RPGWatch Feature - Corven: Path of Redemption Interview


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Corwin reached out to the Corven: Path of Redemption folks to ask them some questions and as their new Kickstarter went live today, this provides you with an opportunity to learn a bit more about the game.

RPGWatch : Why were you keen to make a game in the style of the old Ultima series?

Florian: Because I absolutely love Ultima and we still to this day did not get a new game like it. Some came close, but in my opinion none of them managed to capture the soul of those games.

In my opinion, Ultima, especially my favorites V, VI, VII, SI and in parts VIII, were all about interesting storylines and NPCs in a beautiful, interactive world. While Ultima never had long dialogues rivalling books in length like for example Planescape Torment, it managed to tell fascinating stories through interesting NPCs. In many newer games NPCs seem like robotic story machines and even newest technology with fancy facial animations cannot make them feel alive. Those pixel people from the aforementioned Ultimas had way more soul. In part it's because Garriott and his team gave them background stories the player could find out if he or she wanted to. There were relationships, rivalries, drama, friendships, ... and most of the time it was told through just a few lines of text and it had nothing to do with the main quest-line. It made you feel like you are part of a living breathing world.

The interactive world with its many secrets to discover did the rest. Secrets which again, mostly had nothing to do with the main quest-line and so made them feel truly special.

RPGWatch : How did you manage to get Richard Garriott (Lord British) involved with the game development and how has he helped you?

Florian: Richard and I were in contact for years off and on because I was active in the Ultima community. When I asked him if he would let us use Lord British in Corven he agreed quickly after reading the story outline. It's important to him that the character is portrayed in a way that makes sense overall and so he was very interested in the part he plays in Corven. Richard even ended up coming up with story ideas and details for Corven which were really great. After a brainstorming session we integrated his ideas in the Corven script and I think it all turned out great.

Richard offered to work more on the story with me once the Kickstarter campaign is over.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Thanks for the interview Florian & Corwin!
Oct 18, 2006
This was very thorough interview. I think it answers any questions about the game I could have had. I was always more of a Wizardry/Bard's Tale/Gold Box player, than an Ulitma fan, So I'm not sure if the game is for me. Still I wish you all of the best. The visuals look quite nice. The diablo combat is an interesting choice. Ultima combat was relatively simple, but I wonder if fans of the game will accept an arpg combat system.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
I was a huge ultima fan, but after dealing with richard garriot for awhile on shroud of the avatar I just can't be involved with anything the man touches.
Apr 17, 2007
I'm with rune on this one. I may very well love the game, but since Garriot is mentioned, this takes a back seat until release. Until it is reviewed here or has several Steam reviews, I just can't support anything this crackpot is involved with. I wonder if we get a vial of Richard's blood if we purchase :) Also want to make sure it has zero online components.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm with rune on this one. I may very well love the game, but since Garriot is mentioned, this takes a back seat until release. Until it is reviewed here or has several Steam reviews, I just can't support anything this crackpot is involved with. I wonder if we get a vial of Richard's blood if we purchase :) Also want to make sure it has zero online components.

…does he have any blood left in his body :biggrin: Maybe he's like a mummy by this point, embalmed and bloodless….
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
This was very thorough interview. I think it answers any questions about the game I could have had. I was always more of a Wizardry/Bard's Tale/Gold Box player, than an Ulitma fan, So I'm not sure if the game is for me. Still I wish you all of the best. The visuals look quite nice. The diablo combat is an interesting choice. Ultima combat was relatively simple, but I wonder if fans of the game will accept an arpg combat system.

We actually tested turn based combat first and while it worked we also got quite some feedback from early followers of the project that they rather have real time. After we implemented that it actually felt right. Ultima 7 combat was real time too if you think about it, it was just a mess - but it never really played a big role in the game anyway.
Our goal is to make combat fun, but far from the center of the game. Even players who are not used to real time combat will not have a problem with it. Also: you can pause at any time.

Thank you to everyone who enjoyed the interview!
Jun 4, 2020
They are willing to switch combat modes as of 7 hours ago...

