.

The south part goes like this:
1. Enter using a levitation spell. Rufus is dead on the floor.
2. Fight a bunch of lizards - 2x Lizard Warrior, 1x Lizard Priest, 1x Watchman.
3. Loot the Watchman for some stuff, including a Bust. Pull the switch in the room he was in so you can pass the fire thing.
4. Pass the first fire thing, but not the second.
5. Break down the wall between the two fire traps.
6. Kill the lizardman inside.
7. Fight some more, 1x Warrior, 1x Watchman. Loot the Watchman for the 2nd Bust.
8. You now have all you need to progress to the wheel and turn it.

Basically, I think you're both talking about the south section. You're supposed to go north at first. In any case, there are 2x Watchmans in the south, one where you first enter, and one where there are two altars. They have one Bust each.
Oct 18, 2006
I think people are a bit confused here, including the original poster. I just replayed that part, and here's how it goes:

You run down into the Volcano with the Inquisitor and all his men. The big door is locked. The Inquisitor will tell you to go north to look for a way to open the door. Progression:
1. You go north. Fight a few War Something (big insects with wings).
2. Climb up a small cave.
3. Turn into a small thingy and run through a tiny tunnel (transform spell).
4. Fight some ghouls.
5. Fight a Lizardman and a Lizard Warrior
6. Fall through a trap door where you fight 2x Bormak or whatever they're called. Small bull-like creatures.
7. Fight a Lizard Warrior + a Watchman.
8. In the same room, there's a big wheel. Turn the wheel. You are now done in the north part of the tunnel.

The south part goes like this:
1. Enter using a levitation spell. Rufus is dead on the floor.
2. Fight a bunch of lizards - 2x Lizard Warrior, 1x Lizard Priest, 1x Watchman.
3. Loot the Watchman for some stuff, including a Bust. Pull the switch in the room he was in so you can pass the fire thing.
4. Pass the first fire thing, but not the second.
5. Break down the wall between the two fire traps.
6. Kill the lizardman inside.
7. Fight some more, 1x Warrior, 1x Watchman. Loot the Watchman for the 2nd Bust.
8. You now have all you need to progress to the wheel and turn it.

Basically, I think you're both talking about the south section. You're supposed to go north at first. In any case, there are 2x Watchmans in the south, one where you first enter, and one where there are two altars. They have one Bust each.

Ok I Passed This Area Now He Told Me To Scout The Tunnel What Should I Do Now ?
Oct 12, 2009
Errr, go through the big gate you just opened?
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Dang, now i know where i got stuck, and why… :'(

My watchman carying the second bust, fell with half his body into the wall in such a way that i couldn't loot him. I had hoped at the time that he didn't carry anything vital on him, but reading Maylander's excellent mini-walkthrough, made me realize that the guy in the wall must have been carrying the second bust on him...

Egads, i'll restore an earlier save tomorrow. I don't have the heart for it now... :disappointed:

Thanks, Maylander. If it wasn't for you, i'd still be fruitlesslesly scratching my head about where the second bust might be... :S
Nov 23, 2007
Being the perverse creature I am, when I was told to go north, I went south first instead. Makes no difference!!
Aug 31, 2006
In my case, I did go South first, but didn't realize at first that I had to squeeze through that hole as a Nautilus. So I also went South, and floated over, and killed my watchmen, one of whom fell into the wall. :speechless:

Upon not finding the bust, I went back North and finally figured the Nautilus thing, only to not find the second bust there either.

So I came over here and read Malylander's description; and then I was a very sad puppy. :sniff:
Nov 23, 2007
Well it looks like my game is broken. I finished the winch to the north. On the south side:
- I levitated in.
- I fought two lizards both without a bust
- I transformed and passed the first trap
- Broke down the door and killed the lizard, no bust
- used the lever
- passed both traps and killed both lizards, only one bust.

Now apparently I'm screwed. Rufus for the record is alive and well waiting for the doors to open.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
There's a secret door right where you levitate in and behind that are more lizards and one of them has the second bust.
Aug 31, 2006
For the record, my experience is the same as Todd's. It only worked for me when I went to that side first where you had to become a Nautilus.
I also went to the other side at first (left when facing the gate) where you have to levitate and there was no dead Rufus and the room with the two lizard dudes where you can deactivate the trap was closed (behind a solid wall), too.
In the end I had to do it in order or else no go. So then I did the Nautilus side first and when I returned from that side everything worked out as planned. There was the dead Rufus and that room with the lizard dudes had magically opened and could be accessed etc.

By the way I'd recommend to everyone to save often in multiple slots in that dungeon. It's generally a bit buggy. For example, I ended up stuck inside a pillar when I did some climbing and jumping around. And another time I saved right before entering a room with no enemy in sight and no aggro. I then got killed upon entering the room and subsequently when I loaded that game from before entering the room I was dead every time when the loading had finished. Luckily the last autosave was only eight minutes old by that time or else I would've been one sad panda ;) .
Oct 18, 2006
Yep, I remember Fred fighting something I couldn't see, but I got 100 exp for it eventually!! :) Fred is great for drawing out hidden or obscured enemies too.
Aug 31, 2006
I figured it out. The north winch is the trigger for Rufus to die and the door to open letting out the two lizards in the south room. If you go south first it just aint gonna happen. My issue was that I finished the north area but somehow forgot to activate the winch. I went back and activated it, and then noticed Rufus vanished from the crowd in front of the main gate.

Bad design. Oh well, figured it out at least.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
I'm not sure if I would call it bad design, considering that Mendoza actually tells you to go North first.

So? Per Mendoza, Rufus was supposed to start looking in the south as soon as I got the north quest, not when I completed it. The whole bug would be avoided if Rufus began at the same time. If I went south, by the time I float over his dead body would already be there. At any rate, once you experience the design flaw its painfully obvious you missed a scripting trigger. How realistic is it to go north first just to sentence Rufus to death?

Don't tell me the game isnt buggy. So.... how did you do finding Ethan? Hey yo Vince ya know anybody named Ethan? LOL
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
So? Per Mendoza, Rufus was supposed to start looking in the south as soon as I got the north quest, not when I completed it.

Not sure where you get that from….

Don't tell me the game isnt buggy. So…. how did you do finding Ethan? Hey yo Vince ya know anybody named Ethan? LOL

Not sure where you get that from either, I only commented on that specific quest. Are you seeing words that the rest of us aren't? ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Mendoza tells you to go north and he says he is going to send out scouts south when you are assigned the quest. Nothing happens with Rufus in the south until the north quest is actually complete.

As far as Ethan, he either does not exist or he could be dead by the time Mendoza tells you find Ethan to break down the wall in the temple. Vince ends up being the quest solution. You then tell Mendoza you sent Ethan to break down the wall.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
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