RPGWatch Feature - CivCraft Interview

Here are names

All delivered in spades. Mixed genre games that showed what they want to do is possible. Maybe Rts games are not your forte and if it doesnt have dice rolls and turn based combat you believe it will automatically suck?
Myself and some others are looking forward to a high fantasy game that doesnt resemble a total annilation clone or worse a Blizzard starcraft abomination

Congrats on making the stealth pack and there are lots of believers out there. There are strategy games sites as well to get attention for your game.

I played Spellforce and thought it was good. I've heard of Joan of Arc. It got mixed reviews and I never picked it up. I never heard of Knight's Tale. I have to admit Spellforce is probably a good example against my argument, however, it was, as I recall not a sandbox game, but had a pretty straight forward story line. I therefore think it doesn't have quite as many systems a CifvCraft. I have nothing against crossgenre games per say, but just fear with more systems there is more work and more can go wrong.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
And I guess my argument is you really shouldn't be so fearful and embrace the spirit of Kickstarter. I've backed games that have failed. Doesn't seem like such a big deal to me. On the whole, Kickstarter has done wonders for our hobby.
Sep 16, 2010
And I guess my argument is you really shouldn't be so fearful and embrace the spirit of Kickstarter. I've backed games that have failed. Doesn't seem like such a big deal to me. On the whole, Kickstarter has done wonders for our hobby.

I admire your attitude, Capt.Huggy Face. In reality, I'd like to support a lot more kickstarters that I can, and buy more indy games than I do. So I have to have some criteria to decide, because I can't manage to support them all. But you're right, Kickstarter has done wonders for our hobby. POE, Wasteland 2, Legends of Eisenwald, Lords of Xulima, Shadowrun Returns, Expeditions: Conquistidor, FTL, and Paper Sorcerer were all great games I was really happy I got to play.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
Hello, Arik. Congrats to your KS success. Civcraft looks like a nice game.

We dont have an AAA game budget, and we are not creating an AAA graphics game yet, but our focus is on a gameplay and combining all those features from different genres smoothly into CivCraft. That what we were doing those 3 years, and i must say, done it. :)

Good answer, but…. - and I dont want to sound like a pessimist, because I see there is a lot of work already done - … but realistically speaking, I think we cant expect very long and deep quest and story and NPCs, like some "new Dragon Age" + RTS management. Of course, that doesnt mean that the game will be bad. I just expect that the quality and quantity will be somewhat balanced. So… would you be so kind to shortly describe quests in Civcraft? For example:

- all simple fedex
- mostly fedex, main story quests longer and more interesting
- balanced fedex vs longer quests
- mostly longer quests, less fedex
- more ways to solve some quests

Also on video the game seems to be very combat-centric (+ stealth with espionage pack). I hope there will be also a lot to explore and find… plants to gather, hidden stashes… maybe traps?
Feb 23, 2014
Ferdok in Aventuria (Europe)
Since CivCraft is both character oriented and kingdom oriented, quests will have multiple purposes. These quests can be found through your "citizen", and will increase as you conquer or build more cities.

The main quests will be:

Basic NPC Quests: solve a problem of an NPC for a reward. Either by diplomacy or by attacking someone.
Possible Rewards: a unique item, overall kingdom happiness, NPC becomes a hero

Area Quest: A forest becomes dark, a new monster was spotted, a new location was discovered
Possible Rewards: Clearing a dungeon and receiving rewards, clearing an area and having the ability to build there, possible resource mining and increased trade routes

Kingdom Quests: Send spies to a kingdom, confront the evil clan, help another clan
Possible Rewards: increased diplomatic relations, increased trade, conquer a city, increase your kingdom
S territory

There will be "special" quests around special items, heroes monsters and locations as well. Most quests can be solved in different ways, and depending on your character, you can be the aggressive or talk your way into completing the quest. You can also send your heroes on quests, or chose to send an army to attack an entire horde or "challenge" the chief.

The main story quest combines these quests around your quest in searching for clues in ancient ruins while fighting a dark and unknown force.

About the exploration, CivCraft is oriented towards exploration and evolvement. Most of our gameplay is exploration, finding important areas, then clearing them and finding new resources and technology. We're planning to add plants gathering and traps during the Early Access
Jul 28, 2015
I just want to say that they are finally releasing the early alpha version for backers. I am having mixed feelings about the release after reading what is going to be in it as it looks like a stripped down builder and from what I had understood , they had all these features in it already. I hate feeling negative about what I backed but they have missed every deadline so far and their earlier comments made me believe some questing and RPG systems were in. It is supposed to be released at 1 today.
Oct 18, 2006
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