Steam - Winter Sale

You kidding me? Next to Skyrim, it's probably the best RPG released in the past few years.

I've logged hundreds of hours without even touching any of the DLC yet.

The problem is not that I don't believe its good, the problem is that I have plenty of other untouched games already, and then of course there is Skyrim as well. I figured I'd postpone that one until I bought a new computer however. FO3 however ran great on this machine, so I'd assume FO NV would too.
Oct 18, 2006
The problem is not that I don't believe its good, the problem is that I have plenty of other untouched games already, and then of course there is Skyrim as well. I figured I'd postpone that one until I bought a new computer however. FO3 however ran great on this machine, so I'd assume FO NV would too.

I see - my guess is that it probably won't be offered this cheap again until QuakeCon (next August), when they will offer a large publisher pack including New Vegas GOTY, some Skyrim DLC and whatever else is coming in 2012 from Bethesda/id/Arkane, etc., along with about 100 old DOOM and Wolfenstein games for around $50-60 total.
Jan 15, 2011
In general, at prices below 10 euros, it's IMO not really about whether a game is worth the money or not, but whether it's worth your time, Especially - like others have said - considering your game backlog.
Aug 31, 2011
I've never played any fable games before.

Is Fable 3 worth $12?

It's a AAA title with a wonderfully built fantasy world (graphically) and a couple of very fun quests, but underneath it all it is pretty shallow. For $12 bucks? Sure! It is still very much a console port, though, running capped at 30fps without tweaks, too. So it also depends on your tolerance for such things. I'd suggest playing with a gamepad.

You kidding me? Next to Skyrim, [Fallout New Vegas] probably the best RPG released in the past few years.

I've logged hundreds of hours without even touching any of the DLC yet.

And I've hardly touched it on Xbox 360 since I bought it. Sigh, I neglect so many games.
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Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
And I've hardly touched it on Xbox 360 since I bought it. Sigh, I neglect so many games.

I know what you mean, I'm a sucker for those Steam publisher package deals where you get dozens of games you will never play and a couple good ones.

However, neglecting Fallout New Vegas is inexcusable! :whip:
Jan 15, 2011
I know what you mean, I'm a sucker for those Steam publisher package deals where you get dozens of games you will never play and a couple good ones.

However, neglecting Fallout New Vegas is inexcusable! :whip:

Yes, but...

In general, at prices below 10 euros, it's IMO not really about whether a game is worth the money or not, but whether it's worth your time, Especially - like others have said - considering your game backlog.

...I'm pretty sure I won't be able to resist this one either!!!!
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
Dungeons of Dredmor $1.24 US
Dungeons of Dredmor Complete $1.87 US
Oct 18, 2006
Dungeons of Dredmor $1.24 US
Dungeons of Dredmor Complete $1.87 US

It's sitting in my cart, ready to pull the trigger, but trying to decide about a couple of other titles.

EDIT: Darn you, Steam and your evil sales deals!

I went ahead and pulled the trigger:

Dungeons of Dredmor 1.24 USD
Dungeons of Dredmor: Realm of the Diggle Gods 0.74 USD
Winter Sale 2011: Warner Bros Pack 74.99 USD
Just Cause 2 4.99 USD

Total 81.96 USD
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Jan 15, 2011
Picked up Fable 1 today and have been really impressed with it. Never played a Fable game and for $2.50 it wasn't much of a risk.
The graphics were better than I thought they would be when I cranked them all the way up at 1600x900, the style is cartoonish but there is lots of detail and good use of shadows and color.
So good deal on my first Steam buy of the Winter Sale.
Mar 28, 2010
Vancouver , Canada
I'm tempted by New Vegas too, but I'll hold out until the GOTY arrives! Just two more months…and Skyrims already running out of hours, I need new games damnit…
Sounds like a job for... BATMAN!!

Arkham City is awesome. Best fighting animations anywhere. Honestly, I think you could count it as an action RPG now that it has quests popping up and the ability to ugrade yourself.

But will it be on sale this early after release? (Well, after release on the PC at least...)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Wha? There are RPG fans who would come to this site, yet still haven't played Fallout NV? Unless you've been on safari, or really are that economically depressed— you really have no excuse.

How about a wife and kids and 70-hour work weeks?
Oct 18, 2006
Fable 3 follows the declining pattern and streamlines the already pretty light RPG elements to the point that I just couldn't get into it whatsoever.
Thanks that was good summary. I enjoyed the first well enough but second was less interesting and I feared the gradual decline thus my hesitation. I ended up passing on it.

Edit: Picked up Dungeons of Dredmor for $1.25. Almost feels like I'm not even supporting the developer at that price but every bit helps I suppose.
Apr 23, 2010
Sounds like a job for… BATMAN!!

