Rune II - Source Code Released to Publisher


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
GamesIndustry reports that the publisher for Rune II now has the source code for it and so will be able to patch and update it.

"Late last week, we received a hard drive containing the Rune II assets and source code," Ragnarok said on the Rune II forums. "We have brought on engineers to check the thoroughness of materials and ensure the hard drive has all Rune II files. Currently we have set up a build, test, and staging environment. Once we have confirmed that we are able to make a complete build of the current version of Rune II (.12L), we are going to begin working on a patch to address the top critical issues, bugs, and optimizations that we have seen reported over the last month and a half."

Even if the source code and assets are complete, this might not resolve all of the complaints around the game. Last month, Ragnarok filed a $100 million lawsuit against Human Head and three of its co-founders, accusing them of fraud, breach of contract, and unfair business practices, among other things. A Ragnarok representative told us the company's "top priority is to support Rune II and evaluate whether all of Ragnarok's property has been returned," adding that, "Nothing has been resolved on the legal front."

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Yeah, a top-class acquisition by Bethesda. I can't wait for Starfield 76, or whatever Roundhouse will be working on. :)

Even if Prey was decent, and given that we do not now the full story between Ragnarok and them, this mess still a slap (roundhouse punch? ;)) in the face of the fans.

@JDR13; I don't think anyone admitted to it yet. I had it on my watch-list, but in its current state it seems a bad idea to buy it. Let's see if Ragnarok will be able to recover it. It's also still an Epic Store exclusive. Maybe they get it fixed untill the Steam release. That would be convenient timing.
May 18, 2012
Hehehehe.. had a good laugh on this one. Also this clearly smells of a Bethesda Money Laundering Operation:

Human Head reached out the Bethesda, and impressively the entire staff were offered jobs, and a new studio has been formed out of the Human Head team. Roundhouse Studios will be working on some mystery projects.
Mar 21, 2013
I completely forgot about this game. Has anyone here played it?

Same here - I was even pretty much ready to buy but was in the midst of a bunch of Switch games so decided to wait a few weeks ... looks like a good call. :(. Too bad as I very much enjoyed the original and was looking forward to this.
Oct 18, 2006
That game's development must have been a complete clusterfuck. And it shows in the product.
Not even talking about the bugs, but the complete lack of design focus.

It is a Rune game, ffs, yet you meander through the world without focus, punching trees and rocks for crafting resources. Because of that fad to make everything survival-like.
Shoul've just stuck to the original's formula.
Dec 13, 2010
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