SW:TOR - No Homosexuality

Since when does cracking a joke about homosexuals being gay make you a bigot?


There fixed it for you, just like you guys did with your substitution tests.
Jan 30, 2009
There fixed it for you, just like you guys did with your substitution tests.

Wasn't it PJ who used those tests? And "you guys"? So we all look alike now?

But seriously, I do take issue with that test, because I believe there are groups that in society that legitimately deserve discrimination. That test would let those groups get off easy if it was applied.
Mar 5, 2009
If I had a nickel for every time you talked out your ass....I'd be a wealthy man.

Spare me the rebuttals of ignorance, I doubt you have any clue about the research Ubereil was speaking about.
Oct 26, 2006
Spare me the rebuttals of ignorance, I doubt you have any clue about the research Ubereil was speaking about.

Speaking of ignorance... next time try doing some research of your own before running your mouth. The first 3 links to studies regarding that topic to turn up on a Yahoo search were: British, Canadian, and Irish.

I do thank you for the reply though, it makes it so much easier when you constantly stick your own foot in your mouth. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Isn't this a 'fun' little thread!! Let's cut out the personal innuendoes though, thanks!!
Aug 31, 2006
Speaking of ignorance... next time try doing some research of your own before running your mouth. The first 3 links to studies regarding that topic to turn up on a Yahoo search were: British, Canadian, and Irish.
I do thank you for the reply though, it makes it so much easier when you constantly stick your own foot in your mouth. :)

I simply put forth what I learned in my education. Is "yahoo" your level of insight in psychology?
Oct 26, 2006
Lol, apparently your education doesn't make up for lack of common sense.

If "common sense" mean lack of education, then sure, my education cured my "common sense".
Oct 26, 2006
We're skating on thin ice here gentlemen. Anymore personal comments and I close this thread and issue you an infraction notice. I've warned you twice; there won't be a third time!!
Aug 31, 2006
JDR, you're a stupid imperialist pigdog, solely based on your US mailing address. Accept it. Revel in it. Rub their upturned noses in it. That really pisses 'em off. I think it's kinda like the black community co-opting the word "nigger" ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
JDR, you're a stupid imperialist pigdog, solely based on your US mailing address. Accept it. Revel in it. Rub their upturned noses in it. That really pisses 'em off. I think it's kinda like the black community co-opting the word "nigger" ;)

Nice attempt to close thread. :p
Nov 23, 2008
Yeah, homosexuals are gay. Apart from the lesbians.

So, I'm a bigot now? :(


Lets see if I can get this reply in before the thread is closed.

The substitution example said a JOKE about homosexuals being gay, not that they are gay. And as far as I'm aware, most would find such jokes offensive just as they find jokes offensive about blacks or jews.

So if youre in agreement with the pre substituted statement, according to PJ's test, you are a bigot. Personally, i could care less. Its not my test.
Jan 30, 2009
Lets see if I can get this reply in before the thread is closed.

The substitution example said a JOKE about homosexuals being gay, not that they are gay. And as far as I'm aware, most would find such jokes offensive just as they find jokes offensive about blacks or jews.

So if youre in agreement with the pre substituted statement, according to PJ's test, you are a bigot. Personally, i could care less. Its not my test.

And it's pretty amusing how you're using the substitution test against someone who isn't even using it. Why not use it against PJ? I mean, it's a great way to dodge the fact that you're making a bigoted argument and aiming to oppress people's constitutional (and human) rights based on your prejudice and simply because you dislike a group of people or what they do, despite the fact what they are doing does not harm you, themselves, or anyone else.
Mar 5, 2009
Nice attempt to close thread. :p
Not exactly. It's intentionally over the top. Either people realize how silly the insults have gotten and lighten up, or we discover that folks are taking themselves far too seriously, in which case closing the thread is the best bet for all concerned.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
And it's pretty amusing how you're using the substitution test against someone who isn't even using it. Why not use it against PJ? I mean, it's a great way to dodge the fact that you're making a bigoted argument and aiming to oppress people's constitutional (and human) rights based on your prejudice and simply because you dislike a group of people or what they do, despite the fact what they are doing does not harm you, themselves, or anyone else.

He's been arguing PJ's points since we began our scuffle.

P.S. I'm not doing anything to oppress peoples constitutional rights, nor do I dislike a group of people. So please take your canned argument and aim it at someone who is actually arguing against your argument instead of trying to turn me into a strawman.