I am completely open for either style, I love both for different reasons. Like I said, I had already started crating a turn based system which I could re-create and expand on. But I want everyone to decide of course.

What I can not do is having both as an option, I think that's understandable :)

It will be either real time or turn based.

RtwP is not an option for me.

Kickstarter surveys can't be done before the campaign is over. So I will create a Twitter survey very soon. Keep an eye on the comments / updates.

Since the topic came up we now have a poll up for you to vote if you would like to see Real-Time combat or Turn-Based combat in Corven. Please head over to our Forum, which we will use a lot during development of Corven, so having an account there would be good anyway. Here you can vote for your preferred combat style:

Aug 13, 2013
Sigh here we go again.:roll:

No offense but for once I'd like developers to stick to their original idea. I'm getting flashbacks to the new Pathfinder game with all the TB comments begging for it non-stop.

Resulting in the game now having both modes.
Oct 1, 2010
Sigh here we go again.:roll:

No offense but for once I'd like developers to stick to their original idea. I'm getting flashbacks to the new Pathfinder game with all the TB comments begging for it non-stop.

Resulting in the game now having both modes.

Which.. is a good thing, if well implemented?
Nov 7, 2006
Which.. is a good thing, if well implemented?
What part of my reply didn't you read.

Basically stick to the developer's plan. Quit caving in to demand for something that was never planned, or intended in the first place. See easy to understand.

I swear gaming is becoming like politics.:rolleyes:
Oct 1, 2010
What part of my reply didn't you read.

Basically stick to the developer's plan. Quit caving in to demand for something that was never planned, or intended in the first place. See easy to understand.

I swear gaming is becoming like politics.:rolleyes:

And like a good politician you twist words around to fit your argument. ;)
Nov 7, 2006
And like a good politician you twist words around to fit your argument. ;)

I'm confused...

His argument was that a developer creating their passion project should create their vision, and not make core changes to gameplay engines based on the whim of a poll? Looks pretty straight forward.

Unsure as to where the twisting is.....
Aug 13, 2013
I'm confused…

His argument was that a developer creating their passion project should create their vision, and not make core changes to gameplay engines based on the whim of a poll? Looks pretty straight forward.

Unsure as to where the twisting is…..

Okay, my only point was, that this can be good for fans of both combat systems anyway, if it is implemented well. Why does he need to mildly attack me: ("What part of my reply didn't you read." + "See easy to understand"). I did not oppose his thought but suggested that it can be of benefit for players who like the other system better…
Maybe i thought more of the situation where the other combat system is implemented later, like in pathfinder or pillars2 and not of this current matter with corven, where the polls will decide. While i voted for TBC i will agree that developers should mainly focus on their original ideas, yes.). So he kinda twisted my additional thought of the matter into an opposing argument, which was needless. But maybe i misinterpreted it. English is not my native language..
Nov 7, 2006
Ah, I see.
He wasn't commenting on the actual game mechanic, but more on the fact that the developer allowed themselves to be swayed so easily. It didn't matter whether it was about action vs TB.

Misunderstanding on both sides.

/group hug :)
Aug 13, 2013
Moot point now as the initial combat mode Real-time is winning over Turn-based.
Oct 1, 2010
Looks like a fun pitch. :) And very happy to see that it is going to be real time. Stick to the plan folks and make combat exciting and fun.
Oct 19, 2006
Good news it was funded & real time won the poll.:celebrate:

Corven - Path of Redemption Funded - Kickstarter
We did it!!! Thank you all so much! The whole team is super excited and we are blown away by the support you showed us! We will create the best possible game for you in return! We will release a final version of the demo as soon as the rest of the portraits are done.
Oct 1, 2010
Good news it was funded & real time won the poll.:celebrate:

Corven - Path of Redemption Funded - Kickstarter

Another example of why you shouldn't let random internet people choose the direction of your game, even if they had 5 bucks to give you. Regardless of whether going real time is a good decision or not, it shows poor vision from the developers. I personally think this will make the game sell less and potentially harm their ability to make a new game afterwards, but that we'll never know.

Big grats to them either way, and wish them luck.
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