Arkham City is awesome. Best fighting animations anywhere. Honestly, I think you could count it as an action RPG now that it has quests popping up and the ability to ugrade yourself.

But will it be on sale this early after release? (Well, after release on the PC at least…)

It's part of the WB pack.

I've never played any of the games in the pack but it seemed like a good deal - $75 for Bastion, LOTR War in the North, and all the Batman and F.E.A.R. games, plus some kind of animated Watchmen video-comic? Not sure what that's all about. (And of course there are some kind of "lego" games included as well.)

I probably won't touch any of those until toward the end of 2012 in any case as Skyrim will likely take up most of my free time for gaming this year.

I'm also pretty sure I'm never going to install Lego Harry Potter, but who knows, maybe some day I'll have children or grandchildren and install it for them, reflecting back on this day with pride in a job well done.
Jan 15, 2011
Well, I'm of the mind that bad games are bad - and are worth nothing. The thing about Sacred 2 is that it's really rather engaging and good at first - because you don't expect it to actually be as bad as it turns out to be ;)

So, for my part, I'd say it's not worth it.

Then again, you being a "casual and shrugging" sort of person, you might not ever register how bad it is. Lots of people seem to think it's a good hack/slash game ;)


But we're talking about peanuts here - so you're not exactly gambling with your life.

I disagree. The Sacred series is one of my favorites in the Action/Rpg genre. It is nothing more than a hack & slash yes, but a good one. Theres nothing I hate more than a post that says "this game sucks." First of all, that's only your opinion. Second of all, explain what it is you don't like about the game. I value other's opinions and will be interested in hearing them. If all you're going to post is "it sucks", why bother really?

And I am not talking only about you Dart. I see posts like that all the time and yours just prompted me to reply.
I disagree. The Sacred series is one of my favorites. It is nothing more than a hack & slash yes, but a good one. Theres nothing I hate more than a post that says "this game sucks." First of all, that's only your opinion. Second of all, explain what it is you don't like about the game. I value other's opinions and will be interested in hearing them. If all you're going to post is "it sucks", why bother really?

Thaurin wanted a simple answer, and I think he knows me well enough to trust that I don't pick my opinions at random.

As for satisfying your curiousity, what's the point?

You like Sacred 2 and I don't. Why would you want a detailed opinion of what's wrong? It will hardly help either of us :)

If you insist, I've already given my opinion of the game a couple of times on this forum. Should be easy enough to find if you search for it.

It's basically about the huge open world having nothing but hollow "randomy" quests, and the combo system being as awfully counterproductive as it was in the first game. You never manage to combine them into something that feels right, and you're always waiting for them to cool down. They don't flow well, because they trigger clunkily. Overall, this results in a game that looks good, but doesn't play well. The combat just doesn't feel tight enough, and that's the one thing you can't fuck up when you make a game that's 99% combat.

The gear is boring - just like it was in Sacred - and the game is in SORE need of an engaging main quest - and meaningful side quests. The voice acting of some of the enemies is ATROCIOUSLY bad.

Basically, it feels like an MMO without the good parts.

Very much like the first game.
I didn't mean to sound so self-righteous and i apologize for that Dart. It isn't about "satisfying my curiosity". Thaurin knows you well enough. Ok. I dont. And probably others that are reading the thread. And if I am reading a thread and someone says they don't like a game, I have to search for the reasons why? Seriously? I don't like Jrpg's. Can't stand them. Dont even read any thread about them. Would you want me to go into them and post " this game is bad." or "this game sucks." Especially if my opinion on the genre has been posted numerous times already? I don't need a "detailed opinion", but I don't think it's too much to ask for a "the game is bad. Voice acting and combat are atrocious" post is it?
I didn't mean to sound so self-righteous and i apologize for that Dart. It isn't about "satisfying my curiosity". Thaurin knows you well enough. Ok. I dont. And probably others that are reading the thread. And if I am reading a thread and someone says they don't like a game, I have to search for the reasons why? Seriously? I don't like Jrpg's. Can't stand them. Dont even read any thread about them. Would you want me to go into them and post " this game is bad." or "this game sucks." Especially if my opinion on the genre has been posted numerous times already? I don't need a "detailed opinion", but I don't think it's too much to ask for a "the game is bad. Voice acting and combat are atrocious" post is it?

I'm not offended, so no worries :)

Thaurin and I have a sort of "not-too-serious" thing going on between us around here, so my reply reflected that. Maybe my scandinavian humor is hard to pick up on, but we danes tend to enjoy sarcastic/detrimental humor a lot more than might be the norm.

It wasn't meant for others as something useful - and though I can be accused of many things - I don't think brevity regarding my opinions is among them.

Not usually ;)

But I hope I answered your question to your satisfaction?
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