The ever-popular "Currently Listening" thread

… Ah, yes, I remember that series vaguely from th 80s … Was fun. :)
Wonder what happened to it ? … Edit : Just found out that there is a box set available for import from the U.K. ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Listening on Spotify to this new album by the always brilliant Justin Broadrick (of Godflesh, Jesu, and many other projects). This one is under the JK Flesh alias, and is a return to a more brutal Godflesh-like sound with a mix of metallic guitars, industrial noise, inhuman vocals, and dubsteppy beats / electronics. Awesome, dark stuff.

JK Flesh - Posthuman

Some youtube links (though it sounds much better on Spotify):

JK Flesh - Knuckledragger
JK Flesh - Idle Hands
JK Flesh - Punchdrunk
Aug 19, 2011
THE show was Saturday night. Roger Waters played The Wall live at the LA Coliseum. It was definitely the biggest spectacle of sound and light I've ever seen (much greater than the original Floyd performance I saw in 1980).

The show was prefaced by a massive traffic jam of cars on the freeway, leading to a panicked search for alternative routes through not so nice neighborhoods, and a well-behaved (but panic simmering) crowd of people squeezing through too few gates. Luckily, the show did not start as promptly as the warning printed on the ticket. The paranoids in the audience sighed with relief… ;)

I feared the sound would be horrible in the massive space, but it was nearly perfect in the amphitheater acoustics. A technological marvel. The guitarist(s) replicated Gilmour's art immaculately. All the other players were exceptional (not a single bad note was heard). Roger sang great. He must have taken voice lessons. The sound quality of the album was matched and improved upon with extended versions of almost all songs (and a few extra pieces here and there).

The show was at times very emotional, and EXTREMELY heavy (of course). In particular, I found the brooding facist overtones (while supposed to be a joke/metaphor, sort of) almost repulsive, but true to the art. It was very powerful. Especially in the large stadium setting. At times I felt I was in Berlin in some of those old war reels. At other times, the imagery was cleverly subtle and somewhat subliminal, yet of strong effect. Bravo!

Of course, we got some of the amusing over the top standard prop pieces: inflatable giant marionettes, a giant floating pig over the audience, and the overhead airplane crash into the stage. But these paled in comparison to the huge evocative imagery on the giant 300 foot long, and 3 story high wall. This included projections of closeups of the performers, plus lots of mesmerizing visual effects, movies, moving collages, and animation, some of which was disturbing, of course.

I was surprised that the content, while still heavy, was made more PC. For example, the line "are there any queers in the audience? Get them up against the wall" was missing. I think it was updated by a reference to a different group?

Well, anyway, the bottom line is that the show may be a once in a lifetime experience. I would have gotten better seats, if I had known it was going to be this good… Cheers!
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Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
THE show was Saturday night. Roger Waters played The Wall live at the LA Coliseum. It was definitely the biggest spectacle of sound and light I've ever seen (much greater than the original Floyd performance I saw in 1980).

Awesome to hear that in this age of 'fogey revivals' there was something actually worth seeing for musical value rather than nostalgia!
Oct 18, 2006
Awesome to hear that in this age of 'fogey revivals' there was something actually worth seeing for musical value rather than nostalgia!

And production value too. I was worried about Roger singing, after some of his more recent appearances, but he was spot on.

Funny story. His mic cut out for the first half of Thin Ice. He decided to stop about 3/4 through and restart the song from the beginning. He said to crowd, something like, "I need to sing Thin Ice right". Given the audio-visual staging, it was a major undertaking to rewind. Hats off to Roger.
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Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA

Get all of her albums, if you like that sound. ;)

Well, anyway, the bottom line is that the show may be a once in a lifetime experience. I would have gotten better seats, if I had known it was going to be this good… Cheers!

Sounds incredible. Good that you had such a fine time ! :)

(I wonder if they'll release it on DVD ?)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
They should. BTW, there are TONS of unofficial Youtubes of the concert.

Here's a nice one of "Mother".

Just google "Roger Waters The Wall Los Angeles", and click on "Past week" for tons more. Roger in an interview said he was irriated by people holding up their phones during the show, rather than enjoying the experience. I'll have to agree with him. It was easy to miss stuff looking through binoculars. For what it's worth, I noticed an unusual lack of phones, but there must have been enough! :p Cheers!
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Well, anyway, the bottom line is that the show may be a once in a lifetime experience. I would have gotten better seats, if I had known it was going to be this good… Cheers!
I went to The Wall performance in Portland Tuesday night, and totally agree with you about it being a "once in a lifetime" experience. I'm still processing what I saw and constantly thinking about it. It was such an amazing show and the Youtube footage or even a DVD would not do it justice. The way they did the huge wall projections... wow. It possibly is the most memorable concert of any kind I've been to. I was moved to tears at some points.

My wonderful girlfriend bought our tickets (as a birthday present to me) and got us seats on the floor near the center. It was the perfect spot to experience the visuals and projections. She spent a lot on it but it was worth every penny. Best birthday gift ever!

I feel incredibly lucky to have experienced this work of art directly from Roger Waters himself. I say if you like The Wall do not hesitate to attend this show if you can. It's the definitive experience of it, without a doubt.

The only improvement they could possibly make is have David Gilmour there playing guitar and singing his parts. But the guys doing his parts did them quite well I must say.
Aug 19, 2011
Glad you got to see it. And I certainly would have spent the bucks on the better seats, if I had made the purchase. Sounds great!

I know what you mean about STILL thinking about the show. It is one of those rare performances that deeply taps the emotional roots of one's psyche. And its not always obvious, leaving one thinking about it well after it being over. Re-listening to the album is bringing back memories of parts of the show I didn't completely process at the time. Fantastic!
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
while I do love Danzig's "mother", and was (and still am in a way) a very devout fan of Danzig thru about his first 5 albums or so, I have to admit the chicanery on display during that "live" video of Mother.

First of all, it's not a live song at all, it's the studio track with live footage, but trying to make it appear that's what Glenn sounds like live. Even going so far as to dub in audience noise and such. I remember when Demonsweatlive came out, the live album of his, and that was actually the video for the live version of that song ( as it's shown in the opening credits). My girlfriend at the time bought the cd, and was pissed off when the song didnt really sound like that. It's always grated on me a little, false advertising.

I've seen him several times, and he never sounds as good as he does in the studio
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Storm Corrosion is a collaboration between Steven Wilson@Porcupine Tree and Mikael Åkerfelt@Opeth. Very different from anything any of them have done before.

Here's Drag Ropes. Haunting and a somewhat disturbing video.

Hereby recommended.
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