
The Secret World - Ain't that MMO? Forgeddit and sell it to someone. Who is into MMOs here lately? I think crpgnut got hooked, sell him the acc.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen - A silly overrated grinder and one of games I regret spending my $ on. Would recommend it only to my worst enemy. But if you hate rabbits though…

Watch Dogs - Boooooooooooooooooooooooring. Learned a lesson, won't buy apparently a 100 times better WD2 till it's price drops at 5 bucks.

One of the Batman games - Asylum yes, go for it, City yes, go for it, such a shame you bought Knight. If by any means you can sell Knight to some sucker, with $ you get treat yourself with one of comics masterpieces:
If you see a list of best comics of all times and Grant Morrison's Arkham Asylum is not on it, the author of such list is nothing but an ignorant fool.

Suggestions from me, do one of these or both:
- Saints Row 4
- Sleeping Dogs (note: ignore carraces)
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Apr 12, 2009
I was going to create a similar thread, but I figured that would be redundant. I've been in somewhat of a gaming funk recently, and I'm looking for suggestions on what I should pluck from my backlog and play next. I'm currently in the mood for something a little more action-oriented.

Some of the games I'm considering…

The Secret World - I purchased it quite some time ago but never started it. With the recent announcement of the revamp, should I wait for that instead?

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen - I've had this one on my mind for a long time, and I could really go for some high-fantasy action combat right now. My only concern is if it has enough variety to hold my attention for a playthrough.

Watch Dogs - I don't understand all the negative reviews. I played it for a few hours back when it was released and found it pretty interesting. I'm generally not a big fan of GTA type games or Ubisoft titles, but I think WD might be unique enough to give a full go.

One of the Batman games - I own them all, but I've only played Arkham Asylum for a few hours. I liked it well enough, but I never found the time to go back to it.

Well, Dogma is all combat...everything else is forgettable( except Fournival romance). Even that is more mediocre-ish and can wear out it's welcome.

Batman...Origins is the best, despite what some dimwits may think. I'd go with that first...there is not much to it, very what you see is what you get type of game.
Put on your cape, gird your loins, and go for it, JDR.

Watch Dogs I also need to play, but seems standard Ubisoft...90% fluff, 10 % mediocre to good in a pretty package.

Don't listen to Toff and get dragged into playing MMO's.
Jun 5, 2015
Don't listen to Toff and get dragged into playing MMO's.

I don't think you need to worry about that :). I have very little interest in MMOs, and that's not going to change. I just want to try TSW for the story-based missions which most people seem to agree are exceptional for an MMO. I'd be playing solo.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Played TSW for a few hours. Wasn't impressed. Maybe I'll give the new version a try when it's released, but I find the combat awkward in this version, and the atmosphere isn't as good as I expected. I can see how MMO fans would like it, but it's not for me.

I'm going to try one of the other games I mentioned. Also thinking about a replay of Deus Ex: HR followed by Mankind Divided which I haven't played yet.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I just realised I never undated my trials!

Basically for a game involving movement, combat, or reflexes the gap to using a controller, any controller is too far for my 58 year old brain and reflexes. (Trying with a left handed TW3 configuration didn't help!)

However, for a more forgiving, less demanding interface, steam controller is a real chance. With that in mind my initial forays with Life Is Strange with the steam controller (with a right handed configuration) is promising.
Sep 2, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
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