Scarlet Nexus - Review @ Gamefreaks365


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Gamefreaks365 checked out the action RPG Scarlet Nexus:

Scarlet Nexus Review

Scarlet Nexus is an excellent new IP that lays a strong foundation for future entries, while self-containing its well-developed narrative.

I really appreciate some of the new IP Bandai Namco has put out in recent years. Code Vein, Captain Tsubasa, and even Little Nightmares have all been relatively new ideas. Now that Scarlet Nexus has been released - a game I've been looking forward to since it was announced - I can officially add it to the list of unique releases from Bandai Namco.

A lot of it falls in line with the publisher's other offerings. It's an anime title with a lot of the typical anime tropes, but a strong narrative with an excellent supporting cast bolsters it throughout.
A dual-sided story

Scarlet Nexus is through and through an action RPG. Players take control of either a young man named Yuito or a young woman named Kasane. What makes Scarlet Nexus really unique is that it's ultimately two games in one. Each character has their own stories that converge at various points during the narrative. I'm only about halfway through Kasane's story, but I've finished Yuito's. Both protagonists have full story arcs too, with each one lasting about 20-30 hours with all of the cutscenes and story beats, depending on how much time you sink into the side quests.



Scarlet Nexus is another great new IP from Bandai Namco. As much as I love all of their anime-based titles, I would love to see even more of these new experiences, as the developers in their umbrella really seem to excel at them. We're just a few months away from Tales of Arise, so I'll be spending some more time with Yuito and Kasane in the meantime.

Score: 4.5/5
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
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