Raven's Cry - More Steam Replies


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Thanks to Forum member Morrandir we have more replies from developer Raidor who answered a bunch of questions about the game on Steam again this week.

- Will you add more interactivity with the world? It seems there is nothing to do at the moment. Moreover will the world be livelier? Sometimes the NPCs stand still (e.g. the fruit salesman) or don't react to Christopher at all (e.g. when he bumped into the crowd at the gallows).

* some NPCs you can interact others just stand in your way.

- Is there an option to deactivate the motion blur effects, which are played when Chris swings his sword?

* yes. there are 10 levels of motion blur

- Will you add a free-sailing OPTION, you the fast travel removing the option of a free sailing is a bad move IMHO.

* there are parts where you have to sail free.

- Will there be a boarding option, where the protagonist would board the vessel and be fighting himself?

* yes. 2 times in the game.

- Have thought about adding a more realistic depiction of blood? Blood spurts are there but they are been overused and are too exaggerated in games. Why don't you add a blood system like the one used in Overgrowth.

* technically the system for the blood is in - but we need to adjust how intense it is used.

- Could you add a red line showing the course the ship had taken in the fast travel menu?

* there is a red doted line showing the way.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Game preload on Steam is not available yet.
About possible delay, developer answered:
We do not know yet, if there is a delay. We will test the whole weekend and if there is no deadlock / blocker in the game - and if we receive the rest of the VOs as promised, we are ready for release. - and I did not open this Thread - I just answered it.
Technically everything is o.k. (beside a small performance problem of GF9xx series - frame rate is lower than expected - but this seems to be a problem nVidia needs to fix in the drivers) - this means we have no open technical/engine bugs, by now.

At least we know apart from geforce 970/980 problems there should be no other performance issue.
Apr 12, 2009
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