The Sinking City - Preview @Destructoid


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
The Sinking City was previewed by Destructoid.

Because the game is still in beta, there were several bugs and unfinished assets I encountered, all of which fell on the more hilarious side of the spectrum. One prominent character had her model used for multiple other characters, the city's hospital had patients with a nasty case of levitating all over the place, and, my personal favorite, two NPCs on the city streets were standing face to face as one repeatedly shot the other one in the stomach with a shotgun. Those will obviously - or hopefully - be fixed by the time the game launches, leaving the only other bit of worry I have about the title centered on one of the themes of the game: racism (something I can only imagine was also inspired by H.P. Lovecraft).


Upon starting it up, a disclaimer let me know The Sinking City isn't going to shy away from controversial subject matter. The game takes place in a time when racism was rampant in America, though writing that sentence right now makes me realize I should be more specific and say it takes place in the past. Initially, I thought the game would only tackle more fantastical racist themes with two hybrid species present in the narrative: the Planet-of-the-Ape-like Throgmorton's and fish-faced Insmouthers. However, as you can clearly see from the picture above, actual racism against black people plays a role too.

Thanks Farflame!

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
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