Terraria - Development ends, Gaslamp offers services


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
This is a bit of an unexpected story. First, development has ended on Terraria:

The future of Terraria has been highly debated as of late, not just with the community, but for us as well. The last year has been a crazy ride! When I started on this game, I just had a few ideas of what I thought would make a fun game. I had no idea that it would receive so much attention. I want to thank all of you for supporting us and making this game's success possible.

After a lot of internal debate, we have decided that it is time to move on. My wife and I are due to have another boy soon, and I want to spend some time getting to know him. I also want to spend the time recharging and bettering myself as both a programmer and game designer. I have learned a lot from working on Terraria and plan on using what I've learned, building upon it, and moving forward with another, even better project. However, we are still planning at least one more bug fix for Terraria.

For those that haven't already heard, Finn "Tiy" Brice has moved on to form Chucklefish and is heavily at work on an exciting new game called “Starbound”. It's looking to be a lot of fun, so make sure to check it out if you haven't already!

Thanks again for all your support, and I am very much looking forward to providing you with something much better than Terraria in the future!
...but up pops Gaslamp Games (Dungeons of Dredmor), who offer to take over support:
@Demilogic @Terraria_Logic So! Any interest in having us take over Terraria support for you guys? We're perfectly serious.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Wow... between Notch and Kickstart the indie/unforgotten games scene has been quite a roller coaster lately.

I just hope to see a Wasteland 2 done right.

Back on topic. Terraria was a lot of fun and I hope this works out.
Nov 3, 2006
Terraria was/is a great game. I've never been big into the indie scene, but Terraria really took me by surprise. I purchased it for $2.50 during a Steam sale and ended up sinking 40+ hours into it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Yeah its too bad they are stopping development - but it looks like Starbound will carry a lot of Terraria's elements forward and add a whole lot more. I was checking out the Starbound website yesterday (it appears to be down now), and if they pull off what they have planned it could be amazing. Imagine Terraria with infinite planets to explore - each one having a unique feel, different physical properties, procedurally created lifeforms, etc. Sounds like the ultimate exploration game.

In any case, even if Terarria is never updated again its still an awesome game. The procedural / random aspect keeps it fresh.
Aug 19, 2011
This game started me off on impulsive Steam buys. Because this one was such a gem at $10 US, I have been blindly buying other titles as they go on sale. Most suck (I'm looking at you, Wolfenstein--thankfully I only paid $4.99), unlike Terraria.

I played this game religiously until the first patch. While I haven't been playing for a long time and didn't finish my Hellevator, I certainly got my money's worth. Plus, it has peaked an interest in learning game design & programming.
Jul 18, 2007
The game took me for surprise too. I bought the game for cheap and I have over 70 hours into it. No one can complain they didn't get their moneys worth out of it, that is for sure.
Sep 2, 2010
This game sold a ton of units, I wonder how much the developers took in?

Really the only thing I didn't like about the game was the goblin invasion. It goes on too long imo.
Last edited:
Jul 18, 2007
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