Sword Coast Legends - New Gameplay Video

You're right.

For me personally it's not a big deal as combat challenge isn't that important to me. I can see though that this might be a problem for some.
May 6, 2013
Promising for sure - but there has to be some element of challenge. That looked like a total cakewalk. Hopefully there will be a hard mode or something if that is indicative of actual gameplay vs demo showcase.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
I don't really like the gui or item graphics; the background graphics are fine (this is a style thing). prefer the graphics for the gui in nwn and bg (i'm talking about stuff like health bar; tool bar; items they pick up; …).
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
I like what I see so far. It does seem a bit 'casual', but at least it has full inventory. It will probably be similar to Dragon Age: Origins, but a bit better for me, because it's D&D and uses that deep and complex rule system that I love so much.

One thing that concerned me a bit, the game basically seemed to play itself with regards to combat, without much use for pausing. I guess it's just more akin to NWN or DA:O than BG, which is fine. Just something I observed.
I did plenty of pausing in NWN2 but not nearly as frequently as the Infinity games. Try Throne of Bhaal realtime! I did notice however that DM'ing D&D 4e that things were heavily in favor of the player. The surges and powers made the players almost invincible. Much easier to kill players in Pathfinder :) No idea about D&D 5 though... is it a cakewalk like 4e?
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Looks ok but when I see hotbars full of cooldowns, spells with names like "Fireball II", ang mages spamming autoattack "magic" out of their staff, it makes me think of DA2 more than D&D. I guess I'm not that familiar with the latest D&D rules. Do players keep track of cooldowns on spells and have endless resources (mana) in D&D now? None of that existed back in my day (when we also walked uphill both ways thru snow to get anywhere).

I find the combat in DAI to be about as compelling as watching paint dry and this looks like an isometric version of that. When combat involves dumping every ability you have as cooldowns permit it's not all that tactical or interesting IMO - be it in modern idiot mode MMORPGs or in cRPGs.
Apr 22, 2013
Looks ok but when I see hotbars full of cooldowns, spells with names like "Fireball II", ang mages spamming autoattack "magic" out of their staff, it makes me think of DA2 more than D&D. I guess I'm not that familiar with the latest D&D rules. Do players keep track of cooldowns on spells and have endless resources (mana) in D&D now? None of that existed back in my day (when we also walked uphill both ways thru snow to get anywhere).

I find the combat in DAI to be about as compelling as watching paint dry and this looks like an isometric version of that. When combat involves dumping every ability you have as cooldowns permit it's not all that tactical or interesting IMO - be it in modern idiot mode MMORPGs or in cRPGs.
SCL so far has very little in common with 5e D&D. Only thing casters can spam in 5e are cantrips which are just glorified crossbows with less range.
Oct 3, 2014
I agree with comments about the game feeling a bit casual, it felt that way to me too. Two things I think kill games like this are auto heal and over abundance of loot.
Feb 24, 2010
A good D&D game?

WHA?!?!!?! Call me surprised. Looks very promising! It's all about the story and character development tho....
Sep 15, 2012
What gets me is how scripted, limited and linear the game looks to be: simple environments with only one path, a checklist of tasks to accomplish in a linear fashion, voice actors spouting lines at key points to remind you of tasks to do… this structure has more in common with Call of Duty than with what we consider an RPG to be.

In an RPG, the first thing the game should do is leave the player alone as much as possible and not bombard him with constant checklists and talking NPCs babying him every step of the way.

As I grow older, I tire of being told what to do. I care about games that will respect my desire to exercise my own agency and give me the freedom necessary to do so, not those who force me to jump through one scripted hoop after another.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
+1 Humanity has risen!
Looks like people got excited only because of D&D and Sword Coast. Seems very generic and uninnovative.
Mar 21, 2015
Cooldowns might only be there on easy and normal difficulties :p Pretty hard to judge a game on that short video and there is still another 6 months of development.

Did a bit of searching on their forums and they seem to be quite open to feedback so hopefully this will be on those things they make configurable.
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Oct 18, 2006
If you want to influence further development, you should post feedback in this thread. They said that teh'll listen to feedback. Of course this might be PR only and all decisions have already been made. But if there's a chance of being heard, it's in their forums I think.
May 6, 2013
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