Shieldwall Chronicles: Swords of the North - Upcoming tactical RPG


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
The tactical RPG Shieldwall Chronicles: Swords of the North will be released on December 17:

Shieldwall Chronicles: Swords of the North

In Shieldwall Chronicles: Swords of the North, you lead a mercenary band into the perilous and cold northlands of Tarren. Your search for fortune will see you pitch blade and spell book against a host of enemies including the undead, demons, and lizardmen and many other creatures. In a battle that is part game-book and part tactical RPG, you will build a powerful band of warriors and wizards and tilt the balance of power in the northern kingdoms.

Key Features

Take part in deep, turn-based combat. Combat is realistic and incorporates details such as weapon range, damage effects, and counter attacks without slowing down gameplay. Players will also have to use cover and line of sight effectively to be successful.

Build a party from among 15 different classes. Choose a party of six heroes that range from scholarly wizards to hardened warriors. Using each character type to their fullest is vital to securing victory as most excel in only certain tasks. Wizards have massively destructive magic but will fall quickly to a simple spear thrust while great warriors can hold off a horde if properly supported.

A unique morale system adds an entirely new tactical layer to the combat. Warriors will fight far better if they believe the tide of battle is on their side and will begin to panic if they believe otherwise. Watching a friend fall or an enemy leader slain drastically affects morale. Arrows and spells, even when they miss, will affect the courage of both friends and foes in their area of effect. Finally, the bloodlust mechanic means certain warriors will find new sources of energy for each foe they slay.

Collect hundreds of powerful magic items to equip your party. Each character can equip up to nine items from swords, shields, cloaks, rings to helmets. Each item can range from a common item that grants only a small benefit to legendary items that can both boost stats and grant entirely new powers to its bearer. Fighters can equip magical rings that can allow them to conjure fireballs or summon undead guardians, for example. The magic item system allows you to customize your party even further and develop entirely new tactics and battle plans.

Enjoy over 50 hours of gameplay in the campaign. Your journey will see you lead your party across snow-covered wilderness, through dark caverns, ancient ruins and the bloody streets of great cities. Battles can be replayed at various difficulties and no level cap provides no end of enjoyment for the die-hard player.

Delve into a gritty, realistic world that blends dark age history and culture with fantasy races and monsters. The northern kingdoms of Tarren are places where men fight in shield walls with spear, axe and sword against elves, dwarfs, goblins and even dragons. Wizards and monsters are powerful but can still be defeated with sound tactics, armour and courage.
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Wishlisted! If the actual game lives up to the trailer, then it could be pretty darn good. Fancy graphics, free camera and (hopefully) "deep, turn-based combat".
Feb 11, 2014
Some members might be interested but I say meh not for me:movingon:
Oct 1, 2010
I knew I have seen these graphics, systems, models somewhere! It's from the makers of the Demon's Rise games, which were already very solid mechanics-wise, but sorely lacking in story.

If this game can deliver in the story-department it will be very worth it. Depending on the price point I will get this day one.
Feb 21, 2015
BW, Germany
Yeah, didn't see this one coming. Deep, tactical, turn-based, party of 6 heroes, just how I like it. :excited:
Dec 20, 2016
Turn-based and this one has BIIG monstarz!! :D Albeit it looks like no amount of large font modding will get this text density back into readable size.. :) Meh.. I'll rather have lots of addicted-fun time with Tactics Ogre: One Vision MOD instead. :D :D
Mar 21, 2013
I agree, just the kind of game I usually enjoy. Would enjoy it more if it was open world but if it has a good story I'm down with tactical combat that's turn based.

How will it compare to Battle Brothers?
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
This looks really great!! I doubt I'll be picking it up this month though, maybe early next year to let some adjustment patches and such land, by that time it should be well tidied and ready for me.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Looks great but I do need at least a minimal story. By minimal I’ll take Temple of Elemental Evil which is truly bare bones.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
From the trailer it looks about the same as demons rise, which was a decent game. Nowhere close to the tactical complexity of Battle Brothers though, more of a casual tactical game.
Apr 14, 2011
There was a time, not so long ago on PC, where I'd jump at any sRPG, as so few existed. Now there are so many I find I can be discriminating in what I play... so I'm interested in this but will await some reviews.

Could be good... but if not, there are still a lot of other games waiting for me. =)
Sep 3, 2016
A Misty Island
Looks quite nice for an early combat showcase beta.

With the release in the immediate future it looks like just another game for the "Club of Unifnished Releases of 2018"
Jun 2, 2012

Thanks for posting this link. I just stumbled on it and this website from a google search. I'm the developer so would be happy to answer any questions.

Not sure of the rules but would it be okay to give away a few steam keys?
Dec 15, 2018
Hi everyone,

This is the developer. Sorry, if this ends up duplicating a message ... I just posted but it seems to have been eaten by the forum.

Anyway, to answer your questions, the game is primarily focussed on combat and is built on the core mechancs of my earlier demon's rise games but has many new battle mechanics and a completely revamped and more realistic morale system.

The story is a fair bit more developed and is told in the form of a gamebook. There are multiple choices during the campaign that have an impact to later levels as the story unfolds.

Characters are pre-made initially and come in the form of 15 different classes. Each class has a male / female variant with small stat differences between the two. Characters can be equipped with lots of different magic items that both boost stats and grant entirely new abilities. They also gain new stats and abilities as they level up, as you'd expect. Therefore, you can buid very unique characters despite them starting out in pre-defined classes.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Dec 15, 2018
I originally wish listed the Demons Rise games from this developer but removed them when I realized they were mobile ports from 2015. I don't mind RPGs going from PC to mobile but I feel like mobile to PC would lack the play depth I prefer. Will still keep an eye on it. Perhaps this one is designed more for PC. Another tool I use to determine how good a CRPG is would be the number of reviews. Both Demons Rise games have positive reviews but less than 100 each indicating that, despite their cheap price, they do not sell well.
Jun 29, 2013
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