The Science Thread

I wouldn't panic, guys. You'll have to work very hard to eliminate all the arsenic from your diet - it's naturally occurring and gets everywhere. In general, you're going to consume your small share of toxins, and the body is equipped to deal with it.

Edit: Of more concern, the communists have been poisoning our precious bodily fluids.
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Nov 8, 2014
And skip any rice too, Thrasher.
I make my own chocolate milk with cacao powder and rice milk. (i can not tolerate dairy).
Recently I learned rice contains arsenic. :(

Ha! You beat me by two minutes, azarhal. :)

I know about that because a few year ago there was news on a woman in my region who was diagnosed with arsenic poisoning and they found out she was only eating rice (like 3 times per day, everyday) from the USA which had a larger quantity of arsenic in it.

Although, rice are not all equals when it comes to arsenic, it really depends of the water sources and your body will eliminate it over time.
Oct 13, 2007
Sad to hear.
It is awful to suffer without being able to point the direct cause. I hope you'll be able to shed some light on it soon.
Good luck, Thrasher. All the best.

I find your avatar extremely scary and disturbing!

For some reason I don't see the words but I see some sort of creature. I get scared every time :)
Oct 8, 2009
Lol. Serves you right! That should teach you to contradict me in P&R. ;)

To be honest. Me too! I see a creature too! I wonder what we'd score in a Rorschach test? :)

I just had to google that and here are my results!

Sickness Quotient: 87%
Your "Sickness Quotient" of 87% is definitely something to worry about.

Detailed Diagnosis

Interpersonal Insights
You have trouble being friendly to others, especially people who hate your guts and want to hurt you. You have a positive attitude towards nearly everything, which is incredibly stupid and very annoying to those around you.

Job Performance & Attitude
Rather than do a one-time job that takes ten minutes, you'd work for 5 years to automate it. You work very slowly. In fact, if you went any slower you'd be in reverse.

Personality Insight
Your personal motto is "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better." You must not have been saying this for very long.
Oct 8, 2009
Yours is funny!
Sickness Quotient: 47%
Congratulations! At a 47% "Sickness Quotient", you're almost well-adjusted.

Detailed Diagnosis

Interpersonal Insights
You think everyone is out to get you, and you're absolutely right. It's because you're an awful person without any redeeming qualities. You have difficulty concentrating or keeping on task, probably because you're an idiot with a short attention-span.

Job Performance & Attitude
You have a deep love for your patients, which is unfortunate since you're a veterinarian. You hate your job but will never leave it. That's because no one else will hire people whose job skills consist of sleeping and surfing the web.

Personality Insight
Your personal motto is "Find something you love, and do it." Unfortunately, your test results indicate you really love sheep..

I find your avatar extremely scary and disturbing!

For some reason I don't see the words but I see some sort of creature. I get scared every time :)

I see the words, not a creature.

pibbur who just found one more good thing about being a doctor (hasbeen). He thinks he's up to 5 now.
I couldn't resist...


Test Results

Sickness Quotient: 73%
Your "Sickness Quotient" of 73% indicates therapy may be useful.

Detailed Diagnosis

  • Interpersonal Insights
    Your sense of self-entitlement means you're probably the kind of person that pulled the wings off of butterflies when you were little. You hate your mother and father, your neighbors, co-workers, friends, and just about everyone else who happens to think you're a worthless boob.
  • Job Performance & Attitude
    Your attitude towards work is that you could watch others do it all day long. Although your work can upon occasion be very good, remember that even monkeys can be trained to do what you do. And they don't call in sick.
  • Personality Insight
    Your personal motto is "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously", but no one knows what the hell that means.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
My new goal in life is to try to get 100% in that test…

Your "Sickness Quotient" of 86% is definitely something to worry about.

Detailed Diagnosis

Interpersonal Insights
You never give up and refuse to settle for less than the best. In other words, you're impossible to please and you never shutup. Your sense of self-entitlement means you're probably the kind of person that pulled the wings off of butterflies when you were little.

Job Performance & Attitude
You frequently mention terms like "core competencies" and "paradigm shifts" while at work. Stop acting like such a tool. Your attitude towards work is that you could watch others do it all day long.

Personality Insight
Your personal motto is "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger." Wrong. What doesn't kill you usually makes you hurt all over and go "Owie!"
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Oct 13, 2007
Pretty interesting article and analysis in the following:

Did gravitational wave detector find dark matter?

Long and short of it is as follows:

The colliding objects believed to be black holes that generated the LIGO-detected gravity waves were of a very unusual size. They are too large to fit predictions of the size of most stellar black holes, the ultra-dense structures that form when stars collapse. But they are also too small to fit predictions for the size of supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies.

The two LIGO-detected objects do, however, fit within the expected range of mass of "primordial" black holes.

Primordial black holes are believed to have formed not from stars but from the collapse of large expanses of gas during the birth of the universe. While their existence has not been established with certainty, primordial black holes have in the past been suggested as a possible solution to the dark matter mystery. Because there's so little evidence of them, though, the "dark matter is primordial black holes" hypothesis has not gained a large following among scientists.

…Predictions made by scientists in the past held that conditions at the birth of the universe would have produced lots of these primordial black holes distributed roughly evenly in the universe, clustering in halos around galaxies. All this would make them good candidates for dark matter.

Calculations by the Johns Hopkins scientists support the possibility that primordial black holes do exist and could be the basis for the LIGO-detected gravity waves. If such
primordial black holes are indeed clustered as halos around galaxies as per prior mathematical predictions that also suggested the existence of these primordial black holes, then the mystery of dark matter might be solved.

Gravitational waves are pretty amazing thing, but they are right there with quantum physic: assured headaches if you try to read too much about how they (are supposed to) works.

But then, reading about how the brain works also cause me headaches…maybe it's just me.
Oct 13, 2007
from the above

One of the most important books of the past two decades on the physics and philosophy of time, Huw Price's Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point, argues that concepts of cause and effect derive from our experience as agents in the world and may not be a fundamental feature of reality.

Time plays a variety of roles in physics, from defining causal sequences to giving a direction to the unfolding of the universe. How many of these roles are rooted in the contingent ways our brains perceive time? How might an alien being, who perceives time in a radically different way, formulate physics?

Hmm, if we can't count on our perceptions, we will go insane...
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
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