Skyrim - 14 Skyrim Mods You Must Have

So when we talk about game generations it all comes to visuals possible/available on consoles?
That's sad. Get's even more sad from a point of a person who doesn't care for consoles at all.
Apr 12, 2009
The actual title of the article is: 14 Skyrim mods that make it look like a next-gen game, so if you're looking for balance overhauls, this is definitely not it..
I only have so much space for the headline Drithius. I have to shorten it to fit.;)
Turning v-sync on fixes any problems with physics, AFAIK. There's a reason why it can't be turned on/off in the options, it's supposed to be on, isnt harder than that ;)
It's on haven't turned it off. This happens all the time in my game. It's a minor annoyance at best , and I can't be the only one this happens to.
Oct 1, 2010
Check to see if ipresentinterval is set to 0 in the .ini files.

It's the one that will mess up timing/physics in the game.

Lots of sites recommend disabling it - but if you do, you need to use a frame limiter or possibly control panel vsync.
Check to see if ipresentinterval is set to 0 in the .ini files.

It's the one that will mess up timing/physics in the game.
Thanks I'll give it a try later.:highfive:
Oct 1, 2010
Turning v-sync on fixes any problems with physics, AFAIK. There's a reason why it can't be turned on/off in the options, it's supposed to be on, isnt harder than that ;)

Vsync won't help if your monitor can do over 60hz.

It also introduces input lag and can cause stuttering which can be alleviated somewhat by using triple buffer vsync versus double but in the end it's easier to just disable it and run a FPS limiter IMO.
Vsync won't help if your monitor can do over 60hz.

It also introduces input lag and can cause stuttering which can be alleviated somewhat by using triple buffer vsync versus double but in the end it's easier to just disable it and run a FPS limiter IMO.

Ah right, i now remember it caused a bit of lag in the menus, though i never thought it was that bad (at least not enough for me to bother with a fps limter).
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Can you imagine a game that couldn't be improved in a similar way if it was as flexible when it comes to modding?

Well, modding is just easier patching anyway. If the devs don't fix it, players will.

Not taking anything away from the concept of modding - it's always a fanastic addition to a game and no other game does it better than the TES series so I respectfully tip my hat to them.

Edit: I get reminded of this (fictional but cool) creepy story about a Morrowind mod.
Last edited:
Oct 19, 2006
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