Sense - Interview


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Noisy Pixel interviewed studio founder Benjamin W. about Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story.

AL: What does the future of the Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story series look like? Would you like it to become a series?

BW: Sense is absolutely a series. Sense 1 will focus on just one part of the main story in a much larger world. Because I've been at this for a while, in the past I've already started drafting Sense 2 as an indirect sequel that will evolve the gameplay to what I had actually envisioned, but had no ability to create on my own. Things like full 3D characters and environments, fixed camera angles, and even more cyberpunk.

This is years away for anyone that just got really excited, and Sense 1 will obviously have to do well enough to start funding our studio so we can hire the necessary expansion of employees. This in no way means that Sense 1 is "not good enough" or "not what I wanted", but sometimes you have to pull back your dreams or expectations to reality and say "how can I make this the best version possible". We didn't want to get caught in a development trap and end never delivering the game, or constantly being held back by small imitations.

I think doing that with the first game forced me to focus on really important aspects like world-building, design, and a strong narrative. It will also be really cool for players to see an evolution of sorts when that day comes. They should also look forward to all the new waifus I am designing for the next game though, haha.

AL: You have a demo of Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story available on PC right now, are you also accepting feedback from those playing to possibly implement into the game?

BW: Yes! Feedback is hugely important to us, so if possible please hop into the steam community and be as harsh as possible! Feel free to join our publisher's Discord as well, we have a channel there. There's a link on their website.
Thanks Farflame!

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
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