Racism is natural, anti racism is not

Yes. Because as we know, white racism has had no effect whatsoever on non-white people.

Poor, poor caucasians.

They were forced to free us blacks from chains after you dragged us here against our will, destroyed our families, raped our women, and demoralized our men. Dammit. Those white people should have been allowed to continue getting wealthy off our toil!!!!

Oh…and then once we "free" … we weren't really free. That just meant more terror, limited economic opportunity, lynching, Jim Crow, separate but "equal", etc… Oh and by the way, not ONE CENT of reparations for those who helped build this country for free.

So finally, some 50 years ago, we had to ask these white folks again - who mind you, had already been severely inconvenienced by abolishing slavery - to say that at least "by law" we were equal to them.

[Wanna guess if there is still equlality?]

…and that's just the story of blacks in America. Whites have dominated and oppressed non-whites all over the globe for years.

So to me, its very petty to whine over the tiny pittance of concessions you've had to make because of past mistreatment. It's not anywhere NEAR to real justice and the effect on everyday lives of individual whites is pretty much NIL.

White people still have all the wealth, all the power, and all the influence in this world.

Yep. Poor caucasians.

Not whites. The germans and nordics who ran the monarchy of england and a few rich landowners highly intermarried to them. Just be glad you didn't live in ireland, at least they didn't just kill slaves that often, slaves have value.

Mortality rate for irish coming to america was a lot higher than for slaves. 4/5 dead, many of them fighting for the north in civil war, many others doing jobs too dangerous to risk a slave on like draing swamps and working with dynamite.

Be a lot gladder that your ancestors didn't go to the middle east instead, like 90% of slaves taken from africa did. Then you wouldn't be alive at all, they simply worked them to death and killed them once they couldn't work at full speed any more.

Things can always be worse. Slavery has been something all people have suffered through, even english. They were ruled over by norman conquerors and virtually got wiped out outside of wales. And slave owning has never been limited to "white people" most of the slaves in history have been "white" or asian.
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Apr 10, 2011
Be a lot gladder that your ancestors didn't go to the middle east instead, like 90% of slaves taken from africa did. Then you wouldn't be alive at all, they simply worked them to death and killed them once they couldn't work at full speed any more.

Yeah, silly me. Slavery in America was so much more pleasant and humane.

Things can always be worse. Slavery has been something all people have suffered through, even english.

American slavery was the most brutal and cruel form of slavery, period.

1. Kidnapped from home
2. Packed like animals onto boats, forced to wallow in their own filth for months.
3. Those who survived the boat trips were separated from the families
4. Loss of culture, loss of religion, loss of EVERYTHING.
5. Inability to keep families intact because slavers values only individual units. (This has ripple effects into TODAY!!!)
6. Total mental destruction and domination.

They were ruled over by norman conquerors and virtually got wiped out outside of wales.

No doubt -- white people will do horrible things to each other. So what do you think that means they will do to people who don't look like them? Who they don't even consider HUMAN?

You call this whining. I call it reminding people of the TRUTH of what happened. No one considers talk about the Jewish Holocaust whining. It is a fact. It happened. And people let them tell their stories.

But let a black person in America talk about the injustice and horrors that were done to us. And then it is whining.
Oct 18, 2006
North Carolina, USA
Since you brought it up, I don't hear modern Jews demanding reparations. I don't hear modern Jews demanding affirmative action. I don't hear about modern Jews calling each other himey or some such and claiming it's a term of endearment as long as they're the ones saying it.

Why might that be?
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Since you brought it up, I don't hear modern Jews demanding reparations.

Didn't Germany pay restitution?

I don't hear modern Jews demanding affirmative action.

Since Jews are considered "white" in America, they don't need it. They aren't discriminated against in the same way that blacks are.

I don't hear about modern Jews calling each other himey or some such and claiming it's a term of endearment as long as they're the ones saying it.

You won't get argument from me on this and will say that blacks who continue to use the "N" word on each other are doing so because of the tremendous emotional harm and brainwashing done to them by years of slavery and mistreatment in America.

If for years all you hear from white people is the "N" word to describe who you are, then you start to believe it. It sticks around like wound — infecting further generations. Before you know the oppressive word has been incorporated into your casual speech. Because many black kids today have inferior educations — its even possible they don't even realize that we were enslaved in this country.

So they throw around the "N"-word … having zero knowledge of its context within history. Yeah, I'm not arguing with you here. It's a disgrace.

So the point you're trying to make is that Jews have taken their mistreatment better than blacks have? That we should be better behaved victims?
Oct 18, 2006
North Carolina, USA
Yeah, silly me. Slavery in America was so much more pleasant and humane.

American slavery was the most brutal and cruel form of slavery, period.

1. Kidnapped from home
2. Packed like animals onto boats, forced to wallow in their own filth for months.
3. Those who survived the boat trips were separated from the families
4. Loss of culture, loss of religion, loss of EVERYTHING.
5. Inability to keep families intact because slavers values only individual units. (This has ripple effects into TODAY!!!)
6. Total mental destruction and domination.

No doubt — white people will do horrible things to each other. So what do you think that means they will do to people who don't look like them? Who they don't even consider HUMAN?

You call this whining. I call it reminding people of the TRUTH of what happened. No one considers talk about the Jewish Holocaust whining. It is a fact. It happened. And people let them tell their stories.

But let a black person in America talk about the injustice and horrors that were done to us. And then it is whining.

Just to point, that list of awful things: That's how slavery has been throughout human history, excluding some specific details (The trans-Atlantic boat trip is admittedly exceptionally long). None of that is exclusive to American slavery, slavery has always been about de-humanizing the slaves. And slavery has been an important part of almost every major pre-19th century civilization, throughout human history.

There is no question that American slavery was a terrible thing. But it's probably a good thing to realize that *you* are not a slave, and therefore you can't really play a victim. While some discrimination still exists, you do have a black president. Hard to top that one.

Worldwide, slavery is not a whites vs. others issue, and has never been. That was rather exclusive to America. Did you know that the slaves who were brought to America, were bought mainly from black slavers? Western Africa was ruled by black kingdoms, most of which had major slave populations (In some, over 50% of the population was slaves).

The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was all about blacks slaving other blacks, and then selling them to whites. Ironically, when a sizeable portion of the USA slave population was freed and returned to Africa (Liberia) in the 19th century, they slaved the locals, and kept it that way for several generations. And it's not something they culturally learnt from their American slavemasters, because the ancestors of the freed slaves had been slaving other blacks in Africa for a very long time.
Sep 14, 2011
I appreciate the well-spoken response. I have some issues with a few of your assertions, but delving into the nitty-gritty of those has a fair chance of getting ugly and I don't particularly want to do that. I think we've staked out our positions well enough that "our readers" can do some thinking/research of their own if they are so inclined. Thanks for weighing in.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
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