Shadowrun Returns - Interview @ Gamingbolt

I can, partly, sympathize with your reaction, if not with the consequence you (hypothetically) draw. I have found myself somewhat frustrated at leaving an increasing number of games unfinished (Witcher 2 and Dragon Knight Saga would be two relatively recent examples) because for these I found it a) impossible due to time restrictions (or due to wanting to try out a new release) to finish them in a more or less continuous session and b) found it hard to get back into them after I had set them aside for a few weeks.
But not to the extent that I didn't appreciate the time I did spend with those games, or that it would make me want to give up gaming.

I din't mean to be suspicious, I just tried to understand why you asked "what would you prefer?" and then came up with a number of hypotheticals that would change both the originally described situation or "ourselves" (i.e. our conditions for gaming) fundamentally, in my view. Thanks for explaining.
Oct 18, 2006
I din't mean to be suspicious, I just tried to understand why you asked "what would you prefer?" and then came up with a number of hypotheticals that would change both the originally described situation or "ourselves" (i.e. our conditions for gaming) fundamentally, in my view. Thanks for explaining.

No worries, and even if you were "suspicious" - I can appreciate why ;)

It's true that I'm curious to understand people who claim they prefer short games - and I use the word "claim" - because I'm not entirely convinced they ACTUALLY prefer short games, they're just in a situation where that's the best compromise.

I'm talking about "dedicated/enthusiast" gamers - because I can easily understand why casual gamers would prefer short games.

Thank YOU for going into detail :)
I'm interested in human psychology - and I'm looking for a clear answer - because anything but a clear answer might serve to lessen my understanding, rather than enhance it.

Well, if it's for science! ....

I find it much easier to get immersed in longer games, books, movies, etc. Length can often reflect complexity and/or richness (though, not a universal rule, by far), and I enjoy complex plots. I also like the feeling of progression in a game: individual, customized progression. Thus, games that develop my character from point A to B for one play module, B to C for the next, etc., but lose all unique progress at the start of each new module (i.e. every player and playthrough of part 2 starts with the same X items, and Y powers, etc.), are not to my liking. So, psychologically speaking, I guess that I bemoan the loss of comfort (at the perceived permanence of my progress) and identity (at the homogenization of my character). Conclusion: playing Shadowrun Returns can only lead to severe periods of existential angst, and should be avoided at all costs! :p
Oct 3, 2007
Are there side missions in this game? I'm hoping he's talking about the time it takes just to finish the main questline.

Yes, there are optional side missions (you can see an example of one such mission in the early alpha gameplay video HBS released months ago), but I have no idea if Mitch included optional content in his 12 hr estimate. And with 6 archetypes and 5 playable races, this game will likely warrant a second playthrough.

Given their limited development time, I actually find think it's a good sign that the official campaign is relatively short because it suggests to me that they haven't padded it with lots of filler; and it would be easy to extend it by adding in more enemies. That's not to say I don't love long RPGs, because I do, but only when the story calls for it. I hate when authors turn what clearly could have been a short story into a novel.

And, as others have said; the best thing about this game is it includes an editor; even if the official campaign is mediocre, there will likely be some great user made content.
Apr 9, 2013
Also keep in mind that, while the game is only about 12 hours at the moment...the Berlin campain isn't launching with the game. So if you buy the game you'll also get the Berlin campain as soon as it is done. I assume it'll add a fair amount of gameplay to the game...

As a few people mentionned here, there's probably going to be a fair amount of campain made by users....and if the game sells well, we'll likely see more dlc campains from the dev.
Oct 18, 2006
Also keep in mind that, while the game is only about 12 hours at the moment…the Berlin campain isn't launching with the game. So if you buy the game you'll also get the Berlin campain as soon as it is done. I assume it'll add a fair amount of gameplay to the game.

I could be wrong, but I believe the Berlin campaign is only free for those who backed the game on Kickstarter.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I could be wrong, but I believe the Berlin campaign is only free for those who backed the game on Kickstarter.

That was my understanding as well. (Although I am sure a package sale won't be too far off once Berlin is out)
Oct 18, 2006
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