I am merely pointing out hipocrisy.
Jan 30, 2009
He's been arguing PJ's points since we began our scuffle.

P.S. I'm not doing anything to oppress peoples constitutional rights, nor do I dislike a group of people. So please take your canned argument and aim it at someone who is actually arguing against your argument instead of trying to turn me into a strawman.

I am merely pointing out hipocrisy.

Well, I don't know, I see things like:

Oxlar said:
I'm all for live and let live. But I also don't want this lifestyle being advertised and flaunted to my daughter. If she grows up to be gay, then thats fine. But I prefer man and wife, mother and father, family values to be the influence for my daughter's life. The fed should not get involved. Thats what our federalist system was meant to handle. The local governments are allowed to conform to the desires of its local population, and if you don't like your local policies then move some place that is more in line with your values. Unfortunately, the fed has completely overstepped its power and has taken this away from local governments.

Alright, so you think the local governments should have control, I'm assuming that means if you live in an area where they don't want gay marriage it should be banned (since it is the logical extension of your statement). Additionally, family values has nothing to do with this argument, so okay.

Oxlar said:
When our culture celebrates and advertises the gay lifestyle, it becomes an identity. And when many young people are lost without an idea of their identity, they can be susceptible to alternate lifestyles. You may think thats great! The more gay people, the merrier. I do not. That is my choice and that is the choice I will make in raising my daughter. If she has that genetic code, then there is nothing I can do about it. But don't tell me that our society does not have any impact on the number of gay people.

So you don't dislike gay people but you have a problem with there being more of them? Doesn't add up. Also, "more susceptible to alternate lifestyles"? Why would this matter if you supposedly have no negative feelings towards homosexuality?

OXLAR said:
This 'natural selection' that you talk about is the whole point to federalism. This is why it is a part of our founding father's established government. This allows those with differing opinions to live with a government that, at a local level, coalese in like minded communities and still be a part of the greater whole that is called the United States of America. If you don't like your local ordinances then you can move to a place with like minded individuals and create your own local ordinances. Be aware that I am not saying this in regards to homosexuality, I'm just countering your espoused notion of singular collectivism and why it is wrong.

So if you aren't "saying this in regards to homosexuality" why are you mentioning it? Do you think it is okay for local areas to ban same-sex marriage? Same-sex adoption? Outlaw homosexual sodomy (mind you, heterosexual sodomy was completely fine under the old Texas law)? Would you vote for these ordinances?

If you don't dislike homosexuals then why do you care if there are more or less of them? Why would it even matter to you? You want to raise your daughter without her "being able to understand it"? No one's asking you to describe what happens in their bedroom, and running around saying "I don't want gays to flaunt it" is a lame-ass canned argument wannabe conservatives use along with "Federalism" to justify this sort of bullshit. We're not talking about guys walking around in thongs dancing with each other in some sort of stereotypical San Francisco bacchanal (and I'd be pissed about the heterosexual or lesbian equivalents of such, by the way), but would seeing two relatively normal guys hold hands on the park really send you into a state of apoplexy or shatter your daughter's fragile brain?

You keep saying you don't want there to be more homosexuals, and you don't want your lifestyle "attacked" (and unless gay marriage means you're going to be kidnapped out of your home and turned gay, it won't). So, alright, lay out your perfect world in terms of this. What rights would gays have? Not have? Could they get married? Adopt? Serve in the military? Show the same level of PDA a hetrosexual could?
Mar 5, 2009
But seriously, I do take issue with that test, because I believe there are groups that in society that legitimately deserve discrimination. That test would let those groups get off easy if it was applied.

Such as...?
Oct 19, 2006
Lets see if I can get this reply in before the thread is closed.

The substitution example said a JOKE about homosexuals being gay, not that they are gay. And as far as I'm aware, most would find such jokes offensive just as they find jokes offensive about blacks or jews.

Uh, no, Oxlar. A joke about homosexuals being gay would not be offensive, nor funny, because homosexuals ARE gay -- the males, anyway. A joke about Jews not eating pork or blacks having dark skin wouldn't be offensive, nor funny, either.

However, a joke about homosexuals being child molesters, or about Jews being callous and greedy, or about blacks being stupid criminals *would* be offensive, because they perpetuate negative stereotypes about these groups.
Oct 19, 2006